
[Ellie's P.O.V]

Garcia didn't give Christian much room to breathe; he went straight to the point with his questions. He began to threaten Christian, and even though the former didn't mean much to him, the latter was enough to make anyone shiver.

No one wanted to become part human, part machine, especially something that Christian had seen with his own eyes.

We were also curious about the number of people at that base. If we had this data, we could estimate how to deal with them.

"You can't be the boss, and how could you possibly have a chip?" Christian confidently shook his head within just a few seconds, brimming with self-assuredness.

"Jean has it, or I can provide it," Garcia smiled slyly, "Today's Jean is already dead. Mr. Anton and Mrs. Ellie can transplant his chip into you. Besides, I'm not afraid of death; I can willingly offer myself."