
Ellie shyly raised her hand, her eyes flitting as she received the sudden attention of the rest of the class.

"Yes?" Iannaril smiled at her encouragingly.

"I, I've heard of the five Arcana, but I'm an o..." The blonde woman's voice became more and more inaudible as she justified herself, until only a select few with keen hearing like Ikaris and the other Werewolves and Vamps could hear her.

"So if I summarize, you say that you are an Otherworlder who arrived in this world only recently and that you only received your textbooks yesterday. You haven't had time to read them and therefore don't know much about these 5 Arcana, is that right?" The teacher calmly recapped in a clear voice audible to the entire class.

A few snickers rang out from the back of the classroom, leaving Ellie mortified with embarrassment, but Iannaril dispelled her awkwardness with a few words,