
[Panse's P.O.V]

Things spiraled out of control from that point onwards. After the boss's death, I learned that Brian had been grooming his own loyalists since he became disabled. That night, Jacob's headquarters were brightly lit, filled with an atmosphere of solemnity and an ever-thickening scent of blood that lingered. It made me feel nauseous for the first time.

Brian succeeded the boss position and became Jacob's public leader. He disposed of everyone loyal to the previous boss under false charges and recruited a new group of people. I couldn't even stop it in time.

"Leave these people behind. Sooner or later, the truth about the previous boss's death will be revealed. What will we do then?" Brian handed me a knife and looked at me with cold determination. "If you want revenge, you must stay resolute. Don't hesitate. I don't know what you were like before, but our ages aren't that different. Why do you always seem so indecisive?"