The meeting of Darul Khan tribe had started over the Kanwal Jheel (the lotus lake). The meeting was supposed to decide the future of Abu Sufyan Villa and its occupants, but the effects of that decision were to be borne by Saqlain- Al-Jamal and Aaliya Bano, who belonged to two different worlds. Other side there were 'Humans' who were engaged in their pleasures unaware of the case which was against them, their interpreter King Suleiman the magnificent, behind the walls some of his good character and special friends, half children, children of children, brothers, sisters, their families, male and female jinns of tribe with strong religious beliefs, Prince Saqlain- al-Jamal, Bakhtiar, and Amira Selina also supported him for 'Humans', while the claimants included all the 'tribe of jinns, Dukhan al-Aatish. Unfortunately, there were those who were 'Against of Humans and the Humanity'. This tribe of giants was divided into two groups of right and wrong, good and evil, and truth and falsehood, so that they stood face to face in opposition to their real bonds and relations.
After hearing the views of King Suleiman the Magnificent and all his supporters on 'philanthropy', the position of 'anti-humanism' emerged, which was apparently led by Qabus- al-Jamal's second wife Amira Fariba and her sons but Qabus-al-Jamal himself. Al-Jamal was also sincerely with the other group who wanted to evacuate the area from the sons of Adam and for that these negative minded people used to harass these innocent sons of Adam from time to time in one way or another while On the contrary, the virtue of human friends was that they were there to help human beings in their time and need. In today's court, there were children with all the strengths and weaknesses. It was time for a decision. Amir Qaboos al-Jamal's voice echoed after hearing the statements of supporters on both sides:
"We, the inhabitants of the tribe of Dukhan-ul-Aatish, held this court today in order to liberate the land of Abu Sufyan Villa from the sons of Adam who have been our habitat for thousands of years, and these human beings have come to our land. Our peace and tranquillity have been shattered by us. These dust puppets not only built houses on the houses of the fiery elements but also the creatures that we encounter in front of them, this is an opportunity to harm us. Don't let go of the hand."
Amira Selena Al-Jamal was sitting next to the Amir on the throne, she was rubbing her hands in impatience while Amir's second and third wife were smiling. The master was doing according to the wishes of both of them. Amir's statement continued:
"Despite this, our elder Aqa Shah Sulyman the magnificent and all his supporters in this position are adamant that man should be allowed to do as he pleases because he is the noblest of creatures. Is it permissible for us to harm our nation, which looks like a raven or a dog, with its slingshots and pebbles, whenever we want? He was seen among the roots of a tree in the garden, whose widow and orphaned children today are the day of justice."
On the other hand, Amir Qabus- Al-Jamal clarified his position and on the other hand, Saqlain- Al-Jamal saw his mother sitting on the throne in front of him, clenching his fists. Anxious mood was exchanged in the silent eyes of both of them and the voice of Buzurg Aqa (thes eldest master) Shah Sulaiman the magnificent was raised:
"Amir Qabus- al-Jamal, chief of the Dukhan al-Aatish tribe! It is noteworthy that the saffron jinn had attacked the sons of Adam who had come as guests in the Abu Sufyan villa and were unaware of the creatures living there. Remember our Amir. That the saffron jinn had cut the leg of one of the guest boys, as a result of which the other guest boys served this snake, ie saffron jinn, in time. On such an occasion, one of my It saved the life of this innocent boy. Remember, every action has its punishment and retribution. If the saffron jinn had not harmed him, maybe his head would not have been crushed like this."
"Absolutely great master! There is a reward and a punishment for every action."
From the people of Dukhan al-Aatish came the voice of a masked woman whose saffron was her widow.
"My lord! If my late husband was punished for what he did, then the son of man who made me a widow, my children, should be punished for what he did."
The saffron jinn's widow addressed the elder master first and then the Amir.
"I want justice too, Amir Hazrat!"
A male voice heard from the audience.
"I was thrown in the field of Abu Sufyan Villa. The meat of the charity was in the form of a coyote to be picked up by my companions for my family when the children there targeted us with slingshots and injured us."
His short body jinn companions also showed their wounds.
"Will the Eldest Aqa Shah Suleiman the magnificent continue to support that nation that is hurting his nation?"
Injured coyote who complained. At the same time another sigh arose. This voice also came from the assembly. Maybe it was the sound of a couple crying.
"O Amir! My wife and I used to live in the bushes near Abu Sufyan Villa with our 9 infants. And yes people used to see us in the form of dogs. One day me and my wife left our children in a safe place. We went out for searching of food. When we came back, our 4 children were missing. My wife is in great shock. May Allah take away their children from the one who took our children away from us. "
Masculine was crying loudly and his wife was also quite helpless.
"They are human beings, they are ignorant. Whatever happened with you all, I admitted, I really acknowledge their fault. I, the elder of this tribe, Aqa Shah Suleiman the magnificent, is ready to compensate all of you troubles provided by my human friends but I want to you all that my human friends and their families shouldn't be distributed by you. They should be allowed to stay there. Enmity with them should be turned into friendship."
King Sulyman the Magnificent ordered as a request.
"Absolutely not. Absolutely not. We need justice... Abu Sufyan Villa and its inhabitants must be destroyed as they destroyed us... They would be hurt like they hurt us. Now we will hurt them. My husband is there.. Killed, now I will take his revenge... My children have been snatched, I will snatch their children."
Giants arose from human beings and voices of grief and anger started coming from all sides, especially the voices of saffron whose widow and mother who was deprived of 4 children. The eyes of Shah Suleiman the magnificent, Saqlain Al-Jamal, Amira Selina, Bakhtiar and other supporters were roaming around looking at the oppressed nation of fiery whose victims and their supporters were in large numbers.
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