Chapter 21

The paper looked old too. If it weren't for the book it was kept in, it would have ripped off immediately o tried opening it.

MY LIFE PLAN.. was boldly written on it.

1) finish school

2) make money

3)Get revenge for Dad and Mum

4)Make baby brothers life comfortable

5)Get a bride

6) Have as much kids as possible..

I was about reading the seventh when Clinton came back to the room. I hurriedly withdrew my hand to the back to conceal the plan but he already saw it. He started walking towards me with a mean look, my heart was pounding in my ears.

What are you hiding?

Nothing..I answered immediately

He forcefully took my hands from behind me and revealed The paper. He took it from my hand and examined it and found out what it was. He looked at me and the next thing, a slap across my face came.

Mia..he called angrily and left with great angry strides. I followed him because I knew he might hurt her.

After all you've done, you still have the guts to backstab me? What extent more can you go to hurt I and my brother?

Sir I swear I would do nothing to hurt you..she said in the midst of tears. I could see she was afraid of him.

You are also lying to me? ..

I can never sir..

What is this?.. he raised the paper up.

Mia looked at it confused and looked at me too. I didn't show her the paper, so she didn't know about it.

I swear by my honor that I do not know..she cried

It was I..I said in defense of mia. I wanted to get his attention to myself and to let mia be.

It was I. She had nothing to do with it..

You don't fool me..he barked. I saw both of you earlier at the room discussing

She came to tend to my needs earlier..

You're still at it..he said approaching me. I stepped back

What about the book he asked. How did you know about it?

I stumbled over it at the study over there..I pointed towards the study. She didn't have anything to do with it,i swear..

Sir, we are all of the guards said

He looked at us one more time and left the house. I heaved a sigh of relief and went over to mia to know if she was fine.

Are you okay?..

She nodded

You'll be fine eventually..I said and she laughed. That was what she had told me earlier. She went back to duty and I retired upstairs

After sometime she came upstairs and asked what I would like to have for lunch..

I would like to be having anything vegetarian for now. I feel nauseous when I taste games or poultry but I will still be having milk...

Okay ma'am..

It wasn't long when she returned with a tray of food.

What's this?.. I asked her