Neutral Zone

[Ellie's P.O.V]

Xavier, still naive, possessed innocence I was reluctant to tarnish, yet the reality remained undeniable. To date, there had been no word of anyone coming to the werewolf city specifically for Leah.

Xavier fell silent.

I wasn't in a rush, merely sighed deeply, conveying my thoughts, "Xavier, to be honest, there hasn't been any news about Leah these past few days. But no news can be good news. She must have brought a significant amount of money with her, enough to solve her sleeping arrangements in a car and to exchange for food. No merchant would resist the temptation of money, especially when Leah is fighting for her survival, she wouldn't dare offend any of them, right?"

"Alternatively, if you wish to keep informed, I can have the person who's been discreetly monitoring her send regular updates. This way, we can understand why she insists on following you and why she prefers to stay outside the city instead of leaving."