The Black Assassins

Black Island came into view after a few hours of sea, it was small but had a sharp climate change. At the base, it was flat for people to settle down while at the center, there were steep cliffs raising high enough for no one to see the other side. It was the only island off of the Assassin Empire, the rest were off of the Viking Empire. While it looked baron and deserted, it was home for the Black Assassins.

Hangman smiled as he saw the island and went down below deck. Below deck, were the remaining members of the Ninja Black Market and the Princess. They stared coldly at him when he found them. "Don't give me that, you were going to the Black Island one way or another." said Hangman. They said nothing, their mouths were covered and their hands tied behind them. Hangman gazed at everyone, however, when he looked at Zhōng and Truman, he saw two blazing eyes with violent intentions toward him. "Be glad, your majesty," mocked Hangman, "you'll see your sister soon anyways." Zhōng jerked and his eyes enraged even more.

The ship soon arrived at the island, and the remaining members were dragged off the ship, through the streets, and into the small castle. They were then separated with Truman and Zhōng going one way and the rest going to prison. The prison had only three cells with a bar window in the center. At times, the breeze would whisper in and blow colder onto the stones. There were no beds, only straw and a thin blanket. Outside of the cells wasn't much different other than there were no bars.

The guards put each of them in a cell with Tony in the middle with Owl and Princess Zhen on each side. After being placed in them, the guards left them alone but Tony didn't waste time and soon got to work of digging around in his cell. "What are you doing?" asked Owl.

"Looking to see if there's something stiff enough to pick." replied Tony as he picked apart the pile of straw for him.

"Do you think they'll let that happen?" asked Owl.

"We can hope, we have to find where they took Zhōng and Truman." said Tony.

"Don't forget we also should find Xing." said Princess Zhen.

"So what Hangman said on the boat was true?" asked Owl.

Tony stopped digging and looked at Princess Zhen, her true identity wasn't exposed yet but her cover was. "Perhaps I should start at the beginning when the real Xing was captured." began Tony.

Truman and Zhōng were dragged around in the small castle. Every time they tried to stand and walked, they were pushed down. It annoyed them and with their hands tied and no weapons on them, they were at a massive disadvantage. They soon entered a dining hall with a fireplace in the center of one side and a door on each end of the table. Besides the two assassins that escorted them and Hangman, there was one more on the other side of the table. "Greetings, welcome to Black Island," greeted Dolion.

"Are you in charge here?" asked Truman.

"Indeed I am, you ninja have come a long way from home." said Dolion.

"Then you know why we're here then, where is she?" growled Zhōng.

"My, oh, my, first let's get rid of those bindings," suggested Dolion. The two assassins broke the bindings on their hands and held their arms firm. "Now before you see here, may I know your names? I would like to know which one is my brother-in-law."

"Go to hell," stated Truman.

"Mentor, he's the one she's related to," stated Hangman, pointing at Zhōng.

"Splendid, you may now see here," said Dolion. He lifted the table and pushed it away and closer to the fire. What was revealed behind it that they couldn't see was a pole with Xing tied to it. She looked exhausted and submissive, she was badly beaten and barely clothed and covered in dirt and whatever else.

"Xing," exclaimed Zhōng, hearing her brother's voice, her head perked up. Zhōng broke free of his captives arms and sprinted to her. Just as he was running, a knife struck Truman in the thighs causing him pain. Since they were intertwined, Zhōng felt the pain as well and stumbled and fell.

"Interesting, very interesting," said Dolion as he walked up to Zhōng seeing him holding his unharmed right thigh. Xing moaned and screamed from the muzzle on her mouth as blood trickled down Truman's thigh. "Are you guys by any chance connected?" he asked Truman who was grunting.

"Mentor, what do you mean?" asked Hangman.

Dolion took hold of the blade in Truman's thigh and twisted it. Zhōng groaned in pain though he wasn't stabbed while Xing watch in horror shaking violently. "Somehow, these two can feel the damage the other one feels. I assume it's not just physical either." analyzed Dolion.

"And it will end if you kill him." bluffed Zhōng, he was still feeling the blade.

Dolion pulled the blade out and Truman and Zhōng let exhale audibly. Dolion returned to Zhōng and kicked him to lie on his back. He analyzed Zhōng's thigh but saw no blood pouring from it. He gazed up and down his body, the former prince of the Ninja Empire was laying at his feet. "You could be offered a high price in your home empire." said Dolion.

"You'll see an army coming before you'll see gold." threatened Zhōng making Dolion and the other assassin confused.

"It's not like you have someone very lock up here." hinted Truman, he was still trying to catch his breath.

Princess Zhen, Tony, and Owl were still sitting in their cells. After Tony told the truth about Princess Zhen, the three began looking for ways to escape and find Zhōng and Truman. Tony was busy humming a melody to keep him focused while he analyzed the bar window. "Do you have to do that?" asked Owl since it was getting annoying.

"Why yes, it keeps my mind calm and the guards will notice it and won't come in here often if they hear it." replied Tony as he tested the bars to see if they were loose. While they were in these cells, they notice that they were old and in okay condition. They could break into each other's cells but the outside fence was still in good condition.

"Isn't our goal not to be noticed?" questioned Princess Zhen.

"There are times when you must be quiet but to prevent unwanted eyes, sound could be the fastest way to avoid them. Also if Zhōng and Truman can locate us better if they hear us." reasoned Tony.

"Well then hum us an upbeat one instead of that calm and smooth one. It sounds like time to go beyond the end." said Owl, Tony shrugged and hummed a better one before hearing an audible clank. They immediately stopped searching and got into comfortable conditions as guards and Hangman entered the prison.

"If we hear you hum any more songs, we'll kill you after we got your tongue off." threatened Hangman to Tony.

"Never thought assassins hate music, shall I try dancing." mocked Tony.

"Don't make me kill you." growled Hangman as his men revealed crossbows and pointed them at Tony.

"You going to kill me with my own weapon how cute, do I at least can say my last word?" said Tony.

Hangman chuckled, the thought of killing him must have amused him. "Why?" asked Owl, turning their attention away from Tony. "Why do this?"

"Oh Owl, do you know the true reason why I kept you alive? Do you know my reasons for abandoning so many before you? Do you know my true reason for joining the black market? I joined years ago when Emperor Huo was losing, I knew I could take Princess Xing when he lost. But I could never find her since I was in the black market, I kept my ears focused on hearing her name. I never discovered her and my partners began to figure me out. I'm surprised it took you this long." explained Hangman.

"So that's why you became known as Hangman, you kill them once they start looking into your past." concluded Tony.

"You hang them and left them for dead, you're a murderer to the people you work with." accused Owl.

"Did you think they were accidents that happened often? I set them up to die just like this." stated Hangman. When he finished, the assassins that had their crossbows out at Tony, changed their target to Owl and fired. Darts and arrows flew through the gaps of the cell and hit Owl. Just in the first wave alone, Owl was bleeding out and looked lifeless as an arrow pierced one of his eyes.

"You'll pay for that," threatened Tony.

"Those who occupy me usually say that after I kill one. However, I still continue to live unlike them." said Hangman with a smile. Tony glared harder, his fist tightened and his body tensed, he could not believe there was someone like Hangman in the black market. "Now that's enough chatting, bring her." ordered Hangman and the men unlocked Princess Zhen's cell and took her with them as they left. Tony looked at Owl's dead body, he got on his knees and pray to give his ally peace for all his work.

Hangman and the assassins led Princess Zhen down the same corridors Zhōng and Truman traveled through earlier. Though she resisted at first, Princess Zhen accepted they were taking her somewhere important. The doors to a dining hall soon opened, it was a small one with a fireplace in the center of one side and a door on each end of the table. Dolion was sitting on the other side of the hall when they entered. "We brought her, mentor." stated Hangman.

"Ah yes, Xing's doubleganger," said Dolion, he approached them and begin studying Princess Zhen up and down. "You're definitely almost a complete match." complimented Dolion.

"Well where's the real one?" asked Princess Zhen.

"May I have your name first, your real one?" asked Dolion.

"I am Princess Zhen, daughter of Empress Wēi of the Ninja Empire, and if anything happens to me, let it be known that my mother would kill you painfully." stated Princess Zhen, over the years, she was slowly building up her confidence and determination.

"My oh my, it appears he was telling the truth," exclaimed Dolion as he turned his back to ponder for a while. "I'm sure you have more questions, come let's sit and eat." he offered. Princess Zhen began walking over to a seat when she stepped into a puddle, she looked down but couldn't recognize what it was. "Pay no attention to that, this place is old, there are leaks almost everywhere." said Dolion however it wasn't water. Their food soon arrived and revealed, Princess Zhen had eaten different kinds of food before, but she didn't trust him yet. "I hope you'll enjoy it, this is very plain and basic but it's very easy to go down." stated Dolion as he began to eat.

"I don't mean to be rude, but where are the two your men dragged separately away?" demanded Princess Zhen.

"You're curious about two of your party members? If I had guessed, they were your guides and leaders of the group." said Dolion as he continue to eat.

Princess Zhen slowly picked up a fork, and without breaking contact with Dolion, she cut a small piece of her food and ate it. "I assume you have Former Princess Xing of the Ninja Empire somewhere and discovered her brother came with us. I understand why you took Zhōng but why Truman."

Dolion turned to look at one of his guards behind him, without Princess Zhen seeing his face, he smirked and smiled. "I do have Xing, yes, my mentor made a deal with her father, rest their souls. Why I took both of them to see her is because I found out that Truman has a crush on her." he stated. Princess Zhen stopped eating as the news surprised her, she looked from her plate and glared at him. "You didn't know? I apologize, I wanted to see Truman's despair."

"He'll kill once you see it," growled Princess Zhen.

"But Zhōng would have him on a leashed and so will Xing, if he doesn't want any harm to happen to her, he'll do nothing." stated Dolion.

"So where are they?" asked Princess Zhen again.

"I'll like to keep them together for now, you'll see them again at an execution." said Dolion, sparking Princess Zhen's attention again.

"Who will you be executing?" asked Princess Zhen though it wasn't her business.

"Zhōng," answered Dolion and Princess Zhen's widen. "With your mother perhaps coming with an army, I plan to offer peace to her. The last remaining member of your party is in chains for crimes against you and the head of a fallen prince." he explained.

"Why do you think this will satisfy my mother?" asked Princess Zhen.

"Are you saying it's not enough?" asked Dolion.

"What would happen to Truman? He's valued in our empire though he's a criminal." said Princess Zhen.

"He'll become my betrothed's plaything if she's good." said Dolion.

Princess Zhen sighed, she couldn't find a reason for him to release Truman. "He's one of my closest friends I have, I won't lose him." she stated.

"Then what about Zhōng?" asked Dolion though Princess Zhen said nothing. "I see, that's how you feel about him. Perhaps I can offer this to you, I'll let Tony go free for now and Truman after Zhōng executed. Would you like to do it?" he asked, sparking Princess Zhen's interest.

A couple of days later, Tony returned to the fort to see Princess Zhen. Though he was free, there were eyes always watching his every move. "You can't be serious," stated Tony after Princess Zhen told him about the plans Dolion made.

"I understand you don't like it but this is the only way." explained Princess Zhen as she packed clothes given to her as a peace offering.

"You do realize what you'll be losing," said Tony, pausing Princess Zhen from packing. "While Truman controls the black market, Zhōng controls something deeper and darker than that. It's Truman that knows of this and protects it with his life."

"What do you mean?" asked Princess Zhen.

"There's a war coming, your majesty. If Zhōng dies here, the people would understand this either as an act of victory or mourn for him as he'll be a martyr." explained Tony.

"And why should I care what the people think? I'll have the Ninja Sword, no one would challenge me again." stated Princess Zhen.

"Your majesty, how many times did Zhōng use the Ninja Sword to fight battles? How many times have heard of a black mech destroying?" asked Tony, Princess Zhen pondered on the question but she couldn't find the answer. "I have yet to see its power. Yes, we do switch the Ninja Sword out so he could keep his cover, however, Zhōng could easily crush all of his opponents with it. He could easily fly over and rescue his sister, but he'll leave a wave of destruction. A mark that no one will forget throughout history. There's a reason why Zhōng fears its power, if you don't see that, you'll become the very thing that destroyed his father."

"How dare you compared me to Emperor Huo?" snapped Princess Zhen.

Tony shook his head, his time was up and he headed toward the door. "Like I said, not only would you lose a crucial ally, but Truman will leave you too." he said. The door opened and Tony left the room.

"You still haven't told her the truth." stated Hangman, he and another assassin were escorting Tony out.

"What good will come from it? Sooner or later, it won't matter because it will be hard for her to accept." said Tony.

"I must admit, you surrounded yourself with connections thanks to Zhōng, makes me jealous but also disgusted." said Hangman.

"Perhaps instead of killing, you should stay in touch with those whom you worked with." suggested Tony.

"But then I have to deal with the pain of losing someone close, whether it was during a mission, an execution, or old age, I will have to face the reality of losing them." said Hangman.

"Mark my words, I will avenge their deaths." swore Tony.

"We shall see," said Hangman.

The next day, a crowd entered the fort for the execution. They all stood on the walls, those in the back trying to peer through to see the action while those in the front could see every square of the courtyard. Dolion had a personal balcony to sit and watch, with him was Hangman, Xing, and a couple of guards when Princess Zhen join them. "Princess Zhen," greeted Dolion standing up to give her a slight bow.

"Dolion," acknowledge Princess Zhen.

"May introduce my future wife, though I assume you know her." stated Dolion as grabbed Xing to come over.

"It's good to see you again, your majesty." stated Xing, she was different than what Princess Zhen remembered. On their journey to the Spartan Empire, Xing would be smiling and hopeful but now she looked pale and accepting.

"I'm glad you are alive," said Princess Zhen trying not to ask private questions. Xing said nothing but nodded her head and looked away.

"I never expected someone to stoop so low that they break their wife to be someone they are not." stated Tony. He had his gear on and looked pissed at what Dolion did to Xing.

"We weren't expecting you to come," stated Hangman as he and the guards got defensive.

"You out of everyone should know there needs to be a witness for a Ninja execution." argued Tony.

"There are hundreds of people here." declared Hangman.

"But none are citizens to the Ninja Empire, considering I and Princess Zhen are going back, I need to confirm what her majesty said is true." said Tony.

"She'll have the Ninja Sword, there's your proof," said Hangman.

"How do you know she'll get it?" questioned Tony.

"Enough you two, Hangman let him watch." stated Dolion.

"As you wish, mentor," obeyed Hangman and he and the other assassins stood down.

"Got to say, you could be correct Tony," groaned Truman. Princess Zhen and Tony turned around to see him leaning on an assassin when they approached.

The assassin soon dropped him and Tony picked him up, having Truman lean on him. "You alright?" asked Tony.

"Dizzy," stated Truman, his head was visibly swirling and he looked like he was going in and out of a daze.

"What did you do to him?" demanded Princess Zhen.

"I told you, your majesty, that he'll be my plaything for my wife. What kind of husband am I that gives her something that'll break easily?" said Dolion. The crowd cheered louder as Zhōng was dragged in. They threw fruits, vegetables, and whatever else that they had on. Whenever something hit Zhōng, Truman felt it but was in a daze to express it, disappointing Dolion.

"Zhōng, what did they do to you?" whispered Tony as he looked at his friend. He had bandages where cuts formed, his clothes were lashed and he looked exhausted like Truman.

"I believe your prey is warmed up for you," said Dolion to Princess Zhen.

Princess Zhen around and began to leave before Truman lept on her. "Don't do this," he whimpered while tapping a code with his fingers on Princess Zhen's back.

"I'm sorry," stated Princess Zhen, she pushed him off her and braced him on Tony. She then continued on down to enter the courtyard.

"Do you see that?" taunted Dolion as he grabbed Xing's head and force her to look. The crowd was cheering as Zhōng struggled to stand up against the assault of unwanted items. "I want this to be your wedding from your brother. Nothing said remember me like his head, I can feel you breaking. I know I promise to see the look on his face while I rape you, but think your horror face will be better. If you want this to stop, you can't, it's Princess Zhen that's going to kill him." he continued.

Zhōng was thrown onto a stone slab in the center of the courtyard, he struggle to stand up but couldn't. He lay there in a daze as if the world around him was quiet and stopped. Princess Zhen soon approached him and she saw the same conditions Truman up above. She grabbed hold of her sword and the crowd cheered the action. "So, when do we begin, or do you want to keep the crowd distracted more?" she asked.

Noticing something wasn't right, Dolion leaned forward with anticipation wondering what they were talking about. As he tried to listen, Hangman looked behind him and realized what was going on. Before he could react, Truman tackled him and Dolion off the balcony and into the courtyard. Tony immediately activated his Spriggan and fired at the other walls, knocking out hundreds of assassins. "Xing, get out of here." ordered Tony after he broke her free. But before she could, the assassins were fighting back and knocked her into the courtyard.

Truman struggled but battled hard, he was weak from the beatings Zhōng had to go through. Hangman and Dolion knew this and were toying with him before Zhōng came at them swinging the Ninja Sword. The two of them worked together changing out constantly and pressing their opponents to the wall. Princess Zhen had activated her Roktavor and helped Tony fire at the assassins on the wall, he soon joined her in the middle. "That's a strange Spriggan you have," she commented.

"Well, I wanted something with a lot more defense than a basic long-range stamina type one." said Tony firing at any assassin he saw peaking their heads over.

Truman and Zhōng pushed Dolion and Hangman into a corner. By themselves, they struggle to beat one assassin, but together weak and dizzy, they can beat the best. "Surrender and promise you won't go after my sister." said Zhōng. He and Truman had their blades pointing at them.

"You think this is over?" shouted Hangman.

"We have our best long-range fighters keeping your men at bay and you lost to two best and beaten up combat fighters. Do you seriously want to be embarrassed more?" said Truman.

"This is not worth losing more men, tell them to stand down and we promise we won't go after you." said Zhōng.

"There it is," began Dolion causing Truman and Zhōng confused about what they said. "Even after being named a criminal, you still are loyal to your people. After being named a criminal, you hold yourself to standards that shouldn't be bound to you. You're free when you're a criminal but yet you were chains that hold you down. Why serve a princess that wants you dead? Why suffer to protect people that don't like you? The end route is pain and you will die from it. Allow me to show you what it means to be free, I don't care what you think 'cause I have men pointing at you." he said.

Truman and Zhōng looked up and jumped back as waves of bullets push them back. Noticing this, Tony fired at them but they were taking cover behind a tower, however, he left himself exposed to threats on the wall he was originally shooting at. They were suddenly overwhelmed and all four were pushed to the center and exposed. Zhōng looked up to Dolion and Hangman smiling in the same corner they were pushed to. Feeling Zhōng's rage, Truman activated a Longus arm and fired at the assassins on the wall.

"Is this part of the plan?" asked Tony, he was still firing at the assassins behind the tower.

"I never expected him to be a man with not a care in the world." stated Zhōng, he was still looking at Dolion.

"Brother!" cried Xing, she was in the other corner when she cried out and snapped their attention. Dolion smiled bigger and walked towards her to reclaim her. Her eyes widen watching and her face went paler at every step he took.

"Tony! Forget the tower! Use your signature move!" ordered Zhōng.

"One Bullet-Storm coming right up." said Tony, he knew what Zhōng was thinking. He changed out his weapon to a new one and rapid-fire between Xing and the advancing assassins.

"Move to Xing!" shouted Zhōng and the group slowly move to her. Princess Zhen fired at assassins running on the walls by Xing while Truman gave covered fire at the assassins everywhere else.

When they arrived, Truman gave out and his arm was deactivated. They were more assassins coming and they jumped into the courtyard and charged. "They just keep on coming." complained Princess Zhen, shooting down all that was close.

"I think there's way too much to be on this baron island." said Tony firing all who were in the courtyard.

"Do you think is a good time for jokes?" huffed Truman.

"Then do you have a plan better than the original one?" asked Tony.

Truman finally caught his breath and was about activate his Valtryek again. "I got this," said Zhōng holding him back.

"You don't have the energy, it will kill if you activate it." stated Truman.

"What choice do we have?" asked Zhōng. Truman didn't reply, he turned to the assassins slowly moving closer to them. "It will only be the arm, you guys get ready to jump and fly out of here." he said.

"Well, I hope this won't kill us as well." said Tony. Princess Zhen looked at him confused before she could ask, Zhōng activated one Ninja Arm and fired it into the ground. Shock waves erupted, sending everyone flying, the walls tore down from the blast, and the fort itself collapse from the quake. Smoke erupted high above the ruined fort and two mechs fly out and away from it.

"Are you alright?" asked Princess Zhen over the comms. She was carrying, Truman and Xing while Tony followed behind carrying Zhōng.

"Hate to be on the other side of that." said Tony. "Let's find somewhere to lay low."

"Truman, wake up. Truman? Truman! Come on wake up!" cried Xing. Princess looked down to see Xing trying to shake Truman awake. Her cries weren't getting through to him as he looked unconscious. She turned to look at Zhōng who too was unconscious, while they won, it caused them the strength of their best two.