Departure - Final

The party continued without any problem Maria was introduced to many people in the hall and they treated her with respect and a lot of them came by themselves for introduction. The party ended after three hours and all the people left for their houses.

As the party ended Alton and Maria prepared for the departure.

An hour later Aldwin, Aria, Maria and Alton were standing infront of a carriage along with servants, Butler, Veronica and Cecilia.

Aldwin looked at Alton and Maria, "Stay safe you two and if you need anything just tell Count Troy he will help you guys."

Alton and Maria nodded and then they both hugged Aldwin and Maria one by one and then got on the carriage. Aria looked like she will start crying any second but she held the tears in and looked towards Maria and said "Maria look after yourself and Alton as well be careful you two."

Maria nodded and said, "No problem mother I will take care of Alton and myself." Aria and Aldwin knew that Maria will take care of him so they breathed a sigh of relief. Veronica and Cecilia were on the carriage with Maria and Alton as well because Veronica and Cecilia were their personal maids so Alton made an exception and allowed them to come because he knew they were good people and were Maria best friends.

The carriage started moving and Aldwin and Aria were still looking at the carriage as it exited the estate. As the carriage was now out of sight Aldwin took a big breath and then said "Let's take some rest and then get back to work" Aria nodded and then looked at Aldwin "We need to look into the butler because it cannot be overlooked right."

Aldwin nodded and then they both went into the mansion.

Alton, Maria, Veronica, Cecilia, and Logan who was the carriage driver were on their way to the north. As the carriage moved on the road the inside of the carriage was a bit tensed as no one was saying anything and sensing this Alton wanted to reduce this tension so with a teasing look on his face he asked: "So sister when did you become a mage and not even an amateur but elementary mage."

Maria immediately looked down like she was ashamed of something and when Veronica and Cecilia looked at Alton they were about to laugh, Veronica controlled her laughter but Cecilia let out a chuckle and this didn't go unnoticed by Maria and when she looked at Alton and found a teasing look she understood that he was having fun with her.

Alton continued "No problem I know you wanted to tell me but mother and father must have stopped you right." Maria nodded to which Alton smiled and asked "What is your rank?"

Maria answered, "As you know that there are three minor realms in a major realm which are beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced and I am currently a beginner 3-star Elementary Mage."

Alton nodded and then looked at Veronica and Cecilia and asked "You guys must have been taught something by Maria as you three are always together." Veronica answered, "Master we both had the opportunity to learn a bit from Young Miss but we are not that talented so we are still Intermediate Apprentice Mage."

Alton nodded and asked, "When did you both start?" Veronica answered, "Two years back." Alton with a smile on his face said"If that is not talent then I am way below waste am I not."

Veronica didn't know how to answer and then Maria with a serious look on her face said: "Alton don't say that or I will get angry." Alton sighed and then answered "Sorry I was just joking now." Alton turned towards Maria "Sister do you know any sound barrier." Maria nodded and then the next second she casted a sound barrier around the four of them.

Alton's look turned serious and then he asked "I am going to tell you guys reason behind this trip but before that do you guys know about mana oath."

Maria, Veronica, and Cecilia nodded because they knew about the mana oath and they knew how serious mana oath is and if broken then your mana veins, will break and mana veins were mages lifeline so no mage take mana oath without consideration.

Maria spoke, "Yes we know about mana oath but why?" Alton answered, "So before I tell you guys anything I want Veronica and Cecilia to take a mana oath to never let anyone ever know what I am about to tell you guys and take it to their graves." After a bit of a pause "Not even father and mother."

Maria's expression turned serious and she asked "Do you have to go so far you know how serious it is right?" Alton answered, "If broken you are as good as done as a mage." Alton turned towards Veronica and Cecilia "It is not that I don't trust you guys it's just that this is for my and sister's safety but no pressure if you guys don't want to take I will not force you but then you guys won't be part of the conversation."

Veronica and Cecilia were in deep thought when Maria asked "So will you tell us the reason why we are going north if we agree to this." Alton nodded and then Maria looked towards Veronica and Cecilia and they both nodded in acceptance and a smile appeared on his face and Maria said: "Alton you know that you were like a brother to me before and now you are my brother so you can trust me and also Veronica and Cecilia are my most trusted friends nd they will never betray you." Alton looked at Veronica and Cecilia and they both nodded and then they both said at the same time "I Veronica/ Cecilia pledge on my mana that I will not tell even a single soul about our conversation today I swear, I swear."

Alton took a deep breath "So What I am about to tell you is something you may have hard time to believe but it is the truth. So do you guys believe in reincarnation?"

All three were shocked because Alton wouldn't have made them take an oath if he was joking and if he was it was a bad. Alton then dropped the bomb "I have reincarnated from the future." Maria, Cecilia, and Veronica were all shocked when Veronica asked "Young Master are you serious?" Cecilia also voiced her mind "Young Master this is a bad joke if it is one."

Alton stayed silent for a second for their minds to accept and then he said "I know it's hard to believe but it is the truth and I can tell you something about all of you that I should not know."

Maria nodded and answered with a smile on her face "I believe you, little brother". Veronica and Cecilia were shocked hearing this and looked towards Maria with one thought how can she believe those words Maria broke their thoughts when she said: "So you must have come back a week ago right."

Alton was surprised and with a smile on his face he nodded "I expected nothing less from my sister." Alton turned his face towards the shocked maids and said "Veronica and Cecilia it's hard to believe these things but I want you both to know that I am telling the truth and the only reason I am letting you know is that Sister trusts you both a lot and Veronica is my personal maid so it will be better to have more people I can trust."

Veronica and Cecilia also nodded upon hearing this and thought this Alton is change from before like totally different.