Meeting Troy Family

As Alton and Maria exited the carriage they saw three people standing in front of the main door two male and one female. One man was wearing a suit and he was the butler of the Troy family, the other male is a Red-haired man with a muscular body and an aura that said that this man was a powerful man and he has gone through hardships his name is Lucas Von Troy the current Count and head of Troy family, the women next to him had beautiful blond hair, green eyes which looked to be like jewels with a perfect figure and she looked to be around the same age as Aria and she was Sophia Von Troy the current Countess and wife of current head.

As Alton and Maria walked towards them followed by Veronica and Cecilia they were greeted by Lucas "Welcome to Troy I hope the journey was good."

Altona showed respect to Lucas and Sophia by bowing a little and then standing straight which were Empire customs, Maria also bowed while moving her skirt a little up and then immediately down according to the Empire customs but as she had practiced this on her own for the past few days so she was still clumsy.

This was noticed by Sophia but she stayed silent because Aldwin had sent another Magic bird explaining the situation and also sending some more money.

Lucas smiled and then said, "You both must have been tired so why don't you both get fresh and we meet up for breakfast."

Alton and Maria both nodded and then Lucas turned towards Edward and said "Show them to the guest rooms and also tend to their needs."

Edward nodded and then guided Alton and Maria to the guest rooms.

Lucas and Sophia were left alone so they started walking to the sitting area. As they both sat down Sophia asked "Dear what is the reason behind Count Teren sending his Son and Daughter away from home? Alton is still young and Maria as you have told me should be learning the noble customs as she has only just.."

Lucas stopped her from saying anymore because if any of the servants heard about Maria they will start gossiping about it and he doesn't want his friend's family to face any problems. Understanding this Sophia stopped and then Lucas said "I don't know the reason he just wrote in the mail that his son and daughter will be coming."

As they were talking a knock was heard on the door so Lucas answered "Come in"

Edward walked in and reported, "Master I have shown the guests to their rooms and also assigned servants so they will get it if they need anything."

Lucas nodded to this and then Sophia said "Edward inform the kitchen about the guests and also wake up the children and tell them about the guests and also inform the guests that Breakfast will be in an hour."

Edward nodded, bowing in respect exited the room hastily to complete the instructions given to him.

After forty-five minutes

Alton got ready by changing the clothes and washing up with Veronica's help and then he said "Okay let's get sister and then go to the dining hall."

As Alton exited the room a servant was standing in front of the door and he was about to lead him to dinning room but Alton said "Wait I will leave with Sister."

The servant nodded and stood straight like a pillar so Alton knocked on the door next to his "Sister are you ready."

The next second Cecilia opened the door and then Maria came out of the room and after changing and freshning up she was looking more beautiful.

Alton and Maria followed the servant to the dining room, as they entered they saw that Lucas and Sophia were sitting in the room. Lucas was sitting on the head seat and Sophia was sitting next to him.

Alton and Maria greeted them both and then sat on the chairs opposite Sophia as Lucas pointed to them.

As Alton and Maria settled down on their seats Sophia asked "Do you both have any kind of allergies."

Maria answered, "No Countess Alton doesn't have any kind of allergies and he can eat anything."

Alton looked at his sister and wanted to smack his head but decided not to and have a talk with her later, Sophia with a smile on her face asked "What about you Maria?"

Maria blushed in embarrassment understanding that Alton could have said this on his own and that she was acting like his maid again so she looked towards Sophia "No Countess I don't have any allergies."

Sophia nodded and then pointed toward a servant standing in the room. As the servant came to her she said "Inform the kitchen that there are no allergies."

Nodding the servant left the room to do as instructed. As they were waiting for the food to be served Lucas finally asked a question that he has been wanting to ask "Alton I don't want to be nosy but why did you two come here?"

Alton knew that he would need to answer this question so he was about to give the same answer that he had told his parents when the door to the dining room opened and two individuals entered the room.

All the people's focus went to the door as two people enter the room. One was male and looked to be about a year older than Alton but his body condition was much better than Alton the person's facial expression was similar to Lucas and he had short blond hair with green eyes, the person next to him was female with petite figure she looked the same age as Alton, she had red hair like Lucas with green eyes like Sophia and her feature were similar to Sophia so she was quite beautiful.

As Lucas saw these two enter the room the smile on his face disappeared and he said "I told you both to be here before our guests why are you two late."

Seeing the serious face the two individuals wanted to say something but they knew that it was their mistake so they both looked down without saying anything. Seeing this Lucas smiled that his children were good and admitted their mistake so he sighed and said "Why don't you both introduce yourself to our guests."

"Hello my name is Noah Von Troy, I am seventeen years old, Welcome." Noah introduced himself with a smile and then the girl spoke with a smile on her face "Hi my name is Ava Von Troy, I am fourteen years old, Welcome."

Alton and Maria got up from their chairs and Alton said "Hi my name is Alton Von Teren, I am fifteen years old" as Alton finished his introduction Maria then said, "Hi my name is Maria Von Teren, I am twenty-eight years old."

As Maria introduced herself the troy family was shocked to hear this because they were thinking that Maria was still in her early twenties as she still looked quite young and beautiful.

As Everyone introduced themselves they all sat down at the table and then Lucas turned towards Alton "So where were we … huh … so yeah why have you come to North?"

Alton smiled and gave the same answer as his parents that he had a dream in which he had to visit the North so that is the reason why he north. The Troy family didn't buy this reason but Lucas didn't push forward as everyone had some secrets which they didn't want anyone to know about.

Noah then asked, "Can I call you Alton as you are younger than me, and can I call you Sister Maria." Alton and Maria nodded and then Noah continued "So how was the trip? It is long isn't it."

"Yes it is but it wkas adventurous as we both had not traveled before." answered Alton then Ava asked Maria "Sister Maria how do you look so young what is the secret."

All the people in room except for Ava laughed at this and Maria answered "Well there isn't any secret as such." Sophia and Lucas also started conversing with Alton and Maria more easily and the tension in the room lessened. As they were talking to each other the food came and was served to them.