Trouble (I)

[Path Selection]

[Explanation: For a better future Host need to decide the path which the host will follow]

[Reward: ????]

As Alton saw these notification he was surprised and said in his mind "System why is the reward not available."

"The reward will be given according to the Host decision." The system answered

Alton asked in his mind "So if I choose a harder path will the system help me in achieving it."

System answered "Affirmative the system main function is to make the Host powerful and if the host want to become powerful the system will help the host but the task will also be harder."

Alton knew that he had a system on his side which will help him so he will achieve something which no one has been able to achieve in the Empire history so deciding this Alton said in his mind "System I have made my decision I am going to walk both paths"


[Mission Complete: Path Selection]


[Seed of Aptitude]

[Status Eye]

[Rewards put in inventory]

As Alton read these he smiled he didn't know what this meant but he knew this will help him in future.

As Alton came back to senses he saw that all the eyes were on him and he remembered that Noah was asking him about path "Sorry Brother Noah I was lost in thought what were you saying?"

Noah smiled and said "I was asking what path you were going to take?" Alton smiled and answered "I will be taking knight path as I don't have magic aptitude." Alton decided to hide this from Troy family and only let his close people know about his double path.

Noah nodded and said "Good if you need any help in future you can ask me." Alton nodded and answered "I will." Ava then said "Alton as we are same age you can also ask me for help if you."

Lucas and Sophia were happy that there children were willing to help Alton on their own free will. A smile could also be seen on Maria as she was happy for Alton making some good friends. Sophia turned towards Maria and said "Maria how about I help you with your training."

Maris knew about what Sophia was saying so she immediately agreed as who better person to learn from a countess so she answered "I will take you up on your offer Countess." Ava then said "As you both need to shop so how about brother Noah and I guide you to shops so you can get familiar with the area."

Lucas, Sophia and Noah nodded saying "This is a good Idea." Alton and Maria also agreed as it would help them get familiar with the area and they knew that they could not reject it.

After finishing the tea Alton, Maria, Ava and Noah left the mansion on carriage to go to town with their servants. Noah and Ava guided them around the town and told them which thing was where as they reached the boutique they entered it and were greeted by a man.

The man identified Ava and Noah as they were children of Count and also there regular guest and as they were showing respect to Alton and Maria he greeted them with respect.

"Welcome Young Master and Young Miss." The man said with a smile

Noah nodded and said "Alton and Sister Maria his name is Ren and he is the shop Owner and host so if you want to buy clothes just come to here as this is best shop here." Alton and Maria nodded and then Noah said to Ren "Ren they are our guests from Teren Territory Alton Von Teren and Miss Maria Von Teren."

Ren hearing their names understood that they were not any hillbilly but were the children of Teren Territory Lord so he said "Nice to meet you."

Alton nodded and answered "Nice to meet you too."

Ren then asked "So how may I help you today?" Ava answered "Where is Margaret we need to buy male and female clothes for guests."

Ren answered "She is in the back just give me a minute." Ren then pointed to the Sofa in the shop for Alton and other to sit and he went in the room and then after three minutes came back with a women and the women introduced herself "Nice to meet you my name is Margaret and I am the hostess of this shop."

Alton and other nodded to this and then Ava said "Margaret how are you?"

Margaret with a smile on her face answered "Young Miss I am fine thank you how are you I haven't see you for some time."

Ava nodded and answered "I came here last month so it has been some time so do you have any new catalog we need to buy the clothes for our guests here."

Margaret looked at Alton and Maria and then took out two catalogs and gave it to them while saying "These are some new arrivals which will suits these two."

Alton and Maria looked at their respective catalog with Noah and Ava and Maria was a bit hesitant at the start seeing the price and she looked at Alton and he returned a smile to her so she decided on some dresses for normal days and Alton had also decided what to buy.

As Margaret noted down the order Alton asked "Do you have any kind of clothes which can be used while working out." Margaret nodded to this and answered "We do have these clothes do you want them to be added to your order as well."

Alton nodded and then said "One for male and three for females keep the measurements standard so that they can be worn by anyone." Margaret asked with a smile "How about you get them enchanted that way they can get automatically altered to the wearer size."

Alton thought about this for a bit and then answered "Ok do that." Maria, Noah and Ava were looking at Alton because they were confused why Alton was asking for three female sets one should be enough for Maria. Alton looked towards Maria and smiled without saying anything and she understood what he meant.

Ren made the bill and brought it to Alton as he had made of the orders but at this Noah tried to catch it before Alton got it as he was instructed by his father to not let Alton and Maria pay for anything but he was late and it was already in Alton hand.

Alton understood Noah attempt and said "Brother Noah as these are our things I cannot let you pay for it, No problem Father had given me some money before we left."

Noah nodded and stayed silent as he understood that Alton was not going to let him pay. Alton looked at the bill and then took out a black card and handed it to the Ren. Ren took the card and touched it with a box and then a voice came out of box "Payment Accepted."

Ren with a smile on his face returned the card to Alton and then Margaret asked "Where do you want them delivered." Maria asked "How long are they going to take?"

Margaret answered "They should be done in a week." Maria looked at Alton and said "We don't have they address to our house yet what should we do?"

Hearing this Noah answered "No problem Margaret I will send you the address before the delivery date." Margaret nodded and then Alton and the other got out of the shops. As they got out Ava said "How about I take you guys to the cafe which is famous here."

Noah also agreed to this so Alton and Maria also agreed to this and then they started walking towards the café as it was near. As they all entered the café and settled at a table Maria and Alton both were a bit un comfortable because the first one had never done this before and the other was a person who always stayed in his room.

As they ordered and were waiting for the food to be served a voice coming from the background caught there attention "Nice to meet you Master Noah, Miss Ana long time no see."