The Negotiation

[Anton's P.O.V.]

Right now, I was by Ellie's bed, reflecting on myself, confessing my deeds, and begging for Ellie's forgiveness. No matter what she asked for, I was willing to agree to it. All I wanted was for her to be well.

I knew Ellie still didn't trust me, so I did my best to show her how sincere I was. I knew what she wanted, and I was willing to fulfill my promise and make up for what all I owed her.

Ellie stayed in the hospital for two days, so I had Olly bring all the documents to the ward so that I could still take care of Ellie.

Of course, we had to keep Ellie's stay at the hospital a secret from Myron, who was still young. Ellie wanted Myron to continue living without worry. I thought so too and planned to train him to be a qualified Alpha without following the path I took.