Darwin Would Be Happy

Ikaris spaced out for a long time after this procedural slaughter. There was hardly any blood around him and all those boarlets seemed to be just sleeping. But then why did he feel so shitty inside?

A few minutes earlier, these little boars were carelessly following their mother, eagerly chomping on chestnuts. Now they were dead and he could still read the distress and agony in their eyes. 

"What are you waiting for Ikaris?" Magnus roused him from his torpor without any tact, completely unconcerned with the carnage that had just taken place. "Time is running out and those boars aren't going to transport to the village by themselves."

The teenager quelled his guilt and settled into a frown.

'Such is life. To survive, I need meat, that's how it is. Their only mistake was crossing my path...' He repeated to convince himself, but at his contrite expression he was not at all persuaded by his own words.