Anton's Request

[Ellie's P.O.V.]

"You little rascal, and to think that I helped you so much before." I deliberately rebuked him, but I didn't take what he said to heart.

I led the group of brothers and delegated tasks to them. Doing this made me feel like a gang leader.

Since I was still waiting for news from the school, I decided to focus my attention and time on Kirk and Abby's wedding. The set-up of the venue was almost completed and Abby's wedding dress had already arrived at the hotel.

With the wedding date approaching, I couldn't help but think about how Abby would no longer be living with us at the hotel after she married Kirk. There would be one less person here and I couldn't bear the thought of parting with her.

However, Abby's marriage was bound to happen. These were changes that could not be avoided.