A Pity

[Anton's P.O.V]

Moreover, with the Stone Lotus in her possession, as long as she maintained proper control, she wouldn't fully transform into a mutated werewolf. I gazed firmly at Odin, seated high above, without a hint of fear.

Kirk also turned to ask me, "Anton, does Ellie really mean this? So, she hasn't been truly controlled, right?"

I nodded intently, waiting for Odin's response.

"Anton, ten days from now, you better ensure that your mate will do something useful," Odin said sternly, his face serious and his tone carrying a hint of warning. "You know how precious time is now."

I sensed his compromise, so I automatically ignored his other words. The elven race only had one member falling into the hands of those people, while in my city, hundreds of werewolves were left behind here, including countless werewolves forever trapped here, unable even to bring their bones back.