Xing woke up in a rocking ship below deck, she groaned as light poured in and hit her face. She couldn't remember how it happened but she knew she was kidnapped. "Well, well, well, look who's starting to wake up." said someone above her. Her vision was getting better and she saw two sailors looking at her.
"Bet she'll wish she didn't after we arrived at Black Island." commented the second sailor. Xing's surroundings suddenly made her notice her hands were tied behind a pole and she was the only one in the cell. "No point of struggling, if you get hungry, we'll provide you a load that you'll be addicted to in no time." said the second sailor.
"Not just us, but the whole crew can help her." jeered the first. They stepped away from the hatch that was her only escape, leaving her all by herself. They didn't see that she begin to cry as she snuffled.
"Zhōng, help me, rescue me," whimpered Xing.
"What will we do with a drunken sailor?
"What will we do with a drunken sailor?
"What will we do with a drunken sailor?
"Early in the morning!
"Way hay and up she rises!
"Way hay and up she rises!
"Way hay and up she rises!
"Early in the morning!" sang the crew on board of a ship heading to the Egyptian Empire.
"Shave his belly with a rusty razor!" sang a sailor on board of the mast, working on untying the sail.
"Shave his belly with a rusty razor!" sang another sailor on board of the mast, working on untying the sail.
"Shave his belly with a rusty razor! Early in the morning!" sang a third sailor on board of the mast, working on untying the sail.
"Way hay and up she rises!
"Way hay and up she rises!
"Way hay and up she rises!
"Early in the morning!" all the sailors sang as with one tug, the sail came loose and caught the wind.
"We'll put him in a long boat till his sober!" sang a sailor below deck, pulling an oar through the water in time with the song.
"Put him in a long boat till his sober!" sang another sailor below deck, pulling an oar through the water in time with the song.
"Put him in a long boat till his sober! Early in the morning!" sang a third sailor below deck, pulling an oar through the water in time with the song.
"Way hay and up she rises!
"Way hay and up she rises!
"Way hay and up she rises!
"Early in the morning!" sang all below deck pulling the oars in time to the song as the ship glided through the waters.
Princess Zhen came outside as she heard the sailors singing while they worked. They greeted her, though they didn't know she was actually the princess of the Ninja Empire instead of Xing. Her fake bruises were slowly fading away, indicating she was 'healing'. She found Truman, Tony, and Zhōng either staring out to sea or watching them work.
"All hands! If you're going to sing, better be working otherwise there's a place I put lazy sailors and it's not on this boat!" shouted the captain. His family's origin is from the Medevil Empire but he was a citizen of the Spartan Empire.
"Aye! Aye! Captain!" shouted the crew in reply. Princess Zhen joined the three boys and decided to look out at sea with Zhōng who felt uncomfortable by her actions. Though he didn't show it, he stepped away from her was proof enough.
"Stick him in a scrubber with a hosepipe on him!" sang a sailor, scrubbing the deck.
"Stick him in a scrubber with a hosepipe on him!" sang another sailor, scrubbing the deck.
"Stick him in a scrubber with a hosepipe on him! Early in the morning!" sang a third sailor, scrubbing the deck.
"Way hay and up she rises!
"Way hay and up she rises!
"Way hay and up she rises!
"Early in the morning!" sang all the sailors, scrubbing the decks.
"Put him in bed with the captain's daughter! Put him in bed with the captain's daughter! Put him in bed with the captain's daughter. Early in the morning." sang Tony getting softer and softer as the glare of Zhōng became more furious.
"Way hay and up she rises!
"Way hay and up she rises!
"Way hay and up she rises!
"Early in the morning!
"That's what we do with a drunken sailor!
"That's what we do with a drunken sailor!
"That's what we do with a drunken sailor! Early in the morning!
"Way hay and up she rises!
"Way hay and up she rises!
"Way hay and up she rises!
"Early in the morning!
"Way hay and up she rises!
"Way hay and up she rises!
"Way hay and up she rises!
"Early in the morning!" sang the whole crew as each group did their required maintenance and jobs on board of the ship. When they were done, they focus on their work as they waited for someone to start another song.
"Was a third bottle really necessary?" asked Tony, rubbing the back of his head. After he sang his verse, Zhōng dragged him to a table. He jerked Tony on top of it before grabbing an empty bottle and struck him on the back of the head. He then grabbed another empty one and did the same thing, the third one still had liquid in it as it splash all over Tony after impact.
"I'll let you guess the first one, the last two were for Xing." stated Zhōng. He didn't need to explain as Tony understood what each of them means. Though he didn't mean to lose Xing and Zhōng understood that, it was still painful for him to bare.
"Okay, no more jokes about them." promised Tony as the two returned back to Truman and Princess Zhen.
"Should have hit him one more time," critic Truman.
"For what?' asked Tony.
"Do we always need to spell it out for you?" asked Truman.
"Yes, I don't know what you're talking about." stated Tony.
"Search in your memory or did I knock it out of you?" asked Zhōng. Princess Zhen giggled at that comment, when Zhōng turned to her, she stopped.
"Come on Tony, let's find someone who can take a look at you. Maybe they'll help you remember." suggested Truman. He noticed Lord Tyron was looking at them, indicating some alone time for Zhōng and Princess Zhen. Truman groaned, hating the thought but understood it was necessary for the plan to work.
"I'm fine, I think I remember what you were referencing." began Tony, he too didn't want to leave them alone. However, he didn't have a choice either when he was dragged away by Truman.
Zhōng turned back around to watch the endless sea passing by. Princess Zhen followed his lead, thinking about what to say to him. "There's no point in asking, you're already caught up in my adventures." stated Zhōng.
"You didn't tell me where you got that necklace." pointed out Princess Zhen. It was a small shard tied to a leather string that sway around his neck.
"When I went to help Truman in the caves that had rock monsters, I threw the orb into the monster that was invisible by light. As a reward for restoring it, I was given a shard to use however I felt like using it." replied Zhōng.
"How come Truman never got one?" asked Princess Zhen.
"He wasn't the one that threw it in." replied Zhōng. They said nothing for while as they stared out towards the sea. Princess Zhen decided to move closer to him again, she didn't like him but felt safe at least and was trying to force the appearance. "I'm going up to the crow's nest for a better view." stated Zhōng. He hopped the rail and grabbed the rope ladder that led up crow's nest, leaving Princess Zhen alone and confused.
Lord Tyron shook his head with disappointment, he remember making it clear to Zhōng to pretend to be close to her even though he couldn't let go of the pain of regret. "We should arrive in the Egyptian Empire within three nights and two more days." stated the captain, coming up behind him.
"Have you sailed up this way before, captain?" asked Lord Tyron.
"Aye, plenty of times, I've sailed up there through war times, through pirates, and through rebellious ships. I and the crew know what to look for so we don't go sinking into the unknown depths." replied the captain.
"How far east have you sailed?" asked Lord Tyron, he noticed Zhōng and Princess Zhen were looking out in that direction.
"Not far, no one dares to travel east. We've heard good ships go east and were never seen again. No one dares to travel further out than what they already know." replied the captain.
"I'm curious to know if the land our ancestors came from is out there somewhere." said Lord Tyron, he heard the legends and now has seen the sea where they came from. The thought of a country that they left to start a new one made him curious.
"If it is, sir, good luck finding a ship that is willing to do the expedition." stated the captain. He went to a map behind them and studied their progress ensuring their course was correct.
Lord Tyron returned his gaze to Princess Zhen who was still looking out at sea. "You're going to need to get closer to her than you are right now." he stated. Below him was Truman, though he was a clone, he was still Zhōng.
"You suggest I let her get closer to me than what she already is?" asked Zhōng, speaking through Truman.
"You know the traitor is still among us, we need him to believe she is the real one. However, don't do it as an act, do it to become better friends." ordered Lord Tyron. He walked away from the rail to study the map as well, leaving Truman to ponder what he said.
Later that night, in the captain's chambers, Princess Zhen woke up and couldn't fall back to sleep. She sat up and looked around her to see all the members were sleeping soundly. The boat croak while a few of them snore in response. She got up and decided to go outside, it was calm and cool as she heard the waves crashing and hitting the boat. The moon was full as it shined as bright as the sun. She wondered how Captain Howin was able to trick Lord Zào, that was a concern before she left.
The door where the princess came from creaked, she turned around and saw Truman. He was holding his two blades in his left hand and wore a white shirt with his pants and boots. He wrapped his blades around his waist after closing the door, he groaned as he stretch his left arm behind his head while walking towards her. "Your majesty," he greeted, after joining her by the rail.
"I can assume you're not the only one up." said Princess Zhen. For the past couple of days, she noticed that the three boys rarely slept deeply. Only Tony she noticed would sleep deeply on hard-working days, it would take all of them to wake him up.
"Zhōng is up as well, I told him I would handle this." replied Truman. The wind picked up, blowing on his hair, it was the first time Princess Zhen saw his hair lifted by the breeze. His blue eyes, while still showing he was deadly, sparkled with the moon's reflection. Having mentioned Zhōng and how he looked brought back a painful memory for Princess Zhen.
"Well that isn't a surprise." stated Princess Zhen. She turned around and leaned on the railing as Truman joined her. The sea looked peaceful far out but up close, the waves were crashing hard at the ship. "Did you tell him that because you know we will be bickering against each other and we'll end up waking the entire crew?" asked Princess Zhen. While there were people around, she'll cling to Zhōng like he was more than just a brother. However, when it was just her, Zhōng, Truman, and Tony, she'll question everything he suggested.
"It takes two to fight, princess, a challenger and an accepter. I don't know what he did to you in the past but you got to let it go." advised Truman. Though he was a clone of Zhōng, he was stuck in the middle of trying to keep his relationship with the princess intact while keeping his allegiance to Zhōng.
"I was in his prison," accused Princess Zhen.
"And I told you, he didn't know you were there." defended Truman. They went silent as Princess Zhen search her memory for reasons to hate Zhōng. But the further back she went, the more pain she felt for fighting against him. "Zhōng told me before the war started, you guys met only once at the Old Mansion in the Zhēn Lǐ Fiefdom. He doesn't want me to share what he thought of you after the event or after the fall, but I'm sure you felt the same as he did."
Years ago, Lady Zhen was traveling with her mother as they led her mother's most powerful army across the country. She was only six years old as the war escalated to new heights with no end in sight. While Prince Zhōng didn't know who was the enemy, she knew he was hers. "We must continue to hit their strong military fortresses, with our supplies dwindling with every battle, we must capture more while shortening theirs." stated Lady Wēi to her commanders.
"But we should capture their trade routes, without them, they wouldn't know where we're going as quickly than now with horses thundering on the main roads." pointed out a commander.
"We won't have the man support let alone weapons to repel Emperor Huo's forces. They will capture any post we struggle to obtain." said Lord Zhe.
"But we're losing men with all these raids for weapons and food. Our fiefdoms can barely support our cause, the empire is choking us out into the open." said another lord.
"Then I guess we'll have to show the empire how we treat our people and armies. We'll continue with the strategy, but find a way to improve our morale and conditions." ordered Lady Wēi.
"Yes, my lady." replied all the lords and commanders before leaving the tent they were in.
Lady Wēi turned to look at her daughter who happened to listen to the war meetings for a while now. She was silent, not daring to speak, but her face of concern was what made her worried. "You still think this is not the right thing to do?" she asked.
"Zhōng is my friend, why should we go to war against him?" asked Lady Zhen, she didn't understand the history between her's and Zhōng's families.
"It's more like I'm going to war against his father, but if I win this war, I will defeat him as well I'm afraid." replied Lady Wēi.
"But why must we kill him if we win?" asked Lady Zhen, she already knew the consequences for the losing force.
"Our families have been tense with each other since the First Wielder of the Ninja Sword. It's a grudge we passed down from generation to generation. But the reason why Prince Zhōng must die is to break the cycle. Right now, he is being groomed to become the emperor his father would like him to be. If he sits on the throne, he could be just as terrible as his father or even worst." said Lady Wēi.
"What if we groomed him to be the right king for the empire?" asked Lady Zhen.
"Because he could listen to us for a little while, then he'll turn back to his traditional ways that were passed down to him by his father and his father before him and fathers before them. I'm sorry, I haven't told the men following us I don't intend to help the prince to become better. Once in the dark, always in the dark. No light can be bright enough to shine into the deepest of caverns." answered Lady Wēi.
Lady Zhen pondered what her mother said as she wondered if it was true. Even after becoming a princess, she wonder if there was a saving light to shine on those who wandered. Though she hated him after she was captured, she couldn't find a memory before where she hated him. "Why are you so keen into our past?" asked Princess Zhen to Truman while they leaned out on the rail.
"I guess you can say it's a habit of mine. To know your enemies, you'll have to know their past. Zhōng never talk to me about his, I guess it's because he discovered your fate. It might be because it is too painful for him to tell. From being the political leader to something less than a beggar, he fell so deep into the abyss that you can say he's been reborn." replied Truman.
"Can I still trust him?" asked Princess Zhen.
"I'll let you decide for yourself," replied Truman, they watched waves roll by before he continued, "if you think not, then exposed your true self tomorrow or it will be too late." They then went back into the cabin to get some sleep for the rest of the night.
The crew was sparring on the deck a couple of days later since Princess Zhen and Truman's midnight talk. Princess Zhen decided not to tell and kept on pretending to be Xing. However, what Truman said to her and what she thought about him in the past, made her cautious and curious about the boy under the hood. A victor was declared in one battle and the crew clapped for him as he held up his sword in victory. "Truman is trying to find out our past, isn't he?" asked Zhōng as he joined her.
"There isn't much there other than when we first met." said Princess Zhen, keeping her voice low.
"While there may be little interaction, the war was what created us into who we are." stated Zhōng.
"I like to think that the end of it and after it was what shaped me." stated Princess Zhen.
"There is always a cause before the effect. The war shook the empire to unfamiliar ideas, for hundreds of years, my family rule the empire." said Zhōng as he turned to walk away.
"Until the empress took over," stated Princess Zhen, following Zhōng to a railing.
"The fear my father had was a cause while the war became the effect." said Zhōng, leaning back on the rail. "During the war, I learned a lot about the people you'll have to rule. The longer the war went on, the more depressed and poorer they became. Even me going out to the streets to motivate them wasn't enough anymore. They may cheer my name after the war, but once they realize how much they have now and beyond, they will curse my name. A cause and an effect."
"Then why not just leave? You can do it since this is the first time we've met since the end of the war." said Princess Zhen.
Zhōng turned and stared at her, his blue eyes were cold yet they didn't dance like they normally do. "I guess I have something that's keeping me to stay within the empire." he said.
"And what is that?" asked Princess Zhen.
"Shadow! Princess!" shouted Truman as he ran up to them. "We got trouble!" he stated and Zhōng sighed knowing what's going on before Truman needed to explain. They all ran down below deck and into a space where a game of lot was being played.
"Can't you guys let me go loose just this once?" asked Tony, he was pinned down by three men.
"If we let you go, we'll have a bad reputation for letting cheaters loose." said a fourth sailor in the room, he was standing by a lit lantern with a knife hovering over the flame.
"I promise you, I didn't cheat." squirmed Tony.
"That's what they all say, shall we cut your toes or do this," said the one with the knife as he punched Tony's groan. He moaned in pain from the impact. "Or perhaps cut your hands that were used to cheat."
"I say his right-hand pointer, did you guys see him lick and pressed it on my cards?" suggested one who had him pinned.
"I do a lot more than make sure I grabbed the right card with my right pointer." stated Tony.
"Perfect!" exclaimed all four sailors as they straighten out Tony's right pointer.
"Wait! I didn't mean it, you got me, I'm guilty, don't cut my finger off!" panicked Tony as he watch the hot blade arch back. As it came back down another knife flew and struck it out of the sailor's hand while a shuriken followed and struck the same hand that carried the knife.
The sailor cried in pain from the shuriken, the others turned to see where it came from and saw two boys in cloaks in the same after-thrown stance and a girl behind them. "Why you," began one of the three who had Tony pinned. He got off of Tony and charged at the boys. Zhōng stepped away while Truman stopped him in his tracks and slam him on the ground before slithering out his Longus to his throat.
While he was being knocked out, the other two lost their grip on Tony who forced himself to stand up. Once free, he round-house the other two, knocking them out. "Thanks for the help, though I believe I had it under control." stated Tony.
"Sure you did," mocked Truman, he used his pummel of his sword to knock out the sailor he had his blade towards. He then put away his blade as Zhōng return his knife to him. "What did you do to get yourself in this mess?" he asked.
"Cheater?" winced the sailor that was struck with the shuriken. "He cheated!"
"I know Poisoner for a lot of titles, cheater isn't one of them." defended Truman.
"You weren't here when he did it, it makes sense that you protect your black market brother." accused the sailor.
"Then how about we settle this accusation with a dual, I will take on your best fighter." declared Zhōng.
"You want to fight Vi-Victor?" stuttered the sailor.
"Oh, this should be fun," began Tony.
"Uh, guys," stated Princess Zhen behind them.
"I can't wait to see how you beat him, Shadow," continued Tony, he didn't hear Princess Zhen speak but Truman and Zhōng did.
"Tony," stated Truman.
"How do you think you'll kill him? If you slashed him we'll get his frozen face of fear of being killed but it's a quick death. However if you stabbed him, the pain him be long and painful but we won't see his face of fear." monologued Tony.
"Poisoner!" shouted Truman and Zhōng. Tony turned and saw standing in front of the way in, was a tall and strong sailor.
"Perhaps after I finish with whoever I fight, I'll show you pain." threatened Victor, Tony gulped looking at the built sailor, he was definitely someone you shouldn't cross blades with.
"You think you know pain?" questioned Zhōng, he stepped in front of Tony and looked at the sailor with eyes beginning to glow.
"You're my opponent, you barely look like a fighter." mocked Victor, he scanned the boy, he looked easy to break yet hard to try.
"I'll show you a fighter and pain." declared Zhōng.
"Then I say it shall be a mech fight, let's see what you people from the Ninja Empire can do." accepted Victor.
They went above deck and begin preparing for the fight, Zhōng handed Truman the Ninja Sword in exchange for his black Valtryek. No one noticed except Princess Zhen and Tony who were with them when they did. "Better to use this than give him a pounding." commented Truman as he took the Ninja Sword and put it behind him.
"It is tempting to show in fear as well." noted Zhōng.
"It is your sword, he can't disapprove if you use it." said Tony, he knew Zhōng's chances of winning would increase greatly if he used the Ninja Sword.
"But if I do, I would show the world who I am. Now is not the time nor place for that." said Zhōng. He tested the weight of the Valtryek before preparing it to battle.
"Shall we begin?" asked Victor, he activated a Wyvern and across the ship. Zhōng activated the Valtryek as they stare each other down.
"Fight!" shouted the first mate. Zhōng charged and as he did, Victor reversed thrusters, sinking the boat. The moment pushed Zhōng up and threw him into the air before crashing into the water.
The captain was in his office when he felt the shipped rock suddenly. "Oh, Victor," he sighed. He smiled and shook his head as he went back to mapping their heading.
Zhōng rose from the water, gasping air, he couldn't tell which way was up after he crashed. He didn't have much time as Victor tackled him before they split and the blades of their mechs clashed. "Tell me Shadow, did you enjoy your dip?" asked Victor. He continued his attacks, forcing Zhōng to go on the defense before they landed back on the ship.
"Highly recommend you try it yourself." stated Zhōng, he reversed his thrusters and rocked the ship as well. Victor was launched up but unlike him, he was prepared to as he aim and fired rockets at Zhōng, knocking him back off the ship.
The shipped rock backed and forth before settling down. Those who didn't have sea legs struggled to stand up. "I think I'm going to puke." said Tony.
"Do it over the ship, not on me." said Truman, he helped Tony and Princess Zhen to stand up.
Zhōng soon flew out of the water, he shook his head as water sprayed from it. "Better get used to it," stated Victor tackling Zhōng from behind as they dive into the water than out, and then back in. Zhōng struggled to catch his breath and to escape the continuous dives.
"That looks bad," groaned Tony after he puked.
"He might have better chances if he was using his sword." said Princess Zhen as they watch Zhōng getting dunked back into the water.
"Even with the Ninja Sword, his odds would be the same." stated Truman.
"Why would you say that?" asked Princess Zhen.
"Have you noticed where we're standing? We're on a ship that tosses and turns on seas, if we're on land, Zhōng would easily finish this guy." said Truman.
"Meaning what again?" asked Tony.
"Our balance when we fight, we are used to battles on solid ground. On the sea, they are off due to waves moving beneath this boat, also the winds are stronger making us misjudge the timing of an attack." explained Truman.
"I hate the sea," grumbled Tony, his cheeks suddenly puffed up and he leaned over to the side.
Zhōng when they came up again fired a flare in front of Victor's face, the light blinded him as Zhōng broke free. He flew back to the ship and landed, panting heavily. "Had enough? You never expect the thing we drink to be something to deliver pain." stated Victor, he landed on the other side of the ship to Zhōng.
Zhōng collapsed to his hands and knees, he was still breathing heavily. The continued diving was making him gasped the air even more. He looked over to his stamina and saw it almost depleted as well as his shields. He can guess that Victor's stamina was only half used and his shields barely damaged. And looked over to his friends and saw Tony's face was pale from puking and realization while Princess Zhen's face was shocked that he was losing. He then turned to Truman's and saw it calm and determined, his eyes glow and he looked ready for another round. Zhōng then looked up at his opponent and saw him standing like he won the battle.
"There's no need to embarrass yourself more, you can't take it anymore, I've drained you out. Taste your pain and defeat and this shall go no further." declared Victor.
Zhōng smiled and said, "You call that pain and defeat?" he stood up as his eyes dance like a fire raging. His breath was back under control and he activated a sword ready for the next round. "I face bigger giants that gave me more pain than you, you're nothing more than an insect." he mocked.
"Then why are you holding back?" asked Victor.
"So that I can know how to beat you at your own game with your own play." stated Zhōng. He reversed his thrusters again and changed his weapon to a gun as he sank his side of the boat. He pointed his weapon just above Victor in case he tried to fly again. Seeing this Victor reversed and sank his side of the boat as well. The boat equaled out before continue sinking lower down, some of the spaces begin to flood while the crew held onto something close by.
"Is this your plan? Sinking our boat?" asked Victor. He knew Zhōng had the advantage now and yet he stay where he was.
"My plan is to show you pain but first let me show something you need first. That is fear, how low are willing to go?" asked Zhōng. He put away his weapon as they continued to push the boat down.
Victor knew his fate could be sealed if he didn't jump first but the burning eyes of his opponent had frozen to move. The ship sunk deeper as the water was going over the rails as the two pushed the ship deeper. With the fear of the captain wrath, Victor jumped up and took to the air. He looked down and saw Zhōng also jump before he tackled his waist and dragged him down and into the water as the ship jumped above water after they launched.
The captain reached for his cup of tea before he could take a sip, the tea jumped out of his and into the air. He looked down at his empty cup confused before looking at Lord Tyron who sat across from him. Lord Tyron took an empty cup and without looking caught the flying tea. "Are they always this rough?" asked Lord Tyron, giving him the cup.
"Usually one would chicken out before that." said the captain before he took a sip.
The crew groaned from the aftermath while they lay on the decks. Tony grabbed the railing and heaved himself over it. "Whoever thought mech battles on ships was a good idea, clearly never met someone as crafty as them." he groaned.
"I think you're right," agreed Truman, he struggled to stand up due to the ship's rocking and momentum. When he recover, he gave Princess Zhen a hand to stand up and brace her as she readjust her balance.
"That was too much," she whimpered.
"Who won?" asked a crewmember as they searched the spot where the two dived. They were silent and anxious about who won.
Suddenly, a black Valtryek flew out of the water, it stopped and turned around to look where it came out of. A Wyvern soon flew out of the water as well as it got ready to square off against the Valtryek. Before they could continue, the Wyvern deactivated and its pilot started to fall back into the water.
Zhōng acted quickly and caught Victor before he hit the water and returned to the boat. After he landed, he set Victor down so his friends can look at him and deactivated as well and fell to his hands and feet. He breathe heavily again and was soaked from his battle and his risky move. Someone took his arm and wrapped it around before standing up with him. He looked and saw Princess Zhen as she dragged them back to their friends. "You don't have to do this, princess." groaned Zhōng.
"What kind of sister would I be if I didn't help you?" asked Princess Zhen.
"Was your plan to sink the boat if he didn't jump?" asked Truman when they arrived.
Zhōng got off of Princess Zhen and said, "I was willing to go as far as him, when he jumped, I jumped. I made him go first then I react."
"Well next time, could you do it by not rocking the boat?" asked Tony, who was still leaning on the railing.
"What did you do that they accused you of cheating?" asked Zhōng, he fought Victor for something he didn't know much about.
"Well after watching them play for a while, I joined their game. I soon found a loophole that allowed me to manipulate what the others were thinking. It was chaos as they gave me plenty of useless information that narrowed down my odds of losing." explained Tony.
Zhōng sighed and said, "Truman, take him for a ride till he pukes everything that he has left."
"You sure you don't want to?" asked Truman, giving Zhōng the Ninja Sword back.
"Why not do it back to back?" suggested Princess Zhen. Zhōng and Truman looked at her and smiled, while Tony's face went pale for what might happen to him.
Sailors were shouting from above Xing, she opened her eyes and groaned, the two before were standing above her. "Enjoy your nap?" asked one of them.
"Welcome to your new home, no one is going to save you now and there's no escaping." said the other. They laughed as Xing's eyes began to fill with tears for the unknown.