The Fight

[Ellie's P.O.V.]

The journey from the hotel to the school had never felt so long. My eyes were fixed on the buildings that flashed past the car window. But no matter how fast they flashed by, I still that we weren't going fast enough.

"I'm already driving as fast as I can, Ellie. I'll be speeding if I go any faster." Rowling held the steering wheel and focused on driving as she replied to me without turning her head.

Since there was no point rushing her, I resolved to worry in my heart.

About ten minutes later, Rowling turned a corner and I finally saw the gates of Cecil Academy.

Without waiting for Rowling to park the car, I immediately unlocked the car door and jumped out. Rowling ran after me and shouted, "Wait for me, Ellie, slow down."

How could I listen to Rowling's advice now? I wanted to fly to the principal's office immediately.