The Mask of Zhōng

Zhōng was eighteen when he returned to the barn. There was hardly anything left but he could still hear the guns firing and blades clashing. The barn's roof finally collapsed due to him a couple of years earlier as he went inside. He bent down and removed his cowl to reveal a fresh tattoo on his right forehead. There were no tears in his eyes but they didn't show demons like they usually do as he put a broken shard down by two rusty hidden blades. "You were right," he said before getting up and walking out of the barn. The rusty blades glittered in the sun revealing etched words on them. One of them meaning "demon" while the other meaning "forgotten".

Cannons fired at the exact same spot just two years earlier. They mowed down trees as they fall and trap those who were hiding them. As they tried to get out, volleys of pellets fired by flintlocks and rifles crashed onto them. "Reload the guns!" shouted the field officer as his men got to work reloading their weapons.

"Fire!" ordered another field officer. A loud bang followed by inconsistent bangs was sent flying into the field. A large crater appeared with men flying into the air.

"The enemy as so far hasn't got close to us, lord captain." reported Captain Edwards to Zhōng as another volley was sent. They were watching the evolution as the men worked hard to defend the barn.

"I'm amazed at how effective the flintlocks are, it's sad that the Medival Empire see them as useless." praised Zhōng.

"Well, there are drawbacks to using them." stated Captain Edwards before they went inside the barn.

As the battle raged outside, the inside was calm like the eye of a hurricane. Xing and Truman were the only ones in there as Captain Edwards and Zhōng entered. "I believe I told you to be ready." reprimanded Zhōng to Truman who was finishing the final touches to his blades.

"I am, I know exactly where they are and I checked this barn a number of times. There's no way for them to enter without me knowing." stated Truman as he put his hidden blades back together.

Zhōng shook his head, then asked, "How are you doing?"

"I'm alright, brother," answered Xing. Another canon was fired outside but it seemed to bother her.

"Captain Edwards," began Zhōng.

"Aye, lord captain?" answered Captain Edwards.

"I'm giving you permission to retreat the men if they're too many." said Zhōng.

"Lord captain, we will fight as long as you command." said Captain Edwards.

Zhōng pulled out the flintlock that was given to him by Captain Edwards and gave it back to him. "I name you as my successor, I want you to look after your crew more than help me defeat these assassins." he ordered.

"Aye, aye, lord captain." accepted Lord Captain Edwards.

"At your command, lord captain." said Zhōng.

"If I may ask before we continued, what happen to your other two friends?" asked Lord Captain Edwards.

Princess Zhen suddenly woke up, she quickly pushed herself to sit up and breathe heavily. She realized she was on a bed in a room, it was small and stiff and the room was no bigger than a wardroom at the palace. She noticed there was a small table with two chairs and a window where she heard birds chirping. She pondered deeply as she tried to remember what happened to what she presumed was last night. A door to the room opened and she snap back to reality to get ready for whoever was coming in. A cloaked man appear from behind the door, he carried around his belt a sword, a gadget that seemed familiar, and a pouch behind it. In his hands, he holds her sword as she realized she had no weapons.

"Relax, your majesty," assured the stranger before he removed his cowl. "If I or they wanted you dead, you would be already."

"Where are we?" asked Princess Zhen after she calmed down.

"We are at an inn." answered Tony, he gave Princess Zhen her sword back and sat down on one of the two chairs. "Under Shadow's orders, you are supposed to come with me back to the capital."

"I thought I told him I was staying this is over. He knows he can't win alone and my mother is coming." stated Princess Zhen.

"The empress is coming to rescue you and terminate Zhōng if he isn't already. She isn't there to help him, she can care less about what the Black Assassins want." said Tony as he took at the gadget. Princess Zhen suddenly remembered it was a crossbow that he used to attack anyone from far away range.

"Then I should be there to make her care, she'll surely kill them if she sees me get injured by them." suggested Princess Zhen.

"Your majesty, there are two options for you," began Tony as pointed the crossbow at her. "You could come with quietly and conscious or unconscious because you were throwing a temper tantrum. Either way, we're going back to the capital, so how do you want to go?" Princess Zhen looked at the crossbow, she knew he was good at potions and didn't what he had inside the dart.

The consistency of canon balls firing was slowing down rapidly as more Black Assassins tried to advance upon the barn. Those who still had some ammunition fired when ready while a few others who had mech swords, activated an arm and continued to send volleys. "Captain Edwards!" shouted a pirate captain. "We ran out all of the ammo, what's lord captain's orders?"

Captain Edwards looked at Zhōng who was helping by firing at the advancing Black Assassins. He looked beyond him and where he was firing, due to their volleys of canons and bullets, the fields were demolished and the tree lines form a barrier. He could see the Black Assassins peering over it to be sniped by lucky bullets or strong aim. He knew they were waiting for them to run out. Captain Edwards quickly pondered what to do, if they stay and fight, they would be massacred in close combat. If they ran away, they would leave as cowards for abandoning their lord captain, then a third option popped into his head.

"Prepared to fall back, we head back to our ships." he ordered.

"Captain?" questioned the pirate captain in disbelief. "I never thought of you as a coward."

"I've been tasked by Former Lord Captain Zhōng, former prince of the Ninja Empire, known in this land as the Shadow, to pull back before we lose a single man. He also stated that I'm the next lord captain." declared Lord Captain Edwards.

"What?" asked the pirate captain in shock.

"When did this happen?" asked another pirate captain who joined them.

"About an hour ago," answered Zhōng who surprised all of them, he was exhausted but knew he had to get this done. "You've done your part for a war you were dragged into. I'm honored you all are willing to fight for me, but I cannot let one of die due to my involvement with you."

"You're severing your ties, giving up your rights." realized the first captain. Zhōng nodded his head and the two pirate captains looked at Lord Captain Edwards.

"We still have enough ammo to hold them back a little more." pointed out Lord Captain Edwards but Zhōng shook his head.

"You just gave your orders, don't worry about me, I'm better at fighting in close combat." stated Zhōng.

"Sound the alarm to retreat." ordered Lord Captain Edwards defeated. A horn was sounded and the pirates began to run away. "Fare winds and following seas, Mr. Zhōng."

"You as well, lord captain." replied Zhōng, he watched the pirates run away before turning his attention back to the now quickly advancing Black Assassins. "You ready for this?"

"You know me and I know you." replied Truman inside the barn. He opened his eyes and they glow brightly as the adrenaline was kicking in.

Princess Zhen could see smoke piling up in the sky. Though they were miles away, she thought she could hear canons fired before suddenly stopping. While she stared, Tony was negotiating supplies and horses for their journey home. He just purchasing packs of food when a boy ran up to him and asked, "Are you friends with the Dual Bladed Ninja."

"The Dual Bladed Ninja? What makes you think I'm with him, he's a crook while I'm a merchant." lied Tony.

"My Lord Zhēngfú sends his greetings to you, Poisoner." stated the boy.

Tony went cold and more serious, he heard of him since he was Zhōng's older brother. He knew Zhōng was looking for him and those from the Old Empire since he was tasked with finding their secret base. "He and you are going through a lot of balls to speak with me." he threatened.

"My lord knows the risk, he request me to give you these orders." replied the boy as he hand Tony a small scroll.

Tony open the scroll, the contents inside revealed massive details that Zhōng was searching for. It didn't tell him where he was hiding but who he reports to and who he can speak about this to. A few lists of names he recognized scattered throughout the black market, but a name that struck him as odd to talk this to was Zhōng. "Does he know?" he questioned.

"My lord never gave me specific details, Mr. Poisoner." replied the boy he ran away, leaving Tony to his thoughts.

"We must go back," stated Princess Zhen as she interrupted Tony's thoughts. He frantically put away the scroll within his cloak and turned to look at the princess.

"We're not going back, I told you, Zhōng doesn't want you involved anymore." stated Tony.

"So because I refuse to listen to him and stay away, he ordered you to bring me away." argued Princess Zhen.

"There's nothing we can do now, can't you hear? The canons that were fired that we barely heard have stopped. It'll take two hours to get back there and by then, it'll be too late. Either Dolion has won and is taking Xing as his spoil or the pirates were able to hold them off but are exhausted. But either way if you think you'll be able to see Zhōng, you're mistaken because he'll be gone along with Xing and Truman." predicted Tony.

Princess Zhen looked in the direction where she could still see smoke rising from where the battle was happening. She wanted to help but knew she'll be late, going west towards the capital was the only thing she could do. "My mother will be coming," she realized. Tony who returned to tending the horses, stopped and looked at her with confusion. "She'll come with thousands of troops to rescue me. She can wipe out whoever was the victor to save me. If she realized I'm not there, Truman will be in trouble and Zhōng and Xing will be in bigger trouble. If I promise to convince my mother to let them go, will you let us back?" she reasoned.

Tony looked back at the smoke still rising from the sky, he sighed and said, "You know your mother hates them. They won't receive mercy even if you convinced her." He returned to tending the horses as he think of a plan.

The pirates retreated and fired anything they have left at the Black Assassins to cover their escape. When the assassins realized this, they changed their focus to the barn that the pirates were protecting. However, when they opened the doors, they were met with two ninja-type mech swords piercing through two of their comrades. "Surprise," stated Truman with a sinister smile and his glowing like fire. He shut the door before anyone could get in and bolted it. However, it only delay the advance as Truman and Xing heard boards from the roof ripping open.

While Truman fought inside the barn, Zhōng faced them alone out in the fields around it. He couldn't all of them but the more he struck the down, the less Truman would face. He was getting tired but knew if he dropped his guard, he would be slain. An assassin pounced from his hiding place in the fields but Zhōng was able to deflect and kill. Another pounced immediately after the first but Zhōng slapped him while dodging the hidden blades. The assassin stagger and before he could recover Zhōng uppercut with his black blade. He spun around and pointed at his next opponent who made himself known.

"I see that you've grown accustomed to our fighting technics." stated Dolion, unfazed by the blade and the fury of Zhōng's eyes targeting him.

"Well some of my technics were taught by your kind, facing you guys so many times and you start to see a pattern in your attacks." growled Zhōng as he move the handle of his blade from his head down towards his torso. The tip of his sword remained pointed at Dolion while he did this action as he waited for any surprise attack.

"I assume Hangman has shown you many moves before you got away." predicted Dolion as started to pace to his left. He held his hand and lower it, it was a single to stand down for any assassins waiting to pounce on Zhōng. He then put them behind his back as he continued to circle around Zhōng.

"He and your mentor showed plenty of skills, both were defeated by us." claimed Zhōng. His eyes left and right as he saw more assassins standing up, revealing their location. They soon darted to the barn to help their companions in taking it.

"I'm surprised you cross blades and still live to the tale." complimented Dolion. "Now I know I shouldn't hold back."

"Were you ever going to when you revealed yourself?" questioned Zhōng.

"Xing will be mine," snarled Dolion as he squared towards Zhōng.

"Not if we're still standing." declared Zhōng.

"So be it," said Dolion. He flicked his wrists back, revealing his hidden blades on both arms, and charged at Zhōng.

As the two clashed blades, Truman was fighting off the assassins that came from above. They jumped down onto the beams before striking Truman above using the shadows and height to their advantage. Truman however wanted this, he practiced avoiding objects, such as blades, in the dark just two weeks before they set off to the Black Market Games. Though he wasn't good back then, he sensed their presence and waited for them to jump on him before dodging and striking as they landed. His blades were like a blur of nunchucks, they were hardly seen as he changed his grips on them and thrust them out and back in. While the assassins were used to combating against proficient hidden blade wielders, they were not much accustomed to Truman's movements. Fighting against them multiple times and watching how they move made Truman confident he could win this.

Xing watched in awe behind Truman as he held them back. She was confident he was going to win but it soon vanished quickly and suddenly. The assassins were no longer fighting one and one and teamed up in pairs of three or four. They attacked Truman and he struggled to fend them off.

Dolion noticed Zhōng was getting tired mentally and waited for his men to thrust a blow that could faze Zhōng. He watched as Zhōng desperately feeling his energy depleting released everything he had left to defeat him. The time was soon upon him and Zhōng's movements became sloppy and uncommitted.

"We must finish this, kill him now Zhōng!" telepathically called Truman. He deflected two incoming strikes and thrust the wielders together. They sandwich their third partner as they fell, however, the blade of the third pierced his leg. Truman stagger back as swept out of his left thigh he grunted the pain and tried to readjust his balance. Before he could he felt something else.

Zhōng who felt the blade sink stepped back and looked down to if he got pierced. He saw no blood but could feel the wound as it was deep. He looked up to Dolion looking straight into his eyes as he charged at him. Zhōng quickly deflected the left blade Dolion away but the right stabbed into his left stomach.

Truman collapsed on the ground, gripping both his bleeding left leg and his left stomach as he felt the wounds. It was painful and grunted, he never had felt so much pain inflicted on his body all at once. The assassins around him looked at him confused then realized what might had happen. They grin as victory was theirs and turned their attention to Xing who was pale as snow.

"Truman you gotta get up," pleaded Xing as the assassins slowly marched upon her. "Zhōng please get up!" she cried, the assassins were almost on top of her as Truman was barely able to lift himself up. "Brother! Save me!"

Dolion slowly pulled the hidden blade out of Zhōng, blood dripping from the shiny red blade back into the hole it came from. Zhōng breathe heavily his face was shocked and confused. From the chest down, he could feel pain from both him and Truman combined. It was hard to tell what were his wounds and what was Truman's since they share almost the same mind.

Dolion turned to look at the barn as he saw his assassins reopening the door. He smiled sinisterly as he won the battle and the prize was his. He turned to look at Zhōng again who slowed and quiet his breathing. "Oh you can't die yet." he stated as he stood over his opponent. "I promised your sister that you'll see me rape her. Though you personally won't see her, your clone will. Be a good original and stay alive a little longer." taunt Dolion.

"We can't bet him," spoke as if he was speaking to himself. "We knew this would happen, do it now."

"What did you say?" asked Dolion as he saw Zhōng smiling.

"Do it, you must!" cried Zhōng as he laughed.

"What are you up to?" asked Dolion, he picked up Zhōng and shake as he continued to laugh.

"It's over, are you sure I'm the original?" stated Zhōng. Dolion looked down where the black blade lay in the field and realized his mistake.

The barn suddenly burst into explosion from the inside as round flew out of the walls and roof of the barn. The assassins who were near, inside, or on top of the barn didn't stand a chance against the arsenal of the Ninja Mech. Dolion watched his men get incinerated against the power of the sword, one of eight that was unrivaled unless it was against another. His last men were trying to flee but rockets flew and destroyed the remaining survivors near the barn before it collapsed from its weight.

The remaining assassins, who weren't close to the barn, looked at their leader in fear. Even he didn't realize the full power that Zhōng possess in his hands. He couldn't give an order as soldiers from the Ninja Empire began their dive attack on them. It was mostly made of women since the empress didn't trust men as long as Zhōng ran throughout the empire. They sent bombs down the fields, wiping out any assassins that survived. There was no escape from the reinforcements that showed up. Dolion turned to look at Zhōng who he still had in his hands, he suddenly felt cold steel pierced through his throat. The thing Dolion saw was furious blue eyes as the person's hidden blade on his left arm sank deeper into him.

The dead body fell backwards and Zhōng fell on top. "You may have walked in the shadows, but you stick out like a sore thumb in the light." stated Zhōng. He rolled off the body and looked up towards the sky, he could see the soldiers circling above and knew who was with them. He smiled, then clutching the crystal that turned black to signal it was out of energy, he said, "Protect them, protect them all." He closed his eyes and faded to dust, leaving the black Valtryek sword, the hidden blades, and the black crystal necklace.

Empress Wēi surveyed the field as bodies of dead assassins scattered throughout. There were a couple of pirates around the barn and heading south as they tried to escape the hidden blades of the Black Assassins. The battle she figured was fought hard till they were forced to fight in close combat.

"Your majesty, there's no signs of the former prince and princess, the two members of the black market, or your daughter." reported Captain Howin.

"Perhaps they're in here, after all, there was a great commotion before we attacked." suggested Empress Wēi, pointing at the barn.

The soldiers removed a collapsed door that block their way, they went inside and found a boy with bandages around his left thigh and a girl who clung to her cloak tightly. There were scatters of torn clothes, blood, and more dead assassins. "What destructive power." awed Captain Howin and he knew who was responsible.

"Arrest them," ordered Empress Wēi. The boy suddenly unsheathe his two swords again with his right one pointing at them and the left one back preventing the girl from running past him while also ready to strike if one dares.

"You're going to need to defeat me first, your majesty." warned the Dual Bladed Ninja.

"Where's her majesty, Princess Zhen?" questioned Captain Howin.

"Should be heading back to the capital with the Poisoner." answered the Dual Bladed Ninja.

"And your friend?" asked Empress Wēi.

"If he isn't out there, then he's gone." replied the Dual Bladed Ninja.

"Then all I need is the girl," stated Empress Wēi. The soldiers drew their weapons and Captain Howin took out his spear, though he knew the Dual Bladed Ninja was dangerous but something seems different.

The Dual Bladed Ninja adjusted his stance, his bandage around his leg only prevented the bleeding but didn't stop it. He was tired and weak from fighting most of the day and the last thing he wanted to do was cross swords with his kind who were in better condition than he. He turned back to look at Xing who had a worried look. With the massive external threat dealt with, the internal not only come to save them but were going to arrest them.

"Mother! Captain! Stand down!" shouted a familiar voice. They turned around and saw two mechs flying down behind them.

"Zhen! You're okay!" shouted Empress Wēi.

"This isn't our victory, we shouldn't get any of the spoils." stated Princess Zhen, ignoring her mother's cries. "This victory belongs to Former Prince Zhōng and his friends."

"The law is the law, Zhen, I won't lose to opportunity arrest one if not both of them." argued Empress Wēi.

"Surely you can overlook this, your majesty. After all, it's our victory." stated Tony, everyone gasped and flinch as Tony grabbed and hold Princess Zhen's arm back while pointing a crossbow at her.

"Let her go!" growled Captain Howin.

"Let the Dual Bladed Ninja and Former Princess Xing out of the barn and swear that you won't follow us." demanded Tony. "Or I might let this shot pierce your daughter with a black market potion."

"You think you can get away with this?" questioned Captain Howin, he was still tensed and the soldiers were ready for his orders.

"Fine, I hope you can get her back to the capital in time to cure from this potion I called Dream." threatened Tony. Princess Zhen's face went pale, she remember him mentioning that after he shot Hangman with Nightmare. The agonizing fear he was in wanted her to never experience the other kind if it was worst.

"Alright, you win," stated Empress Wēi. "Let her go."

"Swear by it," repeated Tony.

"I, Empress Wēi, will let the Dual Bladed Ninja and Former Princess Xing go and will not follow you back." promised Empress Wēi.

"Now do it," ordered Tony. Empress Wēi sighed, she stepped away from the barn and signal the soldiers to do as well. The Dual Bladed Ninja limped while being supported by Xing as she let one of her bare arms out. They reached where Tony and Princess Zhen were standing and when they did, Tony shoved Princess Zhen forward and away from them. Soldiers immediately surrounded their princess as they kept their eyes on the two boys and the girl.

"So what was your plan if she didn't oblige?" asked the Dual Bladed Ninja.

"Well, it was what better plan than what you were thinking all by yourself." answered Tony. They soon departed away from the barn and as Empress Wēi promised, they weren't followed.

Zhōng grunted as Tony was touching up on his new tattoo, the wound on his left leg healed after a month of travel but left a terrible scar. To cover it up, Tony worked on etching a word like he did to Zhōng's right arm years ago. "Oh stop being a baby," teased Tony as finished the last line.

"Perhaps if you were more careful, you wouldn't have a scar in the first place." suggested Uncle Tyron. They were back in School Town in his home above the shop.

"I like to see you face almost two thousand assassins jumping from above while controlling two bodies." argued Zhōng. Lord Tyron just shrugged and went to the table where fresh tea was brewed. Xing soon came upstairs, she just returned from delivering sharpen swords to the school. "How's your wounds?" asked Zhōng, after he fell down and they stripped her, he saw some of the bruises that were very deep when she received them.

"They're fine, why alone?" asked Xing noticing the new tattoo symbol on his leg.

"Having someone that knows what you're thinking was quite a refresher to me." began Zhōng he then looked at Tony and added, "Most of the time we are but there are times I questioned your plans."

"My last one did you though," reminded Tony.

"But now my brain is a mess, it's either Truman the Dual Bladed Ninja or Zhōng the Shadow. However, it's not both and there's no communication whatsoever. I can still feel the wounds that were inflicted on Zhōng and I'm he felt mine before he vanished. I don't know who am I now." confessed Zhōng.

The room feel silent, they couldn't relate to what Zhōng went through, the hoops he faced and the pain he endured. "Well figure it out fast, I'm sure your next job will want to know which side is the real you." stated Lord Tyron.

"What do you mean, uncle?" asked Zhōng looking at him confused.

"Due to leaking you guys information of 'rumors', I was found guilty and must step down as soon as possible." declared Uncle Tyron.

"You mean you won't be the leader anymore?" asked Tony, Lord Tyron and Tony turned around in disbelief. He pulled the letter he received and read through it again since no one watching.

"Not only does it mean me stepping down, but it also means, Zhōng, you'll also lose your resources for the information you want." explained Lord Tyron.

"What about our other uncle? Isn't he guilty as well?" asked Xing, she understood the room erupted when both Lord Tyron and Pharoh Aye's secrets were revealed.

"He's the pharaoh, they have laws in their lands that overrules his verdict. Believe me, if we were set up like the Egyptian Empire, we wouldn't be in trouble either." said Lord Tyron.

"Well then I guess I should get everything I can before we lose it all." declared Zhōng.

"What if we don't lose it?" suggested Tony, he turned back around while hiding the letter.

"Lose what?" asked Lord Tyron.

"Lose the black market, the punish is only for you and not for Zhōng as well." pointed out Tony.

"Well yes," confirmed Lord Tyron.

"Then have Zhōng as the Dual Bladed Ninja for being the next leader of the black market. Not only do we keep our resources, but Zhōng, you wouldn't have to choose who you are and be who you want to be. After all, the Dual Bladed Ninja lead the team to win the Black Market Games." explained Tony.

Truman smiled at the thought, what Tony said was true and beneficial. "But I won't able to run throughout the empire as often as I do." he pointed out.

"A small price to pay to keep your vast world of knowledge. What do you say?" asked Tony. Truman didn't need to reply he made up his mind and decided to run. A move that started to cast an evil shadow above and a serpent within the black market.

"So that's how the Dual Bladed Ninja became a legend." concluded the third man.

"In a way, he was a myth while the one who took his place became a legend. The Shadow, Dual Bladed Ninja, Fallen Prince, all played a chapter of this empire's history, my history." stated Zhōng, his hood was down and his hair was pulled back. On the top right of his forehead, a scar was visible for all to see, while his tired blue eyes were dull, looking for something to cling to life. His voice sounded strong but his body looked worn and tired.

"If we may ask, why didn't you refuse the nomination?" asked the second.

"Cause then I would lose all my resources to operate, unfortunately, I lost them anyway." replied Zhōng, swirling his glass before sipping it.

"But if you could see what happens, would you still do the things you did?" asked the first.

"I don't need to think about that," stated Zhōng, setting his drink down. He stood up and paid the waitress before he and his friends left, leaving the four men alone to ponder on what they were told.

"Brother, did you seriously think about changing history?" asked Xing as they continued to travel through a forest.

"I've changed history once because of someone else changing it already." stated Zhōng.

"What happened there?" asked John, curious if he could tell another of his adventures.

"Doesn't matter, it never happened anyway." said Zhōng.

"Be great if you could tell us them, they might help us feel hopeful." suggested John.

Zhōng quickly turned around and looked at him. "Hope? There's never hope when you're with me, all I do is provide pain, my pain. If you want hope, then hope that we'll make it." stated Zhōng.

"That's where you are wrong," stated Princess Zhen, it was the first time on their trip that she spoke to Zhōng. "That story you told, your sister hope that you'll rescue her. Your old friend hoped you'll recover both as Truman and Zhōng. And I, you gave me hope every time we met. While most times, you were cold, I had trust and hope that you'll protect me. You spread more hope than you do with pain." she continued as her eyes relit with a burning determination.

Zhōng looked at her, his cowl was up as it revealed no emotions coming from him. "Then you clearly don't know me, I do more bad than I do good. Even on that trip, you were hesitant, you didn't trust me at all. Even as Truman, you were unsure. That battle was where Truman drew his last breath before I came wearing a mask of him. He was giving you hope while I give you the pain of losing." he said. He turned away and continued to lead them, leaving them with more questions than answers. However, Princess Zhen knew as well, Former Prince Zhōng was dead and the person in control was his will he wanted people to follow by. Though she tried to save him, she was too late.