A Trick

[Ellie's P.O.V.]

I felt a cold gaze on me as the witch said, "You're hiding something. Are you targeting me?"

I raised my eyebrows. The witch was smart, but she was also very stupid. I said, "How about you come closer and find out? Today happens to be the night of the full moon. I'm sure you know what that means as a magic wielder. Don't let the snow fool you. The moon will come out soon."

I stopped worrying about the possibility of her attacking. Since she had confessed that I was just her experiment, she must want to know if I would suffer the pain as scheduled tonight.

The witch looked through the tightly closed window. The moon was still hidden behind the clouds and only a few rays of light managed to shine through, illuminating the surroundings. It might take a while until the clouds fully revealed the moon.