Ikaris Vs Liam

Liam in his Werewolf form was a giant monster almost 3 meters tall and weighing over 500 kilos. His black claws were as long and sharp as daggers, while a snap of his jaw could rip apart the spine of an elephant.

As the humanoid creature took a firm step forward, its claws scraping against the wooden floor, an audible squeak rang out as the wooden planks beneath its feet cracked. The envoy, still squirming in pain from his recent castration, widened his eyes in shock and let out a shriek of absolute terror.

"N-no, p-please, stay away from me! I, it's, it's not what you think! I-I didn't mean to touch your daughters, it was just a joke!"

The Alpha Werewolf in berserk mode was in no way placated by the runt's stammering apology, quite the opposite.


The monster fell to the ground on all fours as if to gain better footing, then pounced on his prey with his claws out.

"AARRRGGHH! Nooooo-"