A Sour Note

He didn't need to question them to get his answer. As soon as Ikaris took a closer look at the deep, bloody gashes on their arms and back, he knew what had happened.

These wounds were ugly to look at, but their lives were not in danger as long as they were quickly disinfected to prevent infection. Yet, upon closer inspection, the boy noticed that these lesions were throbbing unnervingly as if they were alive.

'They were bitten by an Alpha Werewolf. I can already sniff the wet dog smell wafting from them." Magnus informed him telepathically in a low voice. "The mutation will take several days and will be irreversible unless you can give them a wolfsbane antidote within the hour.'

Ikaris's face fell when he heard the Vampire's dismissive diagnosis. His aversion to Werebeings ran deep so he expected nothing else from him.