David's Departure

Chapter : 2

(Jacob's POV)

I entered the house and saw the girl i ever dreamed of.


("Lisa. She is the girl i ever wanted in my life. I have never seen such a person before. Engaging to her made me feel like dream coming true".)

When she looked at me, her gaze pierced my heart into pieces. I couldn't stand her gaze and engaged myself in conversation with David.

All my life, i never found time for myself and to date girls. My hectic job routine and struggle of becoming doctor never allowed me to date any girl i wanted. But now when i see Lisa, it was all worth it. I wish she can love me back but the hate in her eyes kills me everytime she looks at me. I thought marrying her would solve all the problems and she will start loving me so i asked David for our wedding as soon as possible,and he agreed on that. Being the sweetest girl, i thought she'd have no problem of getting married after two months but when she fell on the ground, i felt my soul flew away from my body.

2 Months ago

( Lisa's POV)

Today i am finally going to meet that person my father is engaging me to. I will ask him directly to call off the engagement as I don't want to get married in near future. All i want is to live with my father and become like him.

When i entered the restaurant where i am gonna meet Jacob for the first time, i looked at the person my father decided for me to spend my life with. He looks like a fine man but i don't want to distract myself and will say the thing i came for.

"Hi , I am Lisa,"

" Hi i am ....."

" Before you say anything, i want you to know there's no point of introduction and saying anything, i don't want to get engaged or married. I already don't like you. I am not that sweet person my father thinks i am. Infact, i have 3 boyfriends and i love them all. Please call off the engagement . I will never be able to love you.

That's all i have to say, Enjoy your coffee.


I rushed out of the restaurant and feel like fainting any second .

How did i say all those things???

Where did the confidence came from?

I felt so excited and scared at the same time saying all those things for the first time with that confidence.

Now i am sure he'll call off our engagement as he will never stand the fact of me having 3 boyfriends.


(Lisa's POV)

( Present time)

I opened my eyes and found myself in a hospital room where Jacob works.

" Where am i??"

"What happened to me??"

I tried to ask but even i couldn't hear my voice.

I felt like dying.

"You had panic attack, save your questions for later. Now all you need is rest" jacob replied.

"I am not talking to you, where's my father??"

I asked in my breaking voice.

He's outside ,he had a call to attend.

"Why are you doing this to me?i asked you to call off engagement, and now you're asking him to get us married as soon as possible??

Are you out of your mind?? Can't you get the simple fact that i don't love you?

What have i ever done to you??"

The combined emotions of anger and hopelessness broke my voice and tears started to break out of my eyes.

" I can't leave you on your own . I promise, I'll call off engagement as soon as David come back from the mission. Please don't tire out yourself. You need rest"

He said very politely.

I turned to other side and started looking out of the window .

After 15 minutes, Dad rushed into the room.

"Thank God Lisa! Dear i am relieved that you are fine, i really have to go tonight as it is very urgent for me to go , I'll be in touch with you my love, "

"But Dad, I don't want to get marri..."

All i was thinking was about not getting married to Jacob and couldn't understand a word Dad said to me but he cut me off before i could finish my sentence.

"Jacob, I'm leaving her on your responsibility.Please look after her , I'll contact you in two days, now i really have to go"

He gave me kiss and rushed out of the room.

I closed my eyes wished if my mom were alive. I have never felt her absence this bad before but now i was feeling like a person who has no one besides her in the whole world.

" You need to sleep, we'll be leaving for home tonight, you can't stay here as you don't suit yourself in hospitals for long ."

Jacob said and left the room.

I tried to reach the water glass on my left table when a piece of paper touched my fingers.

I opened it if it were something important for my father that he might left mistakenly.

*opens folded paper*

" If you want your father alive, don't let him go to the mission."

I read and couldn't feel myself anymore.