Great Strike Exia - chapter 10

Chapter <Ⅹ>

News of the lost battle of Tron Plateau War, as the press so describe of the Parusefor invasion, abbreviated as the TPW if anyone's wondering, spread far and wide even to other continents such as Great Brittania and Zohan and Vandai, other nations on the far west of Kingdeniom's ears, and many of them strong international forces express their concerns through their press formally, but none really cared.

Except for the ones whose families were lost and hurt on the battlefield themselves, and one of them persons be long without screen time Nanali Hikaru, daughter to the notorious Lasvet Prime minister and older sister of the Asuka Hikaru, lieutenant of the Tron vasals, now lost and ready to be confirmed dead.

" My condolences, my lady, but they saw Lieutenant Asuka fly up high, crashing the enemy far up into space, and come back exploding in a ball of flame. there's no way he's gonna make it." The army officer bowed and left the scene, leaving Nanali devastated at the camp full of the dead and wounded where their families mourn next to the motionless bodies.

Leon and Yukari's family were also there, crying their hearts out as the granny of Leon and Yukari wept until she fainted and was sent to the hospital. Nanli helped them and was there at the hospital, for she too wants to leave that camp where Asuka's body was no longer present. All this meaningless extravagant wasting of lives of the young, all because her father has ruled the world under his ruthless fist, causing uprising throughout the continent. If things carry on like this, not just the families, but more and more innocent lives are at stake.

Nanali stood up from the hospital waiting room and went straight to her father's office, such speed.

" Father, this has to stop." Nanali claimed seriously

" See where your tyranny has brought this country ?! See where is Asuka now, father ?! You have killed him ! WIth your lust and greed for power !"

" If I stop now, their lives will be wasted in vain." Lasvet Hikaru calmly replied his daughter's accusations, facing the wide window behind his wide desk, sipping a glass of white wine

" Knowing what I will accomplish, what my new vision of this New Kingdeniom will be, it will put their souls to rest. For what I see in the future of my works, is beyond beautiful, peaceful. I hoped Asuka could see it and be by my side to marvel the New Great world under my misunderstood endeavors, but I hope you will put those Misunderstanding aside, Nanali, and see what your mother wishes you to see."

" Mother never wanted you to make a world like this hell !!" Nanali shouted angrily at the mention of her mother, Lasvet's wife

" You never knew what mother wanted. You only put your arbitrary thoughts on others and you think you understand everyone !...Mother would not be happy to see what you have done."

Lasvet then growled in reply

" Your mother is gone because the old government is weak !!!" Lasvet slammed his desk as he approached his daughter with rage

" My New government will save far more in the future, after those opposing me either submit or die. We just have to move past this phase, and see each sacrifice as a reminder of all the more lives we can save in the Future !!!!"

" People are dying before you can save them !!" Nanali shouted back, in tears

" There will be no more lives to save in your so-called peace !... because they are already dead."

And Nanali turned away and left, leaving her father's ideals behind to pursuit what she believes is right.

Lasvet smirked, for he believed his daughter is too soft to be a world changer, and will be left behind by the waves of time

" Only men like me can really save lives….."

Lasvet chuckled and gulped his white wine.

Yet not even Nanali nor Lasvet Hikaru, nor anyone that were there in the Tron Plateau War would believe that Asuka Hikaru, Son of the Prime Minister and Lieutenant of the last army of Tron,

Survived that crash from space.

His eyes were heavy, and met with rough, coarse, substance that got everywhere around his broken cockpit, as he tried to open his heavy eyelids, to see from a spec of vision a dark blue sky, turning darker as the far away sun at the east slowly sets to the horizons, and nothing but a vast sea of grey sand spread out to the beyond, an everlasting waves Dunes with the wind that blew over sending off the sands across above.

Asuka thought he was living in a movie instead of Life itself.

" Asuka !!"

He turned around to the familiar voice of Yukari, his friend, and also sister of his bro, Bro Leon the bold and brave, saving his life so Askua could live.

" Asuka !! Hurry !!!! Your Mobile Walker is sinking !!"

And it was as Yukari cried that Asuka soon did realize the vast sands coming closer to his cockpit, and before the sands devoured the Saten his trusty Mobile, Asuka leaped out and rolled on the soft hot sand to safety.

" I never knew Kingdeniom has a dessert. "

Asuka wondered, as he and Yukari camped under a large piece of scrap metal likely from an ancient Airship with Runes Asuka and Yukari had never seen before, sticking out of the sand.

" That's because we are no longer in Kingdeniom. " Yukari replied, eating the chocolate bar she brought with her in time of war, sharing one with Asuka as well

" But we can't get any signal here."

" Then We'll move at dusk. " Asuka decided for it's the time that is brighter that sheer night and not yet too hot too stride

" See if we can find an outpost or something. "

Yukari nodded in silence.

" Yukari. Thank you for coming here, for me. "

Asuka thanked his friend and crush after a long rest in silence

" And I am sorry… for what happened.."

" It's not your fault. " Yukari said softly, looking down at the sand beneath her feet

" I should thank you too, for being his bro….You know, he had a hard time in the military, with his colleagues….before you came...…"

Yukari can no longer contain herself and let her tears go freely as she sobbed silently, the cold desert breeze swept over them and Asuka came to caress Yukari, keeping her company, and comfort.


Varche King of the floating isle Terminas and Lord beare of the Red Exian Rune was denying permission to some Terminas nobles to raise their taxes through putting his stamp on papers when his secretary came into his room.

" The preparations are ready." Milina reported to his Lord and love

" We will be setting off towards Xin-an tomorrow."

" Swell." Varche Scrirocco smiled

" So, you returned. How is my bro, and his wife Mio ?" Varche asked of the welfare of his sworn brother Toshiumi Al Seraphim, the Awesome, and Golden Lord of the Exia rune that blazes gold, and the situations of this Awesome Toshi's deeply sick wife.

" She...seems fine." Milina replied shortly, but her expression can't hide the worries and concern from Varche's keen eyes.

" Worry not, Milina my dear." Varche smiled as he joined Milina who sat on the bedside in brood

" For we now know the Seed is in the hands of the Lord Slayer Ark'arios. We can hit two birds with one stone. So let's sleep, and tomorrow, we set off at dawn."

Milina nodded

" But how about your meeting with the Old King Keiken ? And the wicked Prime Minister who wants you to fight the Parusefors in his stead ?"

Milina asked, showing Varche King her board of schedules full of kingly duties as they lay in bed, side by side.

" That can all wait, for as soon as the Lord Slayer perishes, we'll have all the time in the world."

And Varche king remembered something, something he thinks Milina would like to know, of the murderer of her brother Nison Char, about Asuka Hikaru's whereabouts, but decided not to ruin this night, and Varche rose up hoisting his body up above Milina's, taking her board of secretary schedules away and started unbuckling her formal Terminas suit and undergarment while Milina undid his kingly robes and garments. And with long awaited passion and affection never cease like eternal flame, they kept each other warm in countless embraces and kisses, in the calm night before the storm.


Early next morning, Rang and Tenmei and Griffon, alongside ealdorman Callion Bravo of peach blossom village with his trustworthy men Reeve Lowangleen the saber man, Lucio and Marino the pervert brothers and many more, all returned to the stuck Axalara to get the airship out and back up to rescue Haru's dad the professor Miula Kenshi.

Varis the mysterious robot like girl was also there to lend them her strength, and soon the folks started to work, cutting down trees and fixing the engines.

While Tenmei was hauling down a thick tree with his hardy axe, a strange person came to his behind.

" Yoh." spake this strange person with a cloth and a turban covering his face

" Dude, I know you, and I have some secrets to tell only to your ears."

this mysterious fellow whispered to Tenmei Akiro.

" Sure, man. But you'll have to wait until I cut down this big ass tree first." Tenmei agreed but the turban dude was persistent.

" Now !!" The fellow bellowed impateintly.

" Alright, fine." Tenmei Akiro put down his axe

" What is it ?"

" Come with me, and I'll show you." this shaddy man ushered Tenmei to follow him deep into the woods, which Tenmei started to feel sus.

" Man, just say it quietly, it's not like your secrets are not gonna blow the other's minds, right ?" Tenmei whispered to this strange man, who then stopped and began to cackle and laugh like a vagabond.

" Won't blow their minds, you say !!" this clothed man uttered a loud laughter of sinister intentions

" Let Us Find Out !!!!"

And this man torn off the turban and clothes that conceal his whole appearance, revealed now under the sun, to be !!!!!

Nison Char !!!! the Noble slayer, The Will Brake, the Betrayed, the Hardened, The Demon Fighter, The Orange Hands, now also The Undead !!! conjured orange swords form his hands ready to slay Tenmei Akiro with two slashes !

" No."

And before Tenmei Akiro could summon a punch with his Ark'arios Demon armor suit on, Varis was there in a blink of an eye, bashing Nison Char far away, hitting a mountain far by and tumbled down with a rock smashing onto his head before passing out in front of their feet, all that Varis did with just a flick of her armored fingers.

" Hey, where did this guy come from ?" Callion Bravo asked his men but everyone shrugged without an idea.

Finally, with honest work the Axalara was freed with its engines fixed and renewaled.

" Thank you, noble Callion the Trailblazer." Rang shook the fat ealdorman's hand sincerely

" I shall forever remember your hospitality, and as soon as we finish our mission, I shall return to assist yours."

" We are both heroes fighting for true freedom and justice, friend." Callion Bravo shook Rang's hands firmly

" Lo ! Let my swordsman apprentice Reeve join you on this endeavor ! Reeve shall surely help."

Reeve Lowangleen the saber man came and shook Rang's hand also, and Rang agreed wholeheartedly.

When the men returned, Agnes and the grannies and housewives have prepared a wholesome dinner for their hardships, roasted pork and chicken on many a bowl with marvelous cuisine exclusive to Xin-an villagers only lined up the long tables from front to back as the folks celebrated a meal before Rang and co set off to save professor Miula Kenshi.

After the hearty meal, it is time to set off back to Tron.

So it was,Rang at the lead with his wife Agnes navigating the Axalara, with Tenmei Akiro, Haru, Griffon and Nina, and also the new addition to the team Varis the mysterious girl, and man Reeve Lowangleen the saber dude, setting off on this rescue mission.

" HEY !!!"

Rang and team turned around to the man that was bound in chains far back at the Axalara lounge, sitting on the clean floor

" Why am I here ?! Don't you have the balls to kill me ?!?! DO IT !!!!"

and it was Nison Char hollering in defeat, asking for attention with his loud barking and raged words.

" Ahh, hello, there." Rang came to this chained vagabond courteously

" I surmise you serve the persons that are after the Seed and Mr Tenmei here. We will spare you, for informations we need."

Rang smiled, fanning his feathered fan smiling.

" I won't talk." Nison Char barked

" Do all you can, I have my fare share of torture already !"

" Nay, sir." Rang smiled

" We don't do that here. We simply want to talk, and I simply want to elucidate your fate. Are you willing to accept such enlightenment ?"

" NO !!" Nison Char spat, being the first person to refuse Rang's enlightenment

" I am a warrior and I fight wars, and die in them ! And I'll kill those that wronged me, including all of you on this ship !! Go on ! Let me live !! And when that fateful night comes when I break free from these chains, is the night you die !!!! HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!"

" Maybe we should just kill him."

Griffon suggested to Rang sincerely

" I don't want to die in my sleep."

" I hug my saber to sleep every night, I am fine." Reeve Lowangleen spake seriously.

" I too hug my glaive to sleep." Nina Zefield said, nodding to such behavior that seemed normal.

" I can….. watch him.. all night." Varis volunteered, for she has been watching others most of her life.

" Don't kill him on deck though." Agnes reminded Rang from the cockpit

" Or you clean the aftermath yourselves."

" No worries, ma'am, we can kick him off the ship." Griffon replied.

" Hmm…..." Rang tried to think of a way, a way to convince Nison to not kill them in their sleep

" Your name is Nison Char." Rang spake, reciting the datas he has researched long back when Nison was in the Rebellion of late Melvin Bradley to steal the Seed and fight Tenmei Akiro

" You are a Terminas fugitive, and is confirmed dead in prison after commiting a crime of assault towards a noble you served for many years."

" He had his desserts rightfully served." Nison Char smirked viciously.

" But what interests me," Rang continued

" Is your sibling. You have a sister."

At this, Nison Char's smirk was gone and his face was grave and vengeful, and silent the noble slayer became.

And Rang went on

" Your sister worked from a low class maid, to now a royal Clansman of the King Varche Scrirroco, First of his name, The Oochu-Goten King of Terminas, the Leader of the Celestial Beings, and Lord Bearer of the Red Exian Rune, King of the Exia-men and the First Folk, Protector of the Upper Realms, the Dragon of his people, the Majestic, Lord of Terminas and Ruler of Universe. So from what I see in these datas I find, you might serve the King of Terminas himself !"

" DON'T SAY THAT NAME TO ME !!!!" Nison Char suddenly flew into berserk rage at the long mention of the king Varche Scriroco's name, rightfully memorized by Rang

" Say all you want, but don't say I serve that man, that thief !! That kidnapper..."

" Ahh, I see, then you do not serve the Lord of the Red Exia. " Rang nodded as his mind calculated and deducted

" Yet what you do to steal the Seed and seek the Arch Demon Ark'arios in combat to destroy it is the same as that Terminas Lord ! You may not serve him, but through reasons you and I are unaware is miraculously the same ! How can this be ?"

Rang asked, and Nison Char was silent as well, pondering on Rang's question.

" I sense your hatred towards this Lord of red Exia. And we are in danger, for the Seed and the Ark'arios which King Varche seeks are both here on this ship. It is clear now, that we have a common enemy, Mr Char. And I for one see you not as a threat, but as a potential ally.

What do you think, of accepting this proposal of a short alliance in these trying times against the Lord Varche of the Red Exia together ? Or are you still bound to your new master in snatching the Seed ?"

Rang smiled, and the folks left Nison be on his own, giving him time to think through the night, while Varis watched him from behind, all night.


It was late at night when the Axalara got a secret message.

" Rang !" Agnes came to wake her husband up in haste

" It was Aki ! She contacted me just seconds ago !!"

Rang flew up from slumber and his robes was already on him as he came to the Axalara cockpit with his wife.

" Look." Agnes showed Rang a queer message from an unknown source, consisting of dots and curved lines, which was a code Rang and Agnes knew very well.

" Splendid !!" Rang cried excitedly and woke everyone up in the dead of the night, despite Agnes telling him not to.

" Great news !!!"

Rang announced to all, especially to Haru, who was half awake in drowsy stupor, clinging onto Nina to stand straight

" Your mother just called, and she is safe !!"

Haru's eyes widened and she was wide awake in no time.

" Said here in this message only we strategists and analysts can read, that she is safe in this secret hideout."

Rang read out to all, as Haru hugged Nina joyfully hopping up and down.

"And your mother also mentions here…..that your father was arrested…by…the ..Tron police…..just minutes ago. Okay."

Rang thought to himself that he should have finished the message first before waking everyone up.

" Told you." Agnes whispered in her husband's ear.

And Haru burst into tears in seconds

" They will execute him !!!" Haru wailed in terror

" Lasvet will kill him !"

" 40 minutes and we will be above Tron." Nina checked her U-phones's map app

" They won't do it that fast…..right…..?"

But even Rang was not too certain about that.

Tenmei Akiro however had an idea

" Guys…..What if..."


Waiting in his office, smiling ear to ear, this Lavet Hikaru passed around his office, a bottle of champagne in his hand.

Finally, his office door was knocked !

" Lord Prime minister !" called the herald at the door

" We have him here, as you ordered !"

" Bring him in !" Lasvet crooned maliciously as his office door slided open and two Tron soldiers, grabbing a hand cuffed professor, walked in.

Lasvet popped open his Champagne bottle at that exact moment and cheered

" HA AHA HA !!!!"

Lasvet jeered with wicked delight and bade his soldiers leave the room.

" I've got you, Traitor !!" Lasvet spat on the angered professor's face

" You chose the wrong side, you buffoon !! Serves you right !!

And Lasvet kicked the professor to the floor before he drank and drank and drank from lo champagne bottle until there was no champagne left.

" The Seed is no longer here in Tron !" Professor Miula Kenshi began speaking in fury

" Where did you hide her this time !"

" Fool !!" Lasvet insulted the furious father

" You would have known if you didn't leave my corporation ! You broke the deal first !!"

" My daughter is not your weapon !!!" Professor Miula Kenshi argued back

" You want to build a bomb out of her ! You are still the same…You never see others as human beings, you see them as Ants !!!"

" That you are right !" Lasvet pointed at Professor Miula agreeingly

" And as ants, you don't cry over the loss of a tiny ant, or even the loss of a large group of ants !! We Continue Our Works !!!! Our Works to build a Great Empire !! One you ants can never surmise the full picture !!"

And Lasvet squatted down to the Professor's level sinisterly

" You know, you people always think you folks are the only person losing things, losing someone dear, HUH ?! But you know what ?! My Son Died Yesterday ! And Do You See Me Mourn ?!?! NO !!! Because I know, I am an Ant that is building the future with my bare hands !!!!! I Know What It Takes !!! DO YOU ?!?!?!? HUH !?!?!?!!!"

And Lasvet walked away, breathing heavily as he tossed the empty champagne bottle to a corner, chuckling to himself eerily

" Tell you the truth, Miula...I don't have the Seed. It was taken from me the week before. And you, my trusted proprietor who could have stopped the Seed from being taken in the first place had he not bailed at the last minute, now comes back with Ninja Masters to bite the hand that fed you !!! Have you no shame ?!?! Miula ?!?!?!"

Professor Miula Kenshi shook his head in disappointment, knowing this villainous Prime minister really doesn't have his daughter

" You always thought you were right….."

professor Miula Kenshi sighed

" Even though you are wrong…..Which makes you a FOOL !!!!!!" And with a cry of sheer power, Professor Miula Kenshi leapt up to his feet and with a shout, he broke the chains of his handcuffs with his raw strength and leapt onto the Prime minister, pushing him down on the floor and start bashing the prime minister's face with his bare fists

" You thought I was dumb enough to be caught by You ?!?! NO !!! This is My Plan !!"

And as Lasvet shielded his face with his hands, he saw Professor Miula Kenshi holding a relic device of the Parudefors which the Professor activated with a hard on press.

The floor under the Prime Minister building shuddered as explosion erupted underneath and among earthquakes and crumbling cement, out from the earth, crawled out a giant behemoth Mobile Giant, ten times taller than regular mobile walkers and stood as tall as the freedom Justice Memorial tower, bulky hands and legs made of Star iron, with a short cylinder head covered with numerous tendrils as hair and countless eyes lined linear rows down across the Mobile Giant's face.

The Giant gave a roar, and began stomping around the Tron military base outside Lasvet's crumbling office building, wreaking havoc as Lasvet watched in sheer anger.

" You called upon a Parusefor Monster onto my Army ?!?!?" Lasvet Hikaru roared in sheer rage

" I'll call upon my Wrath towards MY POLITICAL ENEMIES !!!!!!!"

And with a sky shaking cry, Lasvet pushed professor Miula far back to the room with emit force, and the Prime Minister dashed forth with sound breaking speed, landing countless punches onto the hardened professor, who without hesitation, punched back with numerous flurry of rage punches in defense.

Two middle aged men,

Brawling for their ideals,

As an ancient Monster Iron Giant charged in stampede over the Tron armies.

That is what Tenmei Akiro saw, as he in his Archdemon Ark'arios armor with dark demonic wings of demon pus, flew in full speed towards Tron, stunned by the shocking turn of events,

which made him unaware of another winged armored figure flying straight at him from behind.

Tenmei Akiro Turned around, and Lo !!!!

Mirai, with her armored metal wings attached to her arms, stabbing them both metal feathered blades right through Tenmei Akiro's chest.

" Tenmei Akiro...…"

Mirai spake gently close to Tenmei Akiro's ear

" This time, we will surely die, together. As We Promised.....!"

[ be continued]