The Nightmare

Queen left the Castle first, and Rose was about to leave, her hands were held by Rebecca's, as soon as she touched her hands, The lady Vampire felt an iry feeling, she could feel goosebumps all over her body.

"are you alright?"

Rose reached out to help Rebecca, who was lying on the floor, terrified.

"Dont come near me!"

she screamed, and asked her to leave, and she ran upstairs, Rose couldn't understand what just happened, and she thought leaving this place will be the vise decision.

"what took you so much time, dear?"

queen asked her, as they were heading back to the palace, Rose was still in confusion, she didn't even touched her, but her face was terrified, like she just saw a ghost or something.

"The lady was acting weird!"

Rose poured a glass of water, offering one to the Queen, and she quenched her thirst and sat looking out the window, admiring the scenaries, while Queen sat reading her book.

"I felt something weird!"

Simon got up from the chair where he was seated, but his increased heartbeats were normal again.

"what was it, just now, it seems my moon is safe now!"

he thought to himself, as he went after Crimson who just came to escort him.

"it was a very long day...ahh!" she lied on the bed, closing her eyes, she was in a forest all alone,

the trees covered every part around her, but the trees didn't had a single leaf, She couldn't believe she was in this situation, she began to run, but fell on the ground to see ashes, the land was covered with ashes, She sat and looked up where she saw a bat flying over her, and in a blink of an eye she was surrounded by many bats, she shut closed her eyes, covering her ears she cried.

"help me, someone please.....!"

She could hear someone calling out her name, but she couldn't open her eyes out of fear, but the voice became very clear.

"my daughter, iam here."

her eyes turned moist seeing her mother in front of her, alive and well, she couldn't wish for anything better than this, she threw herself on her, hugging her tight as she wouldn't let her go anywhere.

"i love you mother..." but she couldn't feel her mother anymore, she slowly looked up to look at her mother's face, to only find herself smirking at her, she fell backwards.

she could not believe her eyes,she was seeing herself standing and glaring at her with a smirk on her face.

"who are you, why do you look like me, where is my mother?"

she had many questions, but her questions were left unanswered, as her lookalike disappeared in front of her, she ran towards her, but her throat was grabbed by her lookalike in a blink of an eye, making her choke.

"Soon this body will be mine!"

her words made her eyes wide, she struggled for her survival.

"i said leave me..!"

she woke up, to find herself in her room, her hands were still grabbing her blanket, She was very thankful, it was a nightmare.

her neck still felt stiff and itchy, she didn't want to believe, she ran towards the mirror, she was wearing a high neck top, she pulled the dress to look at her neck, which was all red, and she could see the fingerprints on her neck, as someone choked her now.

"but it was a nightmare!'

She could not believe what happened to her just now, but she ignored, and thought it was just a nightmare.

She walked out of the room, so she can go to the garden, as she was walking towards the stairs, her way was blocked by Medusa.

"don't you know how to respect princess!"

she bowed and started walking

she didn't wanted to argue with her as she was already in so much pain and confusion, but the Vampire princess was not in a mood to let her go, she pulled and made her to fall on the ground, and she got a cut on her hand,she let a scream of pain.

"now it feels a little better, why won't you scream like this whenever we meet!"

she made fun of her, Roseline could not take more, before Medusa could touch her again she was sent flying to crash the wall, She could see her blue eyes turned red, which she couldn't believe, before she could think, she was unconscious.

"You deserve it!"

her eyes red, her hairs were all set free, and were flying. she wasn't Roseline but someone else.

before she could do anything else, her name was called by the Queen.


Roseline was on the ground, queen rushed towards her, and asked the butler to take care of Medusa.

She took her back to the room, the queen took care of her all night, and when she woke up, the queen gave her some medicine and asked her about the night and she told that she was being bullied by Medusa, and she fell on the floor, and she doesn't remember anything at all.

"is something wrong, milady?"

Rose asked as the queen felt she should have more to tell, but she doesn't know for sure what happened between them, and even Medusa doesn't remember anything apart from her hurting Roseline.

She asked Rose to rest, and walked out of the room.

"Why does my head feel so heavy?"

she touched her head, She walked towards the balcony to look outside, but her eyesight was very better, she could see distant things to be very near and clear.

"what is this, am i dreaming?"

She rubbed her eyes, to look at the forest again, it was pitch black, but she could see everything to be very clear as it was a daylight to her.

she couldn't resist pondering.

"is it because of Medusa?"

she thought,but somewhere inside her told it wasn't, infact it was because of the dream.

"it is impossible!"

she thought how could a dream cause someone to awaken the powers within them she thought.