
A storm was picking up when Zhōng, Truman, Tony, and Mr. Wàng Jì were dragging a boat from its hiding place. They made some minor repairs and modify it for the raging waves. They dragged it to the shoreline where the girls were waiting for them. "Are you sure we can make it?" asked Mr. Wàng Jì as the girls climbed in.

"When there's a will, there's a way," stated Zhōng as looked out to the angry seas.

"Except yours is death if this tips over." stated Tony as he and Mr. Wàng Jì climbed in after the girls.

"You think I didn't think of that?" asked Zhōng, he then held out in his hand rope to Truman.

Truman looked at the rope, he knew what he was planning. "You got to be kidding me," he groaned.

"Would rather wait and run into the chance of being caught?" asked Zhōng. Truman looked back down at the rope, with a sigh, he took it and tied it around him. He then activated his black Valtryek sword and ready himself to pull the boat into the seas. Zhōng went to the back and push as Truman pulled. When the boat was free and floating, Zhōng jumped as Truman faced the waves.

The waves crashed hard at Truman in his mech, he was their anchor to ride. If he was too high, he could flip the boat. If he was too low, he sank the boat. He had to face the waves as they crashed through and keep the tension on the line. He never thought a body of water could be this violent in a storm.

"I don't like this either, but we have no choice." stated Zhōng. He and Truman were in a blank void as they struggled with the waves.

"Then why do you want us to leave like this?" asked Truman.

"Our priority is to get the princess off that island and home." responded Zhōng.

"Our priority is to make sure we all survived." argued Truman.

"We can't do that if we stay on the island. We leave now and we cover our tracks so that Dolion won't be able to follow us." stated Zhōng.

"But this is risky, even for us. We should have waited for the storm to calm down a little." complained Truman.

"But we could be captured while we wait, how do you know if Dolion is closer than we expect?" questioned Zhōng.

"How do you if he isn't?" asked Truman, the two boys stared at each other. They were the same but different, their personalities are the same but they acted differently. Perhaps this was the first time that Zhōng felt torn.

The waves crashed again, snapping Truman back into reality. He turned around to see the boat riding violently through waves. As he continued to pull them out further into the sea, the waves began to lose more of their height. When it was calm enough, Tony and Mr. Wàng Jì heaved the sail up to catch the wind. "Truman! That's far enough!" shouted Tony.

Understanding the statement, Truman deactivated and plunged into the cold water. He was pulled up by Tony and Mr. Wàng Jì with the rope tied around his waist. "You're crazy to plunge in the water liked that." stated Mr. Wàng Jì after Truman was onboard.

"Well, we'll be cold and wet anyway. Might as well get used to it." stated Truman as the rain continued to pour. He turned to see Zhōng at the rudder steering them through the waves, they hadn't forgotten their argument.

"We'll talk about it later when we aren't in danger. For now, make sure the girls and the princess are okay." stated Zhōng, he knew what Truman wanted to say.

"How about you do that," grumbled Truman, he sat down by the girls as they hugged each other tightly at the bow.

"Are we going to make it?" asked Yuzuki

"We will, I'm sure of it. Nothing else bad is going to happen." stated Xing.

"You just had to jinx it," stated Truman, he got up and searched for bowls.

The waves continued to crash and soon they were taking on water. Truman and Tony handle the sail and Zhōng managed the rudder while the rest try to scoop up the water. "How much further till shore?" asked Tony as he and Truman put their weight into it.

"I'm not sure, but we're definitely not close." stated Truman as their boat rocked through the waves.

"The waves are too much to keep up." stated Mr. Wàng Jì as he poured out another bucket of water.

"I'm trying to avoid them as best as possible." said Zhōng. He turned the boat in a different direction sharply. This action caused Princess Zhen to fall into the water-filled boat with a splash.

"Can't you be a little more careful?" asked Yuzuki.

"I don't have a choice," stated Zhōng.

"Guys! Did you hear that?" asked Tony. They went quiet and heard an audible creak of wood then suddenly a massive ship appeared.

"What kind of ship is that?" asked Xing, it was unfamiliar to her. It wasn't like the ships built by the Spartans, Vikings, or Egyptians. They were smaller and more narrow than the massive ship in front of them.

"Hey! Help us!" cried Tony, waving his arms over his head.

"Are you mad?" asked Truman, forcing Tony's arms down.

"We don't know if they're friendly." stated Mr. Wàng Jì.

"Would you rather stay on this and sink?" asked Tony. Suddenly, a rope from the ship was tossed onto their boat as it thundered and they were silent.

"Tony, you go first then Mr. Wàng Jì will follow. The girls will go after you and Truman and I will come last. Stay on your guard and if it's a trap, scream." ordered Zhōng. Tony nodded and climbed up first with Mr. Wàng Jì following him. Once they were aboard the ship, the girls follow with Yuzuki first and Xing last. Truman and Zhōng waited for any warning before looking at each other. "Be ready," said Zhōng.

"You don't have to tell me." said Truman. They climbed up the rope just in time as their boat sank to the depths.

When the two boys were on the deck, they saw the rest of their party had their hands behind their heads and the crew of the boat pointing something at them. "Now if you want your head blown off, I suggest you two do the same thing as your friends." sneered one of them, the device in his hand was pointing at them.

"We can take them," stated Truman.

"We can, but what about them?" asked Zhōng. They looked at their party, the only one that knew about their devices was Tony and he was scared. "Great job, Poisoner, you got us on board a pirate ship." sighed Zhōng and he and Truman followed their example.

They were brought down to the brig and separated into males and females. "At least we're out of the storm." pointed out Tony.

"That's the only upside, may I remind you that we escape from a dangerous island, almost sank with our boat, boarded a pirate ship, and are perhaps going to die or become slaves." stated Truman.

"What were those devices they carried?" asked Yuzuki, she, Xing and Princess Zhen were in a cell across from them.

"Flintlocks, they're guns that don't need mechs to use." answered Tony.

"How is that possible?" asked Princess Zhen, she never heard of such a device.

"They were created in the Medieval Empire, they were hoping it would give them an edge in battles. In some ways, it was effective but took way too long to load. Some of their ships have something bigger called cannons and they are extremely effective. Be glad that we don't have to worry about them on this side." explained Tony.

"Thanks for the analysis, now do you have a plan to escape?" asked Zhōng.

"I have one and backup, neither of them should fail. First, we need to get out of here." gloated Tony.

"What do we do once we're free?" asked Mr. Wàng Jì.

"We take the ship and forced them to sail north to the Egyptian Empire." said Tony. He fished in his boat for pick and revealed it to the rest of them.

"You think that will work?" questioned Princess Zhen.

"It's a lock pick, your majesty," explained Xing as Tony got to work. "He's going to try and pick the lock then he'll do the same for us."

"Or he could grab the keys if they're lying around somewhere." suggested Truman.

"And I almost got…" grunted Tony. They a bang of a gun and the projectile hit the lock of the boys' cell. It caused Tony to drop his pick and they turn to see the pirates holding up their guns.

"Pity I miss," stated the pirate who fired and the men behind him chuckled in agreement. "Now if you do that again, I won't miss your head. Aye, aye?"

"Plan B?" whispered Zhōng to Tony.

"Plan B," nodded Tony.

"Who are you? What do you plan to do with us?" demanded Truman.

"I am the captain of this ship, Captain Edwards the Third." stated the pirate. "What going to happen to you, I haven't decided yet." He approached their cells and looked to his right at the girls. They were scared but determine, they didn't look helpless but strong. He smirked before looking at the boys. Three of them looked ready to pounce suddenly if he wasn't careful.

"Captain, we've entered our waters." stated a crewmate that joined them from the upper decks.

"Very good, 'cause I've decided what we're going to do with these prisoners." stated Captain Edwards. "We'll spare the girls and have them entertain us, and the boys we'll throw them overboard." he ordered. He then walked back as the men with him loaded their flintlocks and pointed at the four boys.

"WAIT! WAIT! WAIT!" screamed Tony. "You guys like to make money, right?"

"You're about to die and you asked us that?" stated Captain Edwards in disbelief.

"Well, yes, because you'll make more if you keep us alive. We're not any normal boys lost at sea and neither are the girls." explained Tony.

"Am I supposed to know who you are?" questioned Captain Edwards.

"Well for the girls, one of them is the princess of the Ninja Empire, Princess Zhen. The other two are formal royals of the same empire, Former Princess Xing and her second cousin Yuzuki. As for us, only three of us have very large bounties for our heads. You have me, Tony, The Poisoner. You have Truman, The Dual Bladed Ninja, the second-highest bounty and second in command of the black market. And finally, you have the crown jewel, the most wanted of us all, Former Prince Zhōng, otherwise known as The Shadow. As for our other colleague, he's the cousin of Mr. Tyron, Leader of the Ninja Black Market."

"Please tell me this isn't the plan." groaned Truman.

Captain Edwards looked at Zhōng, his face was shown but it wasn't a boy's face rather it was a man's. His blue eyes dance brightly and flickered like fire. His hair was trimmed and placed in the style he was known to wear. Finally, his skin barely had scars and was stern. He didn't act like the prince but his traits were clear.

"Release him," ordered Captain Edwards and his men opened the boys' cell. They continued to point their weapons at the other three as they drag out Zhōng. When Zhōng was out, he analyzed his options as they shut the cell and locked it again. "Are you seriously the person that idiot claims?" he asked as he pointed a new flintlock at Tony.

"You should've kept me in if you're going to kill me." stated Zhōng.

"You misunderstood me, lord captain." stated Captain Edwards as he and his crew bow their heads at Zhōng.

"Captain?" shouted Truman, Tony, Mr. Wàng Jì, Yuzuki, Xing and Princess Zhen.

"Lord captain?" repeated Zhōng.

"Aye, lord captain, we heard about you out at sea. So much that the previous lord captain made you his heir." explained Captain Edwards.

"Don't you pirates do whatever you want?" questioned Zhōng.

"Aye, we do, but there's honor among thieves. We hold a code and respect those who uphold it." answered Captain Edwards.

Zhōng looked to his right and his left, the pirates were no longer hostile and were waiting for his command. "Very well then, what's our heading and what ship is this?" asked Zhōng.

"This is the White Pearl, lord captain, the fastest ship ever built. We are heading to Pirate Island, lord captain." said Captain Edwards.

"Then I would like you to release all of my companions except the that talked. Have him work on jobs your men groan to do." ordered Zhōng.

"Aye, aye, lord captain. You heard him, release them you lazy bones." stated Captain Edwards. The crew jumped into action and released all except Tony.

"Ah, Zhōng, I may had my mouth run but is this necessary?" asked Tony.

"That's Lord Captain Zhōng to you." stated Zhōng. They all went upstairs leaving Tony behind.

A few days passed and Tony was working on scraping coral off the bow of the White Pearl. The cold salt water crashed either just below him or at his feet and legs, he shivered from feeling the backlash. "You missed a spot," a familiar voice called. Tony looked up, besides the two pirates watching him work, a third person with two ninja-type swords, two hidden blades, and a flintlock was looking down at him.

"How about you come down and join me," suggested Tony.

"Have you ever seen a superior officer doing the grunt work out at sea if it isn't an emergency?" asked Truman.

"How many times have we been on a ship?" questioned Tony.

"Not a single one had someone with my status helping someone like you." stated Truman.

"You always said you'll provide a helping hand, but now you have power, you refuse to help." groaned Tony and went back to work.

"I'll help you guys drop him a little further down." stated Truman to the other pirates. They smiled with evil intent and lower Tony down more.

Tony had the waves now crashing on his back, it send a whole new level of cold across his body. "Truman! You son of…" he cried as another wave crashed on him.

The girls were gazing out at sea when Truman passed behind them. They turn to see him walking up to the bridge to join Zhōng, Mr. Wàng Jì, and Captain Edwards. "You pirates have explored more seas than any map made in any of the empires." applauded Mr. Wàng Jì.

"We have to, in order to do trades and plunder, we have to go far to stay away from unwanting eyes." replied Captain Edwards.

"Does any of the empires give chase, captain?" asked Zhōng, he was looking through a spyglass while they talk.

"The Spartans and Egyptians don't, lord captain, however, the Viking Empire will follow us for a while till their captains loses their nerves." answered Captain Edwards.

"If only Lord Tyron was here, he would be amazed by this." said Truman as he analyzed the map.

"It sounds like something my cousin would have an interest in." agreed Mr. Wàng Jì looking at the map as well.

"I never expected someone from the Ninja Empire to have a love for maps of the seas." stated Captain Edwards.

"More like he wants to know where the Eighth Weilder sailed to after leaving." explained Zhōng, putting the spyglass down.

"I see, lord captain," understood Captain Edwards.

"The helm is yours, Truman come with me." ordered Zhōng as he walked off the bridge.

"Aye, aye, lord captain," complied Captain Edwards and took the helm.

"Right behind you," stated Truman following Zhōng. The two boys walked down along the starboard side of the ship till they stopped and looked out toward the sea. "Do you want to talk now?" asked Truman.

"Now is not a good time, I want your opinion about them," stated Zhōng.

"While they may be carefree and do whatever they want, there's respect and loyalty to their superiors." stated Truman.

"They're only loyal if the captain can provide sufficient money. And the captains are loyal to me if I don't take too large of a sum." analyzed Zhōng.

"Even so, they'll respect your decision for who would be the next lord captain." pointed out Truman.

"That's because of their code, if it weren't for me, we would be dead." stated Tony, he was soaked and just finished his work on the bow.

"Perhaps the next thing you should work on is the lowest deck," suggested Zhōng with a growl.

"You're welcome," grumbled Tony as he leaned on the rails with them. "What's the plan, lord captain?" he asked after a while of silence.

"Dolion isn't going to quit after he finds out we escape. If anything, he'll prepare his conquest to the seven empires." theorized Zhōng.

"But he would want to fight us first, he knows we aren't at full strength. Attacking us while we tried to recover would be easy prey." predicted Truman.

"Then I better make sure that the crew doesn't give us away." said Tony, he took out a crossbow and one of his poisons darts to load.

"You're at the bottom of the order, if you do something rash, you'll be killed." warned Truman.

"Then do you have a better idea?" asked Tony.

"I don't like this but it must be done," began Zhōng. "I don't fully trust these pirates, but I don't sense a hidden agenda. And so, we'll go back to Black Island to face Dolion while leaving the girls on Pirate Island."

"What if he isn't there?" asked Tony.

"Then we'll chase him," answered Truman.

"But what if it's a trap?" asked Tony.

"That's good because I want to trigger it. I want to face him without holding back." stated Zhōng.

"But you could die," stated Yuzuki, the girls noticed the boys and eavesdropped on their plan.

"That's just life, every day is a risk." stated Zhōng as the boys turned around to look at the girls.

"How do you know Dolion won't attack Pirate Island?" asked Xing.

"According to the pirates, not a single empire knows where the island is located. Not a single map goes out that far, you three will be safe there." stated Truman.

"But you just said you don't trust them fully." pointed out Princess Zhen.

"You don't trust me fully yet you're here following us." stated Zhōng.

"I have no choice," said Princess Zhen.

"We gave you plenty of choices and chances to change your mind, you stayed your ground because you didn't want to be wrong or weak." said Zhōng.

"While you have to be the all-knowing tough guy that decides everything when you're not in charge." fired back Princess Zhen.

"Experience should also be the one in charge. Have you ever tried to live out on the streets, your majesty? Do you know what is like? Every night you tried to fall asleep but one constant thought rings through your head to keep you awake. There'll be beggars, thieves, and members of the black market waiting to pick you off whether by money or your life. But they're nothing compared to the wild where you have to worry about wildlife and bandits. A howl from a wolf would send shivers down your spine, and a snap of a twig nearby would make you jump. You can't build a fire to stay warm nor could you take extra blankets because you'll be traveling by foot. Food is hard to come by and if you have some you must preserve it. It may sound impossible but that's normal for me, I know where to look for food and shelter that is safe. I know every corner in every town. I can sense something isn't right before the trap is spring. I live in the shadows and where we are going is deeper than any one of us has gone. None of you three have experience of what we have, but even then it's not enough." declared Zhōng, he turned back around and looked out at sea.

The girls, Truman and Tony were silent as they looked at their companion. He was perhaps scared but refused to show it. "Soon may the Wellerman come, to bring us sugar and tea and rum. One day, when the tonguin' is done…" began Tony as he leaned back on the rail.

"Tony I think he meant it when he ordered you to clean the lowest deck." warned Truman.

"We'll take our leave and go." finished Tony. He cleared his throat catching the attention of a few pirates nearby. He began banging his fist in a beat and sang, "There once was a ship that put to sea, the name of that ship was the Billy o' Tea. The winds blew hard, her bow dipped down, blow, me bully boys, blow. Soon may the Wellerman come, to bring us sugar and tea and rum. One day, when the tonguin' is done, we'll take our leave and go."

"Soon may the Wellerman come

To bring us sugar and tea and rum

One day, when the tonguin' is done

We'll take our leave and go

Soon may the Wellerman come

To bring us sugar and tea and rum

One day, when the tonguin' is done

We'll take our leave and go." sang the pirates, catching on and more joined them and soon they were banging barrels and stomping on the deck in a beat. It quickly became a live musical as the men sorted themselves out to sing the song.

"She had not been two weeks from shore

When down on her, a right whale bore

The captain called all hands and swore

He'd take that whale in tow." sang a pirate as the beat got rhythm.

"Soon may the Wellerman come

To bring us sugar and tea and rum

One day, when the tonguin' is done

We'll take our leave and go

Before the boat had hit the water

The whale's tail came up and caught her

All hands to the side, harpooned and fought her

When she dived down below

Soon may the Wellerman come

To bring us sugar and tea and rum

One day, when the tonguin' is done

We'll take our leave and go

No line was cut, no whale was freed

The captain's mind was not on greed

But he belonged to the Wellerman's creed

She took that ship in tow

Soon may the Wellerman come

To bring us sugar and tea and rum

One day, when the tonguin' is done

We'll take our leave and go." sang the pirates. Tony escorted Xing to the middle of the deck. She caught quickly his intentions and dance to the beat even having her solo as the men cheered for them.

"I didn't know your sister can dance." stated Yuzuki.

"Neither did we expect Tony to dance either." awed Truman.

"Well then, come on, second cousin, we can't have your sister show off." stated Yuzuki, dragging Zhōng to join Xing and Tony.

"I'll have you know I can dance a little." grumbled Zhōng.

"This ought to be good," snickered Truman, he then offer his hand to Princess Zhen. "Better show them how to do it." he offered.

Princess Zhen hesitated but accepted and they went to join the four. "I don't want to take all the spotlight." stated Princess Zhen when they begin.

"For 40 days or even more

The line went slack then tight once more

All boats were lost, there were only four

And still that whale did go

Soon may the Wellerman come

To bring us sugar and tea and rum

One day, when the tonguin' is done

We'll take our leave and go

Soon may the Wellerman come

To bring us sugar and tea and rum

One day, when the tonguin' is done

We'll take our leave and go." continued singing the pirates as they dance. Tony and Yuzuki suddenly left leaving Truman, Zhōng, Princess Zhen, and Xing dancing together. They were switching partners and enjoying the beat till Princess Zhen noticed that Zhōng disappeared before the repeat of the chorus. She left to search for him and Truman left shortly after leaving Xing to dance by herself again.

"As far as I've heard, the fight's still on, the line's not cut, and the whale's not gone. The Wellerman makes his regular call, to encourage the captain, crew and all." sang Tony by the pirates providing the rhythm and the music. He pointed at Xing who was enjoying the song and everyone was cheering for her. Her smile was big and her black hair sway with her shiny green eyes.

"Soon may the Wellerman come

To bring us sugar and tea and rum

One day, when the tonguin' is done

We'll take our leave and go

Soon may the Wellerman come

To bring us sugar and tea and rum

One day, when the tonguin' is done

We'll take our leave and go." finished the pirates as a roar of approval followed when they were done. Captain Edwards smiled and was pleased that his crew was on high morale.

As the crew was graduating each other, Princess Zhen continued looking for where Zhōng had gone. After scanning at her eye level, she looked up and saw someone perched on the mast. He was on one of the yards, feeling the ocean breeze while looking beyond.

"He's no longer your friend, your majesty." stated Truman, surprising Princess Zhen. "You don't trust him which I understand, but following him around and watching shouldn't be how you treat an ally." he rebuked.

"Though he's an ally he's also my enemy. I must make sure he can't be lost again." said Princess Zhen.

"So what about me? Am I a friend and your enemy?" asked Truman. Princess Zhen could answer, he continued, "I am good friends with you but I am also with Zhōng. Sometimes I wonder if my break into the palace years ago was a plan he put together to set us up. If so, it's a long way to mend a destroyed bond. And going through me is unbelievable."

"Land Ho!" cried a pirate at the crow's nest. The men rushed to the side of the ship to see a large mass of land appearing on the horizon.

"Lord captain and friends I welcome you to Pirate Islands." stated Captain Edwards. The group turned around to see Zhōng was standing with him.

"Islands as in plural?" questioned Tony.

Pirate Island was a group of islands with the largest one leading and smaller ones falling as if they fell off. The smaller islands were deemed private homes for the pirate captains with the biggest one deemed the home for the crew as a city was built leading up towards the peak of the island. As night fell an enormous party began as they celebrated the coming of Lord Captain Zhōng. Gunshots were fired with men shouting and music fiddling through the town. It was nothing close to the parties back in the Ninja Empire as men fought and drink till they were dead. At the tip of the peak, Zhōng, Truman, Tony, Mr. Wàng Jì, Princess Zhen, Xing, and Yuzuki were attending the party in the largest house. Captains from different ships greeted Zhōng and offered gifts to him while they were men playing rough behind them.

"This reminds me of something," whispered Zhōng to Truman after a captain finished his greeting.

"At least we aren't making promises, they are just saying hello to receive favor in your eyes." replied Truman.

"Keep telling yourself that," sighed Zhōng as the next captain came up.

"Lord captain, I am honored to meet you, I've just returned from sailing to the other side of the world and pillaged a Medieval ship. I present to you one of its goods." said the captain as his men came up with him with a barrel.

"I'm still finishing my drink," indicated Zhōng, he picked up his cup and swirled it around. He was having a hard time drinking rum for the first time.

"I can assure you, lord captain, this is sweet rum. Something that the Medievals are calling, 'Root Beer'." assured the captain. His men took a new cup and opened the barrel, as it poured, there was a sound of fizzle and a foam layer laid on top of the liquid. They presented it to Zhōng and he tried it.

"This is indeed sweet and drinkable as well." approved Zhōng.

"Might as well share the good then, lord captain," suggested Truman, he noticed the fizzed caught the girls' attention and they looked curious to try.

"Aye, if you have any more barrels provided some to your crew if they like, then to my companions and then to the rest." ordered Zhōng.

"Aye, aye, lord captain," replied the captain. Another barrel was open and six drinks were poured the others.

"Looks like today is my lucky day." chuckled Tony as he won again his drink ordered by Zhōng arrived. He was gambling with other pirates after watching them play and being taught the rules.

"Beginners luck," grumbled a pirate as Tony collected the chips.

"Mr. Tony, here are your belongings we didn't take as lord captain ordered us to." greeted a pirate with Tony's cloak and crossbow.

"Appears you took my combat weapons." complained Tony. He checked over his crossbow before folding it up and putting it away on his back hip. He analyzed his darts and potions for any damage and put them on his right hip. He had an emergency bag and put the chips he earned into it before tying it to his left hip. The last thing was his cloak as he unfolded it and put it on himself. As he did, a letter fell out and landed on the ground, Tony knew the contents of the letter for he received it two to three years ago. He picked it up and stare at the sigil of the Old Empire, it was written to him asking him what were Zhōng's plans for conqueror. He looked up from it and saw Truman whispering something to Zhōng then leaving his side.

Captain Edwards shortly presented himself in front of Zhōng, within his hands, he held a shiny, golden flintlock. "For you, lord captain." he declared holding it out.

"What's this for?" asked Zhōng.

"My and my crew's tribute as well as the last lord captain's." explained Captain Edwards.

"Has this always been passed down?" questioned Zhōng.

"No but the previous lord captain wanted you to have this." said Captain Edwards.

Zhōng sighed then said, "I shall take it on his behalf. For your tribute, you paid already by allowing me and my friends a safe voyage here."

"As required of me, lord captain," acknowledge Captain Edwards before giving the flintlock to Zhōng.

"Whoever wields it after me, will be the next lord captain." swore Zhōng as he inspect his new weapon as Captain Edwards left.

Tony soon appeared in front of Zhōng and nodded his head. "Lord captain, may I speak with you privately?" he requested.

"Is it urgent?" asked Zhōng, he put down the flintlock and was curious about what his friend had to say.

"It's something that unwanted ears to hear." said Tony, referring to Princess Zhen.

Zhōng looked at Mr. Wàng Jì who said, "I shall inform you them if they ask." Zhōng and he and Tony to a private room.

Princess Zhen noticed this but knew better than to follow. She turned behind her to see where did Truman go, he might know what they were going to talk about. When she spotted him, she got up and left Xing and Yuzuki alone.

"So what do you want to talk about?" asked Zhōng when he and Tony were alone.

"Remembered the plans we made in our early years in the black market?" questioned Tony.

"I do, is there a reason why you're bringing this up now?" asked Zhōng.

Tony could feel his letter around his chest in his cloak, he knew he should be careful about what to say. "It's almost five years since the fall of the capital, we've been searching for those who will cost chaos for your name. I wanted to ask this for a while, why are we doing this if we're going to need them in a couple of years?" he asked.

Zhōng turned to a side and pondered, it wasn't like Tony to ask out of the blue but knew he won't get answers unless he answers. "It's too soon to prepare for war, war already has scared the Ninja Empire. If we have another one in haste, we will never recover. The lands we journey, the towns we go to, they will be impacted and maybe become unsalvageable. The empire can't live if we quickly use violence. These people will bring some as a prelude to the war. If we aren't careful, no one will be able to live in the empire." he stated.

"Businesses could be destroyed and never come back, even in the black market." analyzed Tony.

"Now is there a reason why you asked this out of the blue?" asked Zhōng.

"You seem different than you normally do in the Ninja Empire. I wasn't sure if you were considering never coming back to the Ninja Empire." explained Tony, he prepared an excuse before in case Zhōng asked.

"You forget Tony, I love my empire and people so much, that I will never leave them for long." stated Zhōng.

Truman was out on a porch when Princess Zhen found him. He was drinking by himself as he stared out towards the sea. "I've heard about this drink in the black market before," he stated when she approached him. He twirled his cup and continued, "Perhaps I should do runs for some. I can bet they have different flavors and taste better if the carbonates weren't shaken by the seas."

"Will you guys be heading out tomorrow?" asked Princess Zhen, the conversation from earlier that day played through her mind.

"According to the pirates, several Egyptian ships left the Assassin Empire waters and are traveling south. If I could guess, Dolion seeks Xing back and knows where to hit Zhōng. He's going to the Ninja Empire." said Truman.

"We have to warn my mother then," stated Princess Zhen.

"Your mother, the empress, won't able to deal with them. You faced and saw what one assassin could do, imagine hundreds charging at you. The army the empress had isn't strong enough to take them." advised Truman.

"But you struggled as well, you could die if you face him head-on." pointed out Princess Zhen.

"In some ways, that's life." explained Truman.

"Are you seriously fine with that? After all these years, all the enemies you face, you're fine dying alone with Tony and Zhōng to an opponent you have no chance of winning?" questioned Princess Zhen. "Have my mother and I help you."

"Your mother, the empress, isn't in the Ninja Empire, she went north to find you. She has no idea that there are Egyptian ships sailing in the other direction. When news arrives to her, it'll be too late. That's why we are going, we can stop them before they could even set foot on the Ninja Empire because then it'll be too late." said Truman before finishing his drink.

"And that's why you're leaving us here, we'll do more harm than good if we come. We'll be on your minds if we come." stated Princess Zhen, she knew Truman's and Zhōng's top priority was keeping her and Xing safe from the dangers they'll encounter.

"Your skills are approving, princess," admitted Truman, "but Xing hasn't held a sword since she was captured. You both are great in mech forms but when your energy depletes, how are you going to survive? We can't fight and protect if something bad happens, I will never forgive myself for bringing you down the depths we're going to dive."

"What will happen to us if you win?" asked Princess Zhen.

"A ship will return to pick you four up, they'll sail you back down to the Ninja Empire where you'll get off. Then it will sail to a place to drop the other three off. Zhōng and I if we're alive will be there to greet them. They'll disappear again and we'll go back to the way things were." explained Truman.

"And if you lose?" asked Princess Zhen.

Truman looked up and noticed a bonfire was lit. "Well you won't be staying here if that means danger." he said as he took Princess Zhen back inside.

A loud bang sounded on the door where Zhōng and Tony were having their discussion. "What?" asked Zhōng.

"Lord captain, we spotted twenty Viking ships heading this way." explained the one who knocked.

"I thought they say no empire knew where this place was?" stated Tony.

"When there's a will, there's a way. According to the pirates, the Viking Empire pillages as well. However, the pirates seem to always beat them and pillage their ships as well. I have a feeling they're sick and tired and followed the last known pirate ship they spotted." theorized Zhōng. He opened the door and returned to the dining room where the pirates were still having a good time. He saw that Truman was aware and was talking with Princess Zhen, Yuzuki, Xing, and Mr. Wàng Jì. Zhōng fired one of his flintlocks and the room went silent. "Captain Edwards, how quickly will it take to sail?" he asked.

"About two to three hours, lord captain." replied Captain Edwards.

"You all have less than that, we're going to be under attack." stated Zhōng.

"Lord captain, there's no way this island is discovered by any other empires." doubted a pirate captain.

"Then you and crew will stay behind hold of the Viking Empire forces, as for the rest, all hands to your ships." ordered Zhōng.

"Aye! Aye! Lord captain!" shouted the pirates. They were shocked that the Viking Empire found them and quickly man their post. Sailors sprinted down through the town toward the harbor. They boarded their ships and prepared to cast off, the White Pearl was the first to leave and spotted the Viking ships fastly approaching. Cannons fired from Pirate Island to the Viking ships and a few found their marks. Hundreds of Viking mechs took the skies soon and flew towards the island and the battle was on. It rage as the Vikings took their speed and surprise as their advantages. While almost all the pirate ships left and got away, a few sunk and the island was taken by the Vikings.

"General, we found this one still alive." stated a Viking soldier, dragging the captain Zhōng put in charge with him.

The general looked away from the burning town and stare coldly at the captain. Its eyes were light green and cold, thirsting for revenge and nothing else. "Where are your fellow scums going?" it growled.

"I never tell to a Viking dog," declared the captain.

The general grabbed the captain's throat and hoisted him up to dangle. "Who is in charge of you worthless sailors?" it growled as it tighten its grip.

"It took us years to find him, it was mere luck we did, you'll never be able to catch him." vowed the captain before his body went limb and he was dead.

"Disgusting," stated the general. It analyzed the streets till she saw something familiar, it was a banner with words in its original tongue. What it read was, 'Welcome Home! Lord Captain Zhōng'. "So you were here, don't think this is over. I will make you pay." it stated.

Zhōng turned back towards where they came, behind the White Pearl were the remaining pirate ships that survived. In the horizon behind them, he could see a glow of fires coming from Pirate Islands. But he felt someone was on the island, a tear fell from his face the feeling was familiar to him.