A Sheep Waiting to Be Slaughtered

[Anton's P.O.V]

Little did I know, Karina shook her head with a hint of regret in her eyes, "This is the first time I've encountered such a situation. I only knew a bit more about this nation than you all did."

"Now that the former Lich King Ner'zhul has disappeared, after Arthas goes through all of this, he will succeed to the position of the Lich King. We either escape from his hands or deal with him, but now, the former seems unlikely."

Apart from killing Arthas here, there seemed to be no other way.

We confronted Arthas, but he continued to press on. My brain quickly raced, pondering for a moment, and I said, "Our speed definitely can't match Arthas'. If we throw bombs at him now, he might instantly teleport to another location. So, I have a plan that we can try."

"Everyone gather together, those on the outskirts holding bombs. When I give the command, throw them simultaneously. The people facing Arthas must throw them directly at him."