
After that day Leo by my side every second of the day, a few weeks after the rape I started to feel sick. I decided to buy a test, Leo calmed my nerves while waiting for the results. After a few minutes the results came back positive, I cried into Leo's arms. I wasn't ready to be a mom, Leo held me as I shook with sobs. After a while I started to accept my reality, Leo stayed with me every step of the way.

"How come your willing to help me raise this kid....even though its not your child?" I asked sadly.

"I can't just leave you and let you go through all this on your own. What kind of boyfriend of 3 years would I be if I just left?" He asked.

I looked at him and smiled, he really was the best. After a few months my tummy started getting bigger. Leo smiled and would always give me whatever weird craving I had. And he would buy me whatever I wanted, I don't wanna say I was a spoiled brat with a rich boyfriend. I was more of a lost girl dating a sweet rich boy who loved me to death. He never left my side and always did his best to make sure I was happy and safe.

He made it his job to make me feel loved, and like I belong. He's seen death and been through his fair share of pain himself. But he's never been one to let his pain get in the way of things, he went through a lot of head trauma because of his dad. He was in an abusive household before he moved in with me and my gang and helped us lost kids pay our rent. We were all just a bunch of lost hurt kids trying to find a new home, we found that home and a family in our gang.

We all helped each other, and we never hurt one another. We were all one big happy family, we all had each other and that was all that mattered. My whole gang stayed by my side and did their best to comfort me whenever I had a flash back or panic attack after the rape. It took a while but eventually I started to control it, it was hard but after a while I got used to it. I also learned how to hide my pain til I was somewhere safe to break down. One day I was walking outside of this school with Leo, we stood in a alleyway talking before he kissed me.

"I'm really sorry love but my parents aren't giving me a choice about running this company.....they're making me go to the meeting in a few hours. I have to go now." He said sadly.

"It's ok" I said.

With that he handed me his gun and asked if I could walk home on my own. I said yes and kissed him before he left. I walked out of the alley and in front of the school, as I was walking a girl walked into me.

"I am so so so sorry!" She said quickly as she picked up her bag and sketch book.

I smiled at her she looked like she was only in 5th grade, she gave me a quick smile.

"It's alright there kid." I said softly.

She looked at my tummy before she looked back up at me.

"What's your name kid?" I asked.

"Ally" She said.

I smiled as she ran off and hopped on the bus, I then started my journey home. That was the last time before I saw her, after a few months during my last few days of pregnancy something happened that changed my life forever. I was walking into the base when I saw Arlo block my way. I looked at him and raised my eyebrow.

"Something wrong little brother?" I asked.

He looked at me and grabbed a gun, I screamed as I watched him load the gun. He pointed the gun at my chest.

"Sorry sis, but your time on this world is over!" He said smiling.

With that he pulled the trigger as I screamed, I felt the sharp pain in my chest and I screamed hitting the floor. Arlo ran to me and hid his gun, he pretended to be concerned.

"SOMEONE HELP!!" He yelled.

"F-fuck you!" I spit out as I coughed up blood.

He looked at me smiling before pretending to cry as Leo ran to my side.

"Hey hey, hand in there! Hang in there!" He yelled as I coughed.

It hurt to breathe he rushed me to the ER, the last thing I remember was seeing the lights blur by in the hospital as they ran me to the OR room.

"Stay with us honey! Stay with us!!" The nurse yelled.

I blacked out, all I could see was black, I heard a heart monitor flat line and I looked around. I saw doctors and nurses running around my body, I covered my mouth. I saw Leo breaking down and screaming as my heart stopped. The doctors called it, I was dead. I saw Leo fall to his knees holding a box, as I looked closer I saw him open the box and pull out a ring as he cried harder.

He was going to propose to me, I teared up and felt a hand touch my shoulder. I turned around to see Satan, he looked at me. I hugged him and cried, this seem to catch him off guard. I backed up and wiped away my tears, he held out his hand and I took one last look at Leo before I grabbed his hand. Next thing I knew I was in another room, I could hear screaming down the hall. It sounded like someone was being yelled at by their parents. I looked up at Satan as he stood there as if he was waiting, I had no idea what was about to happen.