The morning went by in a blur and night came. It was the Welcome party of Nova Clifford as one of the shareholders in Grey's Enterprise which was holding in the Clifford's castle.

Nova had chosen a long, red strapless mermaid satin dress for the party, it had a small slit up the one side and wore her hair down.

Her neck was left bare, except for a speckle of highlighter that brought out her thin collarbones, like a dove spreading her wings.

A pair of crystal earrings dangled from her ears, the only pop of color that was in a loving contrast to her lips. Her lips curved into a slight smirk as she looked in the mirror.

" Two steps closer to victory! "

A knock startled her and she turned just as the door opened and a bright-eyed boy, whose features perfectly resembled his father but had the brown eyeballs of his mother walked into the room wearing a small black suit and leather shoes.

" Mummy, " He squealed in delight as he walked up to her. When he smiled, he would show his cute little teeth and dimples, looking very adorable.

" Hey, baby. How was your day? " She asked as she bent a little to pat his head.

" It's been hectic. Grandpa kept on telling me to change into different suits for the party today. What's really happening, mummy? " He said and let out a dramatic sigh.

" I'm sure grandpa must have told you the reason why the party is being held. "

" Yes he did. I still can't understand why we had to move to London. " He mumbled with a frown.

" I know it's going to be hard for you to adapt to the ways of this City and getting new friends but you've to understand that mummy has her reasons for coming back to this City. "

Alexander was just six years old and a very smart child. Most times his face reminds her of his father. The man who was part of the reasons of her pains but even with the resemblance Nova puts her love, care, expectations and all her life on her son.

" Is this the place where you lived as a child? Are we going to stay here forever? " Alexander curiously asked his mother.

" Yes, Alex. "

" Oh, no! So we are not going back to New York! " He blinked his big brown eyes at his mother.

Nova shook her head at her adorable son and folded the back of her dress before bending down to his height. Her hand gently caressed the bangs of her son's dark silky smooth hair and then pulled him into her arms for a tight hug. " How can you be this adorable? "

" I'm not adorable. " He firmly said, although his ears had reddened. He obviously liked to pretend he didn't like her saying he was adorable, but he was always a horrible liar in front of his mother.

" Really now? " Nova scoffed, giving her son a final pinch on his cheek. " We have a party to be at. " But then she said when there was a knock at the door and she heard Andrew yell out.

" Nova, I know you're in there. The guests have arrived and your father is asking of you. "

Andrew usually refers to her as Nova and not Arabella when they aren't alone so he must have known that Alex is in the room with her. She didn't like the idea of hiding anything from her son but it was better he doesn't know about what her plans were for the meantime until she figures out when to tell him.

This night was going to be a dramatic one and she was sure of that. She didn't want Alex to get anywhere near Ambrose so as not to get any suspicions because of the resemblance but who was she kidding?

Mr Clifford had already made all arrangement for her Welcome party to be held in their house in which her son would be there. She didn't want her son to meet his father yet at least not now that her plan just started.

She stood just as the door opened and Andrew walked in. " You have to__" Andrew's words died in his throat. A beauty! For heaven's sake a goddess was standing in his front and he didn't know how to react. His mouth opened and closed, at loss of words. Nothing raced faster than his beating heart at the sight of Arabella who was now Nova.

For years he had watched her develop into a very beautiful woman. What was he really going to do with her? What was this feeling he keeps having anytime she was too close? She made him restless but she wasn't aware of the effect she had on him and he wasn't ready to make it obvious.

" Uncle, doesn't my mum look so beautiful? " Alex asked innocently.

" Don't I look beautiful everyday, sweetheart? "

Alex face reddened at his mom's quick comeback and Andrew chuckled at the duo. Alex was flustered at her question, despite being accustomed to her teasing. " You always do. "

" He's right. You're extremely beautiful. " Andrew mouthed, his gaze still on her.

" You two are making me emotional. " Nova sighed dramatically.

" Let's go down. " Smiling at Nova, Andrew smiled. " Your nanny is in the garden waiting for you. " He said to Alex.

Taking her hand and draping it over his arm led her out and down the stairs to greet their guests. He knew she was nervous by the way her hand was trembling. " You've no need to be worried. "

" I forgot to tell you but Mr Clifford also invited my parents but he isn't aware that they're my biological parent. "

" Why didn't you tell me earlier? " Andrew replied in a whisper.

" I'm sorry. I'm not nervous because of them but at the thought of Ambrose and Alex meeting. " As she said, her voice trembled.

" Ambrose won't meet with Alex. I promise you. " With that, Nova slightly relaxed.

Grabbing a glass of champagne and a non-alcoholic drink for Nova, they walked around and over to the different tables to greet them. In a flurry of introductions, she spent the next half hour with Andrew.

" Any sign of Ambrose? " Andrew asked.

" He is always late. " She said as she took in a sharp intake of breath as images of Ambrose and Adriana having sex that night went through her mind. It was exactly this time! She had been waiting for him to make his arrival that night and when he did, he didn't even acknowledge her presence. Tonight made her remember the night of her eighteenth birthday. But tonight was different. Tonight she was Nova Clifford.

" There is also no sign of your biological parents. "

Then, quickly, the room grew silent. It was like the oxygen has been sucked out of the room as the chatter died down. Then, shoes hoofing on the marble floor, growing louder, each stride resonating purpose.

Ambrose entered, tall and handsome in a black tuxedo. Chest out, shoulders back and hands in the pockets. Such elegance and confidence that he commanded the attention of everyone there.

Nova's eyes remained on him. Adriana had her hand wrapped around his arm. They walked close to each other as people stared at them.

Nova's hands clutched into her waist and squeezed them hard not minding the pain she was causing herself.

Her heart skipped a beat as she watched them walk closer to her and that's when she felt someone's arm lock around her waist. She looked up and her eyes met with Andrew's protective ones.

" Are we interrupting something? " A sharp voice asked and they turned to look at Adriana. " We are sorry to barge into a romantic conversation. "

" You don't have to exaggreate. " Nova rolled her eyes. " I'm glad you came. "

" Wouldn't you introduce us? " Adriana asked referring to Andrew.

" This is my friend Andrew. " Nova said, mentally rolling her eyes at Adrianna's silly move.

" I am Andrew Graham. " Andrew introduced himself.

" Nice to meet you. I'm Adriana and this is my husband Ambrose Grey. The CEO of Grey's Enterprise. "

Nova looked at Ambrose who remained quiet throughout conversation and wondered what was wrong with him. She was aware he was a man of few words but he seemed totally off today as if something or someone was bothering him.

" Are you sure he is only a friend? " Adriana asked with a chuckle.

" I would like to excuse myself. " Ambrose muttered and left.

Nova's gaze remained on him until he vanished into the crowd. What was wrong with him?

" I'm sorry about my husband. He has something in his mind. " Adriana put in. She also couldn't understand what was wrong with him.


Ambrose walked out of the party and into the garden. He couldn't understand why his heart was aching. Why can't he just get over the thought that Nova isn't Arabella?

Seeing her in such a close proximity with that man rose a beast in him that he doesn't know exists.

The smell she exuded was so intoxicating to him that he nearly lost his composure. Her smell was slowly clouding his head that he began to wonder how? They haven't been in a close proximity for her to have such an effect on him or was it because she looked a lot like Arabella?

A giggle interrupted his thoughts and made him to snap back into his senses.

Ambrose looked up and saw a little boy hiding behind a tree.

" I see you, don't try to hide. " Ambrose groaned when he saw him jump behind another tree.

" I'm not hiding from you. " The boy laughed.

" Then, who are you hiding from? "

" I'm hiding from my nanny. She is such a pain in the neck. " He frowned, pouting in the process but Ambrose couldn't see his face because he was hiding behind the tree.

" Why are you hiding from her? " Ambrose asked but suddenly the boy went mute. " You don't want to talk to me anymore. "

" Yes. I just remembered my mum warned me not to talk to strangers. " The boy mumbled and Ambrose laughed.

" Your mum taught you right. It's not good to talk to strangers but I can assure you that I mean no harm and I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. "

Alex slowly nodded his head and approached Ambrose in slow but steady steps.

His brows drew together as Alex's face came into his view. How could they have so much resemblance? This boy looked like the exact little version of him.

" Can I ask you for a favor? " The boy asked in a whisper.

" Yes but after you tell me your name. "

" My name is Alexander but you can call me Alex. Only my friends and my mum gets to call me Alex. What about you? " Alex replied.

" I'm Ambrose. "

" Can you please take me inside? " He asked and Ambrose nodded his head still baffled.

Was his own eyes deceiving him?

The boy had a clean refined features and looked exactly like him. It was as if he was looking at himself in the mirror although he had chubby cheeks and big brown eyes that was the only different thing he had.

There's only one question that came into his head right then and it was- Who is the mother of this boy?

To be continued...