
[Ellie's P.O.V.]

I shouldn't have come. Just when I thought I was out of the pan, I found myself stepping into the fire.

Kans had no intentions of supporting his wife. "Since you know who she is, then you should know better than to provoke her," said he coldly.

Nora finally let go and turned around to leave in a fit of rage. Kans would probably return to another war once he reached home.

I had nothing else to say to Kans, so with a final look at him, I left the cafe. As soon as I pushed the door open, Anton walked in with Myron in his arms.

I started to chuckle because Myron had been doing his best to stick to his father like superglue these past few days. And poor Anton had to entertain his son's request, tirelessly bringing Myron everywhere with him.