Ambrose froze as she brought her lips closer to his left ear and whispered into it. Every breath of her tingled every single nerve that he possessed in his body giving him endless episodes of goosebumps. Her eyes had become so seductive, it has always been, but he felt that he was going to lose himself right now, then and there. He was afraid of letting himself go. He knew that he was straddling a dangerous path and once he crossed the line, there was no coming back. 

" What the hell do you want from me? Are you trying to mess with my head?! " He rasped. His darkly smouldering eyes never leaving her face.

" Have I got an answer for that? " She whispered with a sultry smile.

His gaze fell helplessly to her soft bow of a mouth and he wondered how it would feel to bend those inches and take it roughly under his own. His body vibrated with need as she brought her face closer to his that they could feel the breath of one another on their skin. He'd dropped his gaze to her breast, his eyes lingering on them for so long that they began to feel tight and swollen in her dress. She'd caught her breath and his body went taut at the proximity. She was too close. Too female. The scent of her got into his nostrils again and made his thoughts hazy.

" You…" he whispered and she warmed at the tone of his voice. So she did disturb him. So much! Nova smiled gently and she leaned forward to accomplish that, and now his hips were squerely over hers and she could feel the contours of his body beginning to change. The skin of their lips brushing against each other lightly " I want you. " She whispered and pressed her soft mouth hungrily on his.

He stiffened. He jerked. His big hands bit into her arms so hard that they bruised. But for just one long, sweet moment, his hard mouth gave in to hers and he gave her back the kiss, his lips rough and warm, the pressure bruising, and he groaned as if all his dreams had come true at once.

Their bodies pressed together heatedly against the wall, breathing heavily as their lips pressed together, heatedly. They could taste their shared breath, feel the thud of their combined heartbeat as Ambrose's released her hands and she tightened them around his neck, taking his lower lip in between hers and sucking on it.

His lips tasted of champagne and a little bit of cigarette. Ambrose's hands grabbed her head, fingers carding through her hair as they breathed each other in. He bit softly at her lower lip, drawing it into his lips, teasing it, while his tongue traced the moist inner softness.

She moaned sharply at the intimacy of his mouth and his body, her eyes wide open, thrilled.

His tongue searching hers, moving and lurking through every crook and corner of her mouth as she ran her fingers up to his hair. It was slowly becoming a rather crazy and rough French kiss. They couldn't be content by simply a kiss because they were both hungry for each other. It was also becoming unusual  and uncomfortable for Nova as she began to realise that all her locked up emotions were beginning to release and that wasn't a good sign.

She stopped returning the kiss and she parted her lips, allowing him an entrance into them and trying not to let him see how powerfully he affected her. She allowed him savour her lips as her eyes remained open, with a cold expression.

The kiss only lasted for a few minutes because when he finally realised what was happening, his eyes slid over her with icy contempt and he took a few steps away from her body. Trying to get away from her intoxicating scent. His body was actually very aroused by her.

There was no lack of stunning women around him in these seven years, yet he remained unperturbed. No matter how they tried to seduce him, he was not stirred. 

What he did not know was that the body had its recollection. Once it had a taste of something good, it would never forget. 

He had know idea what this woman possessed that could remind him strongly of what he had once tasted. 

" Damn you, " he ground out. His fists clenched at his sides. His big body vibrated with outrage. " You're nothing but a horny and desperate woman. Is this how badly you want me to take you to bed? "

His jaw clenched. An electrifying and numbing sensation shot through his loin. This woman was out to get him out of control! He didn't know why or how but he senses danger anytime he is around her. Maybe, it was because she looked just like Arabella but different.

" Are you that desperate enough to try to seduce me? " He hissed. " It won't work. I've told you already, I don't want any part of you, least of all your overused body! " 

While keeping her face expressionless and her eyes fixed on him, Nova lifted an eyebrow before breaking out in laughter. His face made her chuckle.

" Why are you getting so worked up for no reason? What gives you the idea that I'm seducing you? " She scoffed, crossing her arms.

Ambrose couldn't believe his ears. She doesn't show any sign of being affected by his words. Can he really resist this woman? He has met a lot of women like her but she was... unpredictable!

" I kissed you and you kissed me back. Why are you so confident that I will sleep with you? " She asked without the slightest pretence of friendliness.

Her response was unexpected for Ambrose but he grabbed her arm, locked eyes with her and rasped through gritted teeth, " You need to stay away from me. " She met his eyes, jerked her arm out of his hold and said with a mocking smile. " You sound like a buffoon. "

Ambrose had never felt so annoyed before, especially by a woman's words, ever in his entire life like now. She just hurt his ego! But weirdly, he got a boner by her confidence.

Nova nonchalantly used her thumb to rub his saliva off from her lips and turned her back on him to walk away, her lips spreading into a sly smile. He is trying to resist her because he is afraid of falling in love, but he is not yet aware that he is trying to resist the irresistible.

If he wants this the hard way, the hard way he will get. She would make him crawl on his knees to beg her to stay with him and then she'll strike him really hard. With that, she gracefully walked out of his sight and out of the house. That was the end of the party for her!

To be continued...