Unbearable Pain

Chapter : 04

( David's POV)

Only one week and then I'll return to my daughter. I'll get retirement and give all of my time to my daughter. Just this mission, just this one.

"Colonel!!!! Hurry up we have to go"

I was wearing my uniform when i heard comrade calling me.

"Let's go! I am ready !"

It's not a big mission for me. I've been on worse before. So let's rock this one too.

I said myself with all the confidence and had and left.


"Give me a cover ,i need to Rush inside"

I asked on comrades.

"But it's unsafe right now. Don't go col..."

I rushed into the building cutting off his words.

* It's do or die*

"It's the last mission of my life , i need to make it memorable. I need to be brave to save a story to tell my grandchildren"

In my thoughts, i rushed inside the building.

"You can make it Davi.."


I was about to fire when a flying bullet came from nowhere and hit straight my head.


I fell down on the ground and couldn't breathe.

"You need to breathe David, you can't leave your daughter like this alone in this merciless world, she needs you.

wake upp!!!

wake up David!!"

The voice inside me was shouting at me and then it started to fade away.

No voice ,no pain ,only darkness.

"Jacob please look after Lisa"

I wished more than anything that Jacob could hear me.

The darkness started to take over the bright rays of light from ceiling falling into my eyes and then the light vanished completely.

*Eyes closed*

2 Days later

( Lisa's POV)

Despite hating him, Jacob was as nice to me as a person can be to someone . I didn't like him still but i wanted to pay off his kindness so i invited him for a lunch. He was setting the table while i was cooking in the kitchen when i heard my phone ringing.

"Jacob, Can you please pick up my phone. I am kind of busy in here"

"Sure, don't worry"

He replied politely.

In last few days, i realized Jacob wasn't as bad as i think he was.

Infact, he was very sweet. He took care of me so well. I might fall in love if i…

*loud thud*

I snapped out of my thoughts after hearing loud thud. I rushed into living room as saw Jacob staring into air.

" Jacob, you know these plates were my mom's. How can you be so careless with them. Do you have any idea how much they mean to me. Now stay back ,let me clean it up"

*picking broken pieces of plates"

"Lisa, David.. he ..he is…"

I stood up and looked at him inquisitively .

"what about my father? What happened to him?"

He kept looking at me like a person who just lost his lifetime savings in a robbery.

"Will you say something? What happened to dad? Tell me Jacob"

I jerked him to drag him back into reality.

"He, he's no more.."

Those words... and afterwards I couldn't hear anything. We were not that close to joke like this but I hoped that he was kidding me. I kept staring at him with empty face.

" I am sorry Lisa . I am really sorry for your loss. I know this pain is unbearable but he died as a hero. You know he always wanted to die as martyr. He was….."

He kept uttering words and I kept looking into space. My mind was going numb . I couldn't believe it.

"It is just a dream Lisa, soon it will be all over. It is just bad drea…"

I tried to reassure myself with lies.

Suddenly Jacob hugged me and made it sure I was not dreaming.

"Just cry it out Lisa, don't hold it in."

I felt a jolt when he grabbed me from shoulders .

I removed his hands from my shoulders and walked away into my room.

I locked myself inside and knew I won't be able to live now but who knew that my life will unfold in such a tragic way and a girl like me who never slept anywhere besides my imported mattress will starve on roads looking for roof on my head.