Chapter 30

At the hospital ...

Every other thing is fine but, her blood pressure is really high..the doctor said and looked at the couple

What's been going on..he looked at Clinton his friend and gave him a questioning look

Let's see outside.. the doctor said and gestured to clinton to come outside

What have you been doing to her?..


Nothing? Even your voice and body says otherwise. I'm just saying because she has less than two months to drop. If you continue like this, she may not survive the delivery room and so may your kids. Especially the boys..the doctor was raising his voice now

Bring your voice down. So what do you suggest I should do?..

I suggest you bring her for admission here until she drops ..

No. That's not happening. I'm not letting her out of sight with my kids..

You speek like you have no heart..

I haven't any..Clinton said indifferently

I'm not joking here,

It's not about letting her out of your sight it's about keeping her safe...

What other option is there?..

I don't know but you've got to leave her throat. Give her more space. Make her happy. Take care of her. I don't know but just do what you've got to do...the doctor was sounding both frustrated and angry


For the next two months Clinton stayed out of her paths. He left her care in Mia's hands. He'd buy her things everyday he came back from work. He let her have anything she wanted.

He couldn't sleep sometimes because the babies could not sleep and Bella would wince from time to time. She would go to pee now and then.

One night when she was up as usual, she was wincing in pain . The intervals of the wincing increased

She got up and walked downstairs. Pacing up and down the whole house.

Mia rolled on the bed and heard footsteps in the hallway.

She immediately knew it was Bella.

She checked the time and it was three o'clock in the night.

She came out earlier today..mia thought

She came out of her room to keep Bella company.

Did I wake you? I'm sorry.. she said when she saw her coming out of her room

No. It's no problem. I couldn't Even sleep. How are they?..

I would say they are fine. I'm just having serious pains in my lower abdomen. Sitting is not working. They've got me standing..

It may be stress or pressure because you have been quiet lately and you look troubled..

No. This is new..

You may be having contractions then.. since it has never happened before...

I don't think so. I'm dropping in one week...

It may be early contractions. The womb may not be containing them anymore...

So what do I do?..

We just have to watch it for sometime and see if it progresses..

When the day had dawned fully, Clinton came down for breakfast. He could see Bella pacing on the garden plain.

What's wrong with her?.. he asked mia

I think she's having early contractions. Though this is her ninth month, her date is in a weeks time...

I thought as much...he said. He took had been calculating the day of their arrival

After eating, he told mia, inform me of any developments..

After two hours of his departure from the house, Clinton's office was phoned. He was told that Bella was taken to the hospital.

He closed his laptop and walked out if the complex in hurried steps