Chapter 8


Mrs Stanford came out of the kitchen with a big cake.

You have shown I and your mother your capabilities. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed..

Mr Stanford's speech was interrupted by the door

Who the heck? Clint thought..

He had been waiting for this moment all his life. And when it was about to happen someone just interrupted them. Whoever it was had better be quick with whatever brought him.

He walked to the door and saw a man. He looked like a postman..

I have a letter.. the man waved an envelope

It's the post man.. he announced to the whole house.

Why didn't he put it in the box. Was it so important? ..he thought

He turned the knob and unlocked the door

The man pointed a gun to his face. He raised his hands and started fidgeting. Dad! He called out and soon everyone in the room could see them

On your knees..the man shouted

Everybody went down.

Please who are you and what do you want?..Mr Stanford asked pleadingly

Who am I?.. the man scoffed

He licked his upper lips and removed his cap and ran his hand through his hair

Mr Pitt? ..Mrs Stanford shouted

Yes? That me..he said spreading his arms

Clinton just knelt there behind the sofa. Holding his 4 year old brother in a protective way.

You thought you could run huh? You thought it was all over right?.. the man asked Victoriously

Pitt,what do you want? Please name it and I'll do it. Please spare my family. Don't involve them.. His dad asked begging

Your lives. You can't go freely like that. I may spare your little boys because they will be as good as dead. They can't survive at this young age

Please, I will do anything..his dad said

Save your breath..

Bang! Bang!..he released two bullets into his father's body

And you.. he pointed at his mum

He started removing his belt..

Please she begged

Please don't hurt our mum..the boys were crying

He towered over their mum.. she took the cake knife that was in his hand and stabbed his arm

He gave her a resounding slap. Punched her so hard. He was punching everywhere. Kicking her

Punching her at the abdomen,chest,jaw,and everywhere

She became weak from the fight. He pulled his clothes and started raping her in front of her 6 year old and 4 year old sons

The boys were terrified. They were afraid of getting up for fear of being hurt

Blood was oozing out from their mum through her nose,ears,mouth even below

It was a horror scene for the children. When he saw that she was no longer moving,She had kicked the bucket

He staggered and got up. Dusted himself and walked out

The children rushed to their parent,shaking them

Dad.. Clinton called. Crying and shaking him

Mommy.. Leonel was beside himself crying

Father couldn't tell me how proud he was of me..Clinton wailed..