Chapter 1: Rebirth -Edited

It was the coldest night of the year that day, and the clouds were covering the sky, the rain was falling, and the location was a barren land; aside from two people around fifty meters away from each other, no one was in sight. One of the men was on his knees and was half dead; the blood was coming out of the cuts on his body, and all of his clothes were red because of this. His eyes showed despair, and it looked like he had given up on everything.

The man asked in a voice full of despair, "Why are you trying to kill me when I don't have anything, and I am not even a threat to anyone, so Why?"

The other man was standing. "Don't blame yourself but your blood; if you were not the earl's son, you would not have to face this, Alton." The man was wearing a cape and mask to hide his identity.

"Who are you? Why are you doing this?" asked Alton.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you know who I am because you won't be able to tell anyone." Said the man and then took off his cape and mask and slowly started moving towards Alton.

As Alton saw this man's face, he said, "So it was you, Dragun."

By the time Alton finished saying his words, Dragun was already there in front of him. Dragun put the sword in his right hand back into its sheath, which was hanging around his waist, then he picked up the sword near Alton and directly pierced it through his heart.

As soon as the sword penetrated the heart, Alton felt a lot of pain in his heart and immediately fell to the ground; seeing this, Dragun turned back and left, and Alton was left all alone in the place to die.

As Alton was lying on the ground, he started remembering all the past and how he and his family was wronged, and then Alton thought to himself, "If only I could get another chance, I would change my destiny."

As Alton said these words, he held the shining broach his father passed down to him, saying, "This will protect you from all bad things."

Tears started coming out of Alton's eyes, and then his eyes began to close, and slowly he started losing his consciousness just before dying, Alton heard a voice saying, "I will grant you one wish as promised to your ancestor; what would that be."

Alton said while losing consciousness "A chance to write my wrongs right and save my family."

The voice said, "Ok, today I will complete my promise, and you shall have a rebirth to write your wrongs right and get to the top of the world."

Alton slowly opens his eyes feeling someone calling him.

"Young Master please wake up"

Alton immediately sat on his bed as he had woken up from a bad dream and all the memories came into his mind.

Alton started looking around the room when a familiar face came in front of him she was none other than Maria his maid, seeing her Alton remembered how she had died while protecting him so Alton asked "What date is today?"

Maria replied, "Today is 20 Day of the fourth month of 728 year of Warwiz Empire."

Alton was then interrupted suddenly


Bonding with host completed

Host Rebirth confirmed

Starting the system

A black screen showed up in front of him, Alton looked towards Maria it seemed only he can see the screen and no one else.

Seeing this Alton smiled and said, "I have woken up so can you get me breakfast."

Maria nodded to this and then left the room. As soon as Maria left the room Alton started concentrating on the screen and it showed.

Name: Alton Von Teren

Age: 15 years

Race: Human

Territory: Teren

Occupation: None

Rank: None

Level: 01

SP: 0

Coins: 0

Experience: 00 / 100

Health: 10 / 10

Strength: 8

Agility: 5

Stamina: 3

Vitality: 10

Intelligence: 15

Mana: 5/5

Skills: None
