Three Important Messages

[Anton's P.O.V.]

I took a sip of my coffee. "It's nothing serious. I just wanted to ask you about someone... Tell me what you know about Aidi."

It was better for me to be direct with Bandi and the she-wolf. Since they had attended Aidi's funeral together and were immediately friendly with one another at the lounge, they must have kept in touch and should have figured out why I had called them here.

Bandi's body stiffened for a second and his expression turned grave. A layer of sadness and guilt appeared on his face when he said, "She's a very good person."

I was slightly startled. Although I had learned a little about Aidi's past yesterday, I still couldn't help but be shocked when I heard this evaluation from someone else. To be honest, I had always thought Omegas were lowly and useless. However, Aidi had broken my traditional beliefs, just like how Ellie did with my view of rogue werewolves.

"Start explaining."