Chapter 2

My name is Bella pitt, I'm 18 years old and I'm an orphan..

I lost my parents when I was 7 in a ghastly motor accident.. when my parents died , my aunt took me in

" We're here" , My new owner announced jolting me out of my thoughts..

I know this marks the beginning of my suffering because I do not know what his plan is and why a payment was made

I guess this is fate for me....I said cleaning my tears while coming out from his car.

This is your room' , he said

I kept mute

And what do you say..he shouted

' thanks sir ' I said bowing my head..

' not sir, address me as master clinton ' he said coming close to me with a sinister look..

I took a step back when I saw he was getting closer to me.

He grabbed my jaw. I froze, panting heavily

you know, I kind of find you attractive but too bad that's not what you are here for..he said

You are here to pay for the life I had to live...he said

P....p.. please , I said in tears..

' shhhhhhhh I hate it when someone tells me please. It doesn't work on me', he said..

I'm sorry sir ', I said..

I said address me as master he said and landed a slap on my cheeks. I tasted blood.

' I'm sorry master ' , I said sniffing

' Now you got it' ..he said pushing me to the bed..

I fell and landed with my back on the bed..

' s....sir please' I cried out in pain,

' i said address me as master ' , he said in anger and raised up his tightened fist and hit me on my nose.

I touched it and it felt wet. I brought it close to see blood

' Who are you and what have I done to deserve this ' , I cried out asking him and retreating farther on the bed

' you're paying for your father's mistake ' , he said dragged me by my feet back to where he was standing and stripped me of my clothes..


'Freshen up, the maid will bring your food ' he said wearing his trouser..

I wasn't even paying attention to him. I was brooding over what I lost.

I lost the most important thing in my life, the only thing that made me proud, I lost my dignity to a stranger, monster like him '

Mother used to say:

Your pride is an honourable thing. to keep it safe for him is your duty..

I saw blood all over the bed sheet

Nooooooooooooooooooooooo I panicked ..

This isn't real, it's a dream , I want to wake up, I cried...

' Ma'am a maid called running inside my room holding a tray of food..

Ma'am dropping the tray on the bed. Here's your food..she said looking at me pitifully

' I lost my innocence to him ' , I said as if talking to myself

'Shhhhh, I understand what you're going through ', she said.

' everything is going to be alright , you need to clean up and eat your food okay' , she said patting my back.

' here, take your food ' , she said putting the tray of food on my legs..

' I'm not hungry ', I said trying to hold the tears threatening to fall off..

' please , eat something else master clinton is going to kill me " , she said in a pleading tone..

' I'm not hungry ' , I said..