Doing Many Evil Things

[Ellie's P.O.V.]

Soon, I could feel Anton's every emotion. It was quite a novel experience to be able to sense what the other was feeling.

"From now on, we are one." Anton helped me put on my clothes.

"Yes." I nodded. Anton and I most likely had a deeper entanglement than other mates so it would be best if he didn't get involved with other she-wolves in the future.

"Alright, Ellie. Goodnight." He reached out and pulled me into his embrace.

The bond between us was stronger than before so I wouldn't refuse to get close to Anton now. I was also exhausted from the torment earlier and now felt very sleepy.

Then, I remembered how Myron needed to sleep with Anton every night. "Aren't you going to Myron's room? If he finds out that you're here tomorrow morning, he'll probably knock on my bedroom door early like last time."