
[Human Vampire:]

[Vampire Physique: Night Vision, Thermal Vision, Blood Vision, Weak Bloodmancy, Influence, Beneficial Aging, New Attribute: Charm, New Energy Type: Blood, Attributes+2, Perception +1000%.

Side Effects : Sun Vulnerability, Insatiable Bloodlust towards his native species and its variants (human), Blood Diet (prolonged abstinence weakens the Vampire and intensifies his bloodlust, running the risk of turning him into a Bloodsucker, a beast devoid of intelligence preying even upon his own species). Warning: Blood consumption is highly addictive and causes a rapid habituation of your organism.]

No wonder the mutation was so fierce this time. In one Assimilation Spell he had drained enough of the Bloodspark's energy to get the Bloodline of a basic Vampire.