Chapter 5

I looked up and met all eyes on me

What's this about? I thought

Aunty,did anything happen?

Where is my mum?

I asked almost at the same time.i was already scared..

I met her red eyes with mine. Looking into it like the answers were written in them

We lost your parents.. she finally said

I stood transfixed. Unable to collect and process the information in my head

I later heard that I collapsed in her arms

My parents were involved in an accident after dropping me off that morning

I didn't even get to say goodbye

All plans for the future with them..watching me graduate after studying my dream course, getting my dream job help, walking down the aisle with Dad..

All of these dreams had been trashed?

I couldn't believe it!

One night I was with them,

No brain thought

This morning I was with them and by evening I had lost them


It was just too much for me

I was 5.

After the funeral, Aunty matilda who's husband had sent home volunteered to come stay with me with her 2 kids.

I never liked her though, but current events were not based on things I liked

Else my parents would have been here!

After sometime,things began to change

Aunty became more hostile to me. She was either scolding me or striking me

One day she even said;

"that's what those good for nothing parents of yours spent their life doing. Spoiling you"..

"Good for nothing?"

Did she hate my parents?

I thought they were in talking terms

What's with the attitude?

She started depriving me gradually of my right.

First was my room,next finance and sometimes food.

I was lucky my dad had already put his account on a schedule mode which means that every month the bank will release a particular amount to my school as my school fees

But, primary school's fees and middle school's fees were not the same.

Aunty refused to help out. I literally went to all of Dads friends I knew.

They each had an excuse to give after listening to my tales,that is if they did.

I couldn't believe my eyes and ears!

I thought they were his "friends."

I applied for a cleaning job. I cleaned offices at first,then eateries and even homes!

I was able to feed and register in a cheaper primary school

That was what I did, 13 years of my life before my aunty did "justice" to me

And now, I'm in someone's house. Bereft of my rights as a human, used at will and beaten as desired

Is one trouble not enough? Why so many?.. I asked in my head

The door closed and the sheets on the bed shifted

Oh no! I wailed inside me

What could I do? I lacked the strength to fight this time around

I was famished!

I looked up and all I saw was a possessed demon but I saw traces of pain in his eyes too