Farewell (Finale)

[Ellie's P.O.V]

I had slept well after all, waking up refreshed the next day. However, as soon as I descended the stairs, I received troubling news from Rowling.

"Ellie, Karina has left. She only left a letter, and it was I who called her for breakfast this morning, but no one responded to find her," Rowling hurriedly handed me a letter, which had clearly been opened before.

I unfolded the letter. There were only a few words inside, "Ellie, Rowling, first of all, congratulations to Ellie for becoming the first alpha of the new pack, and I hope Moonlight Manor's business will thrive. However, by the time you read this letter, I will have left. Forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye, but I have to take Anna back to the Wizard Mountain. This is with Hart's permission."