Great Strike Exia - chapter 8

Chapter <Ⅷ>

The old Vilencian heroes were men of courage, and when snow and nothingness covered the Northern lands, it's the Vilencain forefathers that first tread across frost and glacier to make their new homes, calling it Vilencia in honor of the first leader Vilencio Philediak of the expedition to the harsh north who unfortunately died for his clan to move on. And it was the same house of Philediak that now rules over North Kingdeniom. Legends speak of the mighty exploits of the Philediak bloodline, and many so of house Philediak's age-long ally, the Alesdales, no truer Viking were there aside from the Alesdale men, beating bears to submission and riding orcas to fish. Of how The house Philediak earned the loyalty of house Alesdale were told in many a version of tall tales, one such tale involved a massive boxing match that lasted 3 weeks in a snowstorm, and the other a magic golden trout, but none are sure which is true, for the truest part is The Alesdale loyalty to the leige The house of proud Philediak.

As of this time of Great Strike Exia, there were the three brothers of house Alesdale, whose names are renowned throughout the Realm.

The Eldest was Vlite Bonanza Alesdale, and he was a warrior of Truth and honor, well-versed in the ways of the Samurai. It was said that he had the strength of twenty men and the courtesy of a whole school of manners. he was many-starred, and had uncounted excellent exploits under his belt. He was the great birch tree of his people.

The second son was Andrew Anjou Alesdale, the Brave young Elite Ace of the Vilencian Army. He was a hero of justice and chivalry, with the passion of fire and the strength of a Liger. He was the fast-running stallion of his people.

The last and least of the three brothers was Legion Lubadub Alesdale, and he was a young loser, who everybody expected to grow into an old loser. Vengeful towards his older brothers' exploits and spiteful to those better than him, Legion spent his days in grievance and booze and trouble-making. He was the blind armadillo of his people.

As spiteful as this third brother may be, This Region was in fact in love with a nurse in the Vilencian military by the name of Emily working in the barracks infirmary, and he was not alone. This Emily was the most charming girl in the north, and Keiken had given her a certificate for that. But she did not love Region, but was very fond of Andrew the second son instead. So Region was jealous of his Stallion brother.

On this fateful day, Region approached Andrew and made rude remarks about Emily and her body, which he wanted to touch rudely. Andrew flew into a fit of justice anger, and gave his Obscene brother a heavy strike on the face, and they began to brawl.

And while the two brothers were brawling for love in the barracks,

Awesome Toshiumi Al Seraphim the Lord of the Exia Rune that blazes Golden, Lord of all that abides by the Fates, and also honorary Drill instructor of Vilencia was at this time reading a book on governing the nation in his office, when Phaldemon Philediak King rightful Ruler of the North, who should have been away on Meeting, came to the Awesome Lord's office.

" Your meetings be as efficient and swell as your Benevolent governing, King. "

Toshiumi expressed his surprise, but this Phaldemon without a word transformed into a Zombie that was a doll, then exploded in a ball of flame, utterly destroying the office building!!!!

"The Drill Instructor is dead !!!!!" cried everybody who saw. Then lo!!

Luka the pink-haired insane loli, the dread lackey of Akahanon Zabi who came to finish The Golden Lord as she was told in exchange for the location of Tenmei Akiro, appeared on a giant flying Mobile Walker, and began assailing the base and the noble VilencianMen !!

Andrew leapt into his mobile Walker, and fought with the insane dread lackey Luka, but he was thrown back into a building! The debris rained down, and struck Legion the inept !!

At this moment, A golden shape darted out of the smoke of the Ruins of the office, and sped toward Luka;

it was Toshiumi Al Seraphim !!!! He is never dead !! For his Fate is not so be ended by folly and petty dread lackey !!!!

And this Awesome Toshiumi, without even summoning a mobile Walker of great proportion but faced Luca and her flying mobile creeper on his own, wielding his resourceful blade of eternal flame the Kouzuki, the Red Moon, the grand Weapon Relic of the house of Seraphim, children of the Sun God Akatsuki and descendants of the brave Somalis Lima the Demon Slayer, the bane to all that comes against its blade, a cut forever burning and severs dimensions from time to time, such an indomitable blade, in the hands of the most Awesome existence thus Toshiumi Al Seraphim Brave of Zabanya, as a fiery hurricane this golden Lord flew, and even Luka and her machinations could not stand against the Brilliant War-Dance of the Golden King and Luca was trashed, her Mobile Walker, trashed, her zombie dolls, trashed, her dignity and pride, trashed! All Trashed by the undying flames of the Savior of Zanzibar, Lord Toshiumi the Lord of the Golden Exia Rune.

And so it was that Toshiumi trashed Luka so hard the pink-haired loli was not insane anymore for a couple of minutes and cried like a young little school girl would for committing mischief, which in this case is blowing up someone's office with a Zombie doll, but still, as the word Awesome's abbreviation so be Toshiumi Al Seraphim, the Golden Exian Lord spared Luca so that she could gasp his awesome name into Zabi's face, and shame that sharp nose of the fiend.

And after Luca fled, the heroes assessed the damage. Nobody was killed, but Legion's left arm had been crushed by fallen debris during the battle due to his ineptness.

"What should we do!" Andrew cried in shock and terror, seeing blood squirting out of Legion's torn limb.

"Give him CPR, of course!" Toshiumi answered immediately, as a health instructor would.

Andrew was awed by this man's valor, and decided that he would follow this King forever.

CPR was eventually done on this Legion and his life was saved, all thanks to the Awesome Toshi.


Meanwhile, in the middle Kingdeniom, Tron capital where the Parusefor Plateau stood, on top was The great Nero, The one and only, first and last of his name, The prime Paruseforon, First of the Starchilds, the unkillable headless flame-headed leige, the Lord of the Exian Rune that blazes Purple, and also the mightiest Master of the arts of the Power of nature and origins of all living that come from the Herunia blessed be The Strike Power, the Nirvariel, The Grand Assassinator, the breaker of Bangs and killer of Wind, paced quickly down the runway of the airport that he built in top of his Plateau Fortress to take over Tron from the notorious hands of one villainous Lasvet Hikaru.

"What is it, my Prime?" asked Fenrir of the Wolfstar, Nero Prime's strategist and Shaman king, most wise in strategy and dark arts, also scholar of the Stars and their powers from Herunia and Strike, who was loyal.

"There is a disturbance in the Strike and the Exia." The Prime spake gravely

"I leave for Hangingard, where the Ark'arios is near. The feeble Tron forces may advance in my absence. Make sure they regret their insolence."

And so he spoke, and so he spoke, this lord of Hangingard, leaving to secure the powers he as both a Lord of Exia that governs the human physics and possibilities, and the direct advocate of all powers within life and the lifeless the Strike, sensing the Arch Demon Ark'arios close to his people which he must cease the disturbances and slay the Demon Lord Slayer!



Back to Vilencia, where Legion the third son of Alesdale woke up missing an arm, and was furious, Angered by the Fates that treat him like a laughing stock and serve only his brothers, especially Andrew's favor.

At this rightful moment, when Legion be most wicked in rage and vengeance, Legion's bedside window creaked open, And Luka !! Who faked her obedience to be spared by the Golden Lord Toshiumi, returned to Vilencian and came to Legion's presence to entice him, bestowing him a metal arm designed by the finest engineers of the League, and he fell to the dark side of the force easily and willingly, as Luka presented another strong woeful power that could defeat any brother, designed by someone close to Akahanon Zabi and his malicious league of masterminds.

" Make your brother suffer." Luka enticed with simple words which Legion agreed without hesitation, giving Luka one more chance to defeat The Awesome Toshiumi and Vilencia altogether.


That night, young heroes of Vilencia, especially Andrew and Vlite Alesdale and many others stayed awake in brood.

Roy Mustangoo, The First aide of the Golden Company of Toshiumi Al Seraphim the Golden Exian Lord, saw them soldiers doing late-night brooding and approached them with many cans of bear.

" Legion was hurt because of me."

Andrew blamed himself, feeling sorry for his brother yet not knowing Legion has planned to make him suffer

" I hope I can be like Drill instructor Lord Toshiumi the Golden. How can one be such Awesome as he ?"

" Fine question well asked." First-ranked Golden clansman Roy Mustangoo chuckled in answer.

" The answer is, You Can't. No one can. For none are able to suffer the strife and sorrow he faced and triumphed !"

" What kind of Suffering ??" Vlite the first son asked as all the soldiers were curious also.

So thus began Roy Mustangoo's tale, The Tale of the Children of the Dawn, spoken in the Elden tongue be ' Narn I hin Akatsuki '.

" Long before anyone was awesome, Toshiumi wasn't born yet, and after he was born, he was awesome. Just not That Awesome, yet.

He is the first son of house Seraphim, along with many houses that reside in an illusive far away region built and protected by the ancestors of the Sun God Akatsuki and later known as Kaminosato, of where Sunstrider Somalis Lima resurrected and rose to slay demons, and put the Golden Exia Rune here to be protected by the United houses of the descendants of Akatsuki.

" This Kaminosato be where Toshiumi and many other children under the Sun God Akastuki's bloodlines dwell and grow up, and there was this other child, a girl so unrealistically blessed in the looks surpassing any imagination, this girl so striking in beauty and fare and gentle in heart, be the angelic Mio of house Kaburagi.

Young Toshiumi fell in love with the daughter of Kaburagi as did the whole world, and eventually, through sheer Awesomeness and heart, He won the heart of Sweet blissful Mio the fare.

" But woe! The Dastardly son and older brother of said Mio of house Kaburagi, this Villain we at all cost should never mention in presence of our Lord Toshiumi the golden, this embodiment of obscenity this Cursed son, Kaburagi Shisei, who sees Toshiumi as a fool and a hindrance to his ultimate goal that is to keep the Kaburagi bloodline clean of all other foul kin and only to himself that on that woeful night which young Toshiumi was just about to bring young Mio out to the night market, This Weisel son Kaburagi Shisei raped his own sister Mio with such vicious act and tainted our fare pure girl forever.

" Lo, this grave tragedy be the origin of all Lord Toshiumi and Lady Mio's strife, for what her brother has done has planted an unhealable trauma in our young ladyship Mio's heart, further agonizing an illness and curse her fare ladyship Mio so suffers, turning her mentally unstable and unable to control the immense power she possesses since young.

It is known that if her ladyship Mio's curse and Trauma reach a level that even Lord Toshiumi cannot console, the energy burst is strong enough to blow up three Kingdenioms.

" So thus began Lord Toshiumi's years of venturing the whole wide world, searching for a cure to ease his beloved suffering and mental trauma, and I as one of His Lordship's first aid, alongside a page boy Arashi who Toshiumi saved in a bay harbor, we three sworn brothers set off together, roaming all sorts of lands, facing all sorts of challenges. Once, we sneaked into the Stronghold of The Parusferor Prime Nero's Hanging Gardens to steal a rare herb and succeeded, fighting our way out against seas of Parusefor Ninjas and a Mobile Walker Holy Beast.

Another time we went up to the floating isle Terminas, and there Lord Toshiumi and King Varche Scrirroco the young King of Terminas brawled for three days and two nights, and became Sworn brothers after that!

" Yet, no matter what herb or medicines Lord Toshiumi brought back to his beloved maiden poor Mio, none worked and her ladyship's illness and curse grew but stronger.

Many have told Lord Toshiumi to give up, but our Lord and friend, Awesome Toshiumi Al Seraphim will never give up, never will he give up on love! And now, The greatest chance of saving her Ladyship Mio the fare has come !! In the form of The Seed! Once in ten thousand years, the gateway to all that is blessed, to cure all curses and pestilence, the holy gateway to Herunia the birthplace of the world which Allmother Yuidis so designed, in the form of The Seed will descend onto this earth, and yes, Lord Toshiumi will not let this chance go easily, so it's all our jobs to search for the Seed that has finally come to this reality plane, and help cure Lady Mio the fare from her dastardly curse !!!!"

Andrew and Vlite and all the good courageous men of Vilencia wept and cheered at Roy Mustangoo's long tale.

" But Lord Mustangoo! What of this dastardly wiesel-born Kaburagi Shisei ?! has he been served his right desserts ?!"

Andrew Alesdale asked, much rage in his heart as he spoke the tremendous villain's name through his mouth.

But sadly Roy Mustangoo shook his head gravely

" No one knows for sure what be of that animal. Only Lord Toshiumi knows, and we dare not ask. "

And the soldiers all nodded in brood, for they were not alone in the path of the brood.

Toshiumi Al Seraphim, Awesome by day, broods at night for his beloved Mio the fare who now resides on the secluded island out at sea, of island Aurora the tropic isles most known for being the best vacation and honeymoon resort, alone while he Toshiumi in Vilencia, planning for the grand picture.

His Awesomeness' U-phone suddenly rang in Awesome tune as Toshiumi awesomely picked it up.

" Yes? ....I see. So it can't be any sooner…... Alright. Save the Father first. That it be so. Thank you..."

And Toshiumi hung up the phone, and brooded, his one hand holding his all-slaying fiery Saber Kouzuki tightly, and with a flash that not even those that watched without blinking could discern the coming and resheathing of Toshiumi's blade that had just cut another Foe in his office.

A Roach, that crawled on the floor next to the Awesome Lord of gold's feet, crawling across the room until it left the office from under the door, only to break in half as soon as the Roach reached out to the corridors, to keep on crawling as if nothing has happened to said Roach.

Toshiumi saw the Roach go and sighed gravely to himself.


Back In Tron, in which notorious Lasvet Hikaru be busying dealing with the sudden Parusefor invasion, Varche was enjoying a classic meal with his loyal clansmen.

"Where is Milina?" asked Flaming.

"Nobody ain't gonna tell you nothin', Homie," Pablo replied in a Homie way.

"Milina is on vacation." Varche replied joyfully "It is time for her to meet an old friend, after all."

Milina had in fact gone to the island outside of sea, the secluded Aurora island, which was secretary the main base of the Golden Company. On this island resides Mio the fare, who was now Toshiumi's wife, and she was most moe. As moe the word at first meant thriving of such as grass or natural teeming with life, as time goes this word now mostly mean young girls that were striking in beauty, as the grass and trees teeming with love and life.

She was eighteen of age, and had a perfect body and beautiful figure. Her breasts were ample, her waist was thin, and her countenance fair and white as cream. There was not a single dimple upon that perfect skin; it glistened like a moist morning in a mountain dawn. Her hair was long, and black, it flowed down to her waist like a waterfall of ink, and glittered like the shine of stars. Her face was unsullied and pure, from the silky eyebrows and long lashes to the great, round grey eyes, which reminded heroes of the Spring of Herunia. Her mouth was rosy, her cheeks flushed with the color of peach blossoms, and lo! When she smiled a thousand castles of the Ancient Men fell down. Looking into such beauty was what heroes would die for. Even the most chaste Monk would weep at this complexion, and all would admire the refreshing nape of such neck that was below the cute chin, and the beginnings of her shoulders and arms. Her hands were delicate and slender, like beautiful yet fragile works of art, and her fingers white and thin. One touch from these hands was enough to calm even the most wanton beast, and its caress could smooth the Millenia Snake. She was robed in the most modest yet radiant Kimono, which enhanced the lines of her body rather than covering it; it was like the sea foam that gathers around the splendid waves, or the water mist that cloaked thou beautiful Sakura-tree. And looka! There she washes her feet by the water-stream, and her legs are white as ivory, and the feet at their ends like two pairs of jade flowers, quaint and enticing.

In mood, she exceeded even her appearance. She was patient and understanding, modest and courteous; she would not discriminate between Black men and white men or Bad men, but loved all that walked and crawled and breathed. She was dear to Animals, and she loved the plants, and they all loved her in return. She was fair and goodwilled, stubborn in the right way, and unerring from the path of the Moe. She was the Perfect Moe, and she loved Toshiumi only, and this love could only be equaled by Toshiumi's love toward her. He called her 'The Moon of his life, and she called him 'her Sun and Stars'. She was the blossom of her people, she was the soothing morning dew of the glorious dawn. She was the one and only queen, the once and future moe.

Mio was evidently the greatest moe of her age and indeed any age, of this Universe as well as the next. There would never be a divine existence that could surpass Mio, and there would never be for a billion ages. Even A sage of Ages would weep at this creation of the most endearing kind. Keiken King gave her a certificate as Queen of Love and Beauty of Kingdeniom.

Arashi the page of who Toshiumi saved long before saw all this, and he was awed.

He had been sent here to take care of Mio way back in chapter 3, I guess, but he bares unloyal intentions towards his Lord Toshiumi the golden, for he too loved Mio the fair deeply and thinks of her every night before making himself to sleep.

"Mio sama, here is a letter from Toshiumi Tono." This Arashi said, kneeling before her ladyship's presence.

"Thank you, Arashi-kun." Mio smiled, and it was like the gods entering Valhalla

"Why don't you stay for dinner? Mi—chan (Milina) will come also and join us for dinner."

"I …. My apologies, But I have other matters to discuss! Excuse my absence !" Arashi declined, and he ran away, very embarrassed and though he truly ached to have dinner with the fare Mio for ages, he had not the courage, for he fear, his inner beastly impulses will take over.

Mio read the letter as Arashi bounced. It was short and in haste, and made her miss Toshiumi-sama even more. A sad smile came to her face, oh woo woo woo. Kings would throw away Kingdoms for that face to stop being sad. And they should.


Toshiumi however sat in his Vilencia office, and he still was brooding

" A League, you say." Toshiumi spake to Mustangoo, his most loyal aide.

"Yes, Awesome." Mustangoo bowed

" I surmise, From the evidence we found, This Arkahanon Zabi is their leader."

"Hmmm…..." and the Awesome stood up to look at the scenery of Vilencia outside his window

"There is someone behind this League. Someone even this Zabi calls Director....."


There surely be someone above than Akahanon Zabi in this League The Golden Company so researched, but whoever the director of this League is, he definitely didn't expect to see this coming,

From a local Fisherman at the shores of the once war zone Liao coast, which is now quiet and peaceful after all the raging and battling two days before.

And Lo, this local fisherman fished up a boot.

" Boot." Spake this fisherman in mild surprise

" Might as well cook it. "

" Nay cook !!!"

Cried a voice not far and the Fisherman saw a wet figure as huge as a bear, staggering onto shore, half crawling toward the calm fisherman who watched this big man come to his presence

" ... that's my boot."

" Well, there you have it. " The fisherman kindly returned the shoe to the wet man who wore the broken boot with much difficulty.

" Drunk all night ?" The Fisherman asked this wet wounded big fellow who seemed to be at the lowest point of life.

" No. Shot."

Replied this big man, looking up at the skies once more, revealing his face that belonged to none other

"I, am Nison Char, Who was murdered like a dog but survived the kill !!! One day I shalt be redeemed."

This Nison dreamed out aloud

" I will regain the family name, I shall claim what is mine. I will no longer be Nison Char the Bastard, but Nison Char the Unkillable !!!!"

And So he drank the Fisherman's bottle of wine, this drunk surviving betrayed hero of Terminas!


As the Parusefor warriors returned from the meaningless Liao war, back to the Hanging Gardens which they call home, they were met by the great All-Father, their Prime Paruseforon Nero Prime, appearing out of thick black lightning clouds, walking out with a stone slab as a sword on hand.

" Prime !!" Sven the lancer Striker and all the Parusefor knights knelt as their Prime Nero walked passed them in a hurry

" Prime, I thought lord Fu asked you to stay in Tron and scare the Lasvet shitless." Sven the Lancer inquired as he followed the old huge cloaked Prime's hurried pace.

" The Strike and the Exia are in great disturbance. A day This Ark'arios escapes Death, closer great turmoil and destruction Be !!" Nero Prime boomed with the flame that was his head burst with blaze, his eyes glowed jarring red.

" I must see this Demon perish with, my, own, Eyes."

" Wait !!!!" a voice, weak but adamant, stopped the Prime from his haste.

" …..Mirai !!" Sven turned around and uttered in shock

" You should be lying down! The stab wound of that cursed blade is no laughing matter !"

But Mirai had to speak to her Prime

" Prime…the Ark'arios…..Tenmei Akiro is mine….!!!"

Mirai spake, trying hard to stand, trembling all over

" You are not ready." Nirvariel Nero Prime spake a low vibrating rejection

" Tend your wounds, child. There is no time to waste."

" But….But You Owe me…..PRIME !!!!" Mirai cried with all her agony and sorrow

" Have you forgotten…Prime? I should have died....but You Made Me Live….!!! You Made Me Suffer….all these years....And that is why I am still here, it is my purpose, My Destiny that you forged !!! You Owe Me The Right to KILL HIM !!!!"

At this, Nirvariel Nero Prime Paruseforon stopped his hurrying steps and came to the weeping Mirai touching her beautiful dark purplish hued hair

" I was wrong." Nero spake gently

" If what you say is true, then you have gained my trust. Go, Mirai, You have my full blessings."

And Mirai smiled, in tears, determined for her next kill.



" Luka has failed utterly….." Akahanon Zabi muttered, scratching his tall nose while slacking in his office

" Now even the Director won't answer my calls, what to do now ???"

Ahahanon Zabi sighed, and turned to a fellow sitting in the dark corner of his office, slouched before a highly advanced laptop despite wrinkled robes and dirty jeans this fellow with glasses and messy hair wore.

This nerd-looking dude has been there since the beginning, following behind everywhere Akahanon Zabi goes, but he was too obscure and prowling in shadow avoiding sunlight that no one else, not even the author noticed him, until now.

" Austria, my nerd, Luka has failed to murder the Awesome Toshi. Again. What schemes have you to save this whole debacle ?"

" I have sent the device to Luka to give it to Legion the third Lubadab brother." replied this nerdy-looking young man quickly in the most unenthusiastic whisper ever by man.

" When he is ready, the scheme will work."

" What Device ?" Akahanon Zabi asked, bewildered by this device thingy that has never come to his mind.

" A Replicant Exia." replied this secretive weary sunlight-avoiding nerd fellow.

" A device that can give the bearer, Powers the one bearer yearns most. It is especially effective, on those who seek vengeance and spite."

And Lo this young messy looking fellow closed his highly advanced laptop, holding his mouse that transformed, sprouting out black feathers into a black feathered fan as he adjusted his oversized robes up to his skinny shoulders, and turned to Akahanon Zabi with eyes behind those spectacles, cold and without sentiment

" I, Darkstalker Austria Van Hillingdale, have enlightened Legion's Fate, so Toshiumi will either suffer, or perish."

Spake this fellow military genius of Dark.



That night, is festival night.

Villagers and freedom fighters all drank and feasted in warm welcome as they treated the newcomers with all the food and drink they could muster.

Callion promised a wild bore which he slew at the chime of supper time and roasted the wild swine for all to savor.

Nina enjoyed such a great time of foodings, savoring everything the village grannies feed her.

" Brother! This older sister can eat a ton !" a small young girl at the age of five or six called to her brother who came to take her young sister away in embarrassment.

" Hush, Miki! You don't shame our guests like that !" the brother, a young hero man scalded his young sister.

" It's okay !! Come join us !!!" Nina was not at all offended by the little girl's innocent speech

" Sister I Can eat a ton, only if it's a competition."

" No, you can't." Griffon came to talk sense out of the drunk Nina Zefield

" That's not even humanly possible."

" You !" the older brother of the young girl looked at Griffon and Nina in surprise

" Is it you who wields the double halberds like a Parusefor knight ?"

this young man asked excitedly.

" Well, I am a certified Master Striker after all." Griffon grinned, lying even after eight whole episodes.

The young man nodded in admiration

" The name's Reeve. Reeve Lowangleen. and this is my young sister Miki. Your skills are remarkable, how about we duel after supper ?"

And Griffon slowly realized this Reeve Lowangleen was the ragged warrior that fought him and Nina both at the same time with one long-ass curved saber and lured them into the trap!

And as a Parusefor, Griffon secretly knows this Reeve dude is stronger than him in strength and combat.

" Umm….yeah, I still got some wounds…." Griffon tried to excuse his way out of the duel but Nina was pretty drunk, hollering

" Duel! Duel! Duel! " as Nina Zefield knocked the wooden floor with her glaive energetically

" I'll duel you two then !"

" Hee hee, why not duel with us ?" asked Marino and Lucio the two perverted brothers

" We can put up a good fight !"

And later, the two brothers were given a good beating by Nina the brave while in drunken enthusiasm.

The atmosphere was of joy and ceremonious it was, well, except for the Newcomers who were all brooding in melancholy thoughts.

Tenmei Akiro was brooding about the strange armored woman asking for him to join her,

While Haru could not relax, knowing her father has sided with the Paruseforon Prime Lord Nirvariel Nero and is in grave danger of being killed by the Tron military, and more so her mother is still missing.

Haru would have burst into tears but there were too many people around stuffing drinks and food to her that she couldn't say no. But as the stress and sadness went on pushing her to her limits, Haru couldn't take it anymore for the Seed, the mysterious powerful gateway to the Blessed Herunia was about to burst!

Quickly, someone took Haru's hand and led her to the back of the cottages, where there was no one in sight, not even lady-stalker Marino.

" It's alright." Lo! It was Tenmei Akiro, who knew with just a look that Haru was ready to burst into a Seed explosion

" You can let it go right here. Me and the Ark'arios can deal with it."

"....No. It's okay now." Haru took a couple of deep breaths and drank the cup of water Tenmei had prepared in his hands

" Thank you....Tenmei.....I mean Jyumei."

Both Tenmei and Haru chuckled.

" You are welcome." Tenmei Akiro smiled, and ate a kebab he also brought with him.

" You still owe me a hug, young mortal." The Ark'arios grunted from inside Tenmei Akiro's dark scarred chest.

" Dude, You are ruining the moment." Tenmei Akiro hollered at his inner Archdemon, but Haru wasn't offended but chuckled.

" Well….if Tenmei doesn't mind..."

And Haru quickly wrapped her short hands around Tenmei Akiro's waist, lasting the hug longer than the first time in like three seconds, and quickly let go, blushing all over.

" Ahh...Sora...…" the Arch demon sighed in reminiscent

" I could feel your warmth, with just a touch. Thank you, mortal. I think I will agree to this dude's offer to assist in saving your father, as a sign of gratitude."

" What ?" Haru was amazed and looked up at Tenmei Akiro, who turned away abashedly.

" Yeah...about that…" Tenmei Akiro scratched the back of his head awkwardly

" Thanks, Ark'arios, thanks for telling everyone about our plans. You are a great teammate, except that you suck."

" Does it matter who said it first ?" Ark'arios crooned.

" Whatever, yeah. The thing is, Miula, I have decided." Tenmei turned to Haru and spoke seriously

" I will stay, and help get your father out of there. And see if we can find your mother on the way. That is....the right choice, I guess."

Haru knew she should say thank you, but she couldn't help but look down at the grassy field underneath her feet, hiding also her tears of relief from the man before him.

But then Haru heard an unnatural whooshing sound of what seemed like a high-tech engine soaring down behind her some distances away, as Tenmei Akiro quickly came to Haru's side, shielding her back from who that has returned.

The bright blue armored being, landed to a kneel after descending from high above.

" I heard….what…said….." the armored woman opened her cutting edge armored helm and came close to Tenmei, her voice sounding menacing and colder than before

" If…you..don't come…..with me....You force me to.....!!!"

And the woman then raised both her cannon arms and aimed at Haru, as the energy glowed and the laser beams ready to let go.

Tenmei Akiro donned his Ark'arios armor and was about to lunge when Lo !!

A voice cried that stopped both powerful beings from clashing in the innocent village.

" WAIT HO !!!!! WAIT HO !!!!!"

It was Rang, coming with a cup of beer in one hand and a roast bore kebab in the other

" Valiant madam !! Hear me out! I have a proposal that might interest you !"

The armored cannons lowered slowly as the mysterious woman listened to what Rang has to say.

" I understand this Ten….Jyumei Akibo! Jyumei Akibo is precious to you. But look, Jyumei here has grown to become a Hero man that deserves a hero's wage! And Jyumei has promised this girl right here to save her father, and mother as well !!

Why not join us, and see close up instead of far away, of what Jyumei Akibo can achieve with friends and his own determination ??"

The armored lady's eyes widened ever so slightly, her orange energy-filled pupils, gazing at Tenmei Akiro,

this Man,

once a small homunculus mast cell in a test tube,

grown to a boy, slow of reaction, but grew up successfully,

lost for ten years,

and finally, they meet, in person,

not behind a screen anymore.

" …..Let me… help..." this woman agreed, small dews of water at the edge of her bright eyes

" …..Varis...code name: Number 1…..Number 3…He Is My Brother."

And all witness this mysterious armored lady pointing at none other than Tenmei Akiro, giving him the rank of brother.

" ....I thought his name was Jyumei !" Callion Bravo protested in disapproval.

[ be continued]