Other Powers

[Ellie's P.O.V.]

Rowling's words entered our ears like an explosion of thunder. I froze and even my breathing had stopped for a moment. It kind of made sense for Ferocious Tiger Gang to take Myron away, but how could they take Daisy as well?! 

Ollie turned around to open the door for Rowling. Anton and Panse did not stop him. In this situation, we had the same enemy.

Rolling walked in with a letter in her hand with red eyes. "I just received this letter which claims that Myron and Daisy had been taken away."

Rowling's voice was broken up by chokes and sobs. It was obvious that she had just finished crying. The envelope in her hand had also been crumpled. We never opened or read the letter Rowling handed to us but we knew it roughly said the same thing as the one Olly had received.