The Same

[Ellie's P.O.V]

"H-h-he... I only know that he ascended to his position by killing the previous gang leader. His rise to power was neither legitimate nor justifiable. After taking charge, he purged a large number of people, and now I am the only one who knows the truth about this," the cowboy said, trembling with fear, his speech stuttering.

Anton and I exchanged glances, pondering the veracity of his statement. If what he said about Jacob's gang was true, then the information disseminated was all masked.

"How can you prove what you're saying is true?"

Though we had our doubts about Brian's real identity, we hadn't found any evidence to support them. But hearing the cowboy's words piqued my curiosity. Such secrets couldn't be made up. If we could find clues in his explanation, we might have a way to prove Brian was Panse.