You are late!! I was waiting for you.

her words making everyone to step back, they all began to run for their lives, Roseline's head began to hurt, her ears full of screams, she run into the Forest

not knowing the way, She was running to get rid of the screams she heard, but it wasn't going to stop.

it was raining and she couldn't hear the sounds anymore, She was in the middle of the forest, she had nowhere to go, She could not remember anything except of the Vampires surrounding her, and her being questioning them. she saw her hands covered in blood, she didn't wanted to believe it, but the images of her killing the vampire brutally popped in front of her eyes.

"No wasn't me!"

she collapsed on the ground, She didn't had to be guilty as they all were trying to kill her, but it was too much for her to take.

She could hear a voice it was his brother's, it was him who came looking for her when she was lost, She could hear his voice in her mind.


Crimson came looking for Simon as he saw his bracelet turn white, which means Roseline was in grave danger. but before he could arrive Simon had already left.

Roseline got up, and walked towards the voice approaching her, but her legs gave up on her way, as she was about to fall, she was pulled to fall on the broad chest, it was Simon. she looked up to see his worried face, water dripping from his hairs.

"why are you so late? i was waiting for you!"

she cried as she hugged him, and she passed out in his arms.

"iam sorry, iam late!"

he took her to fly on the air and they were in her bedroom. he called out for maids, seeing Roseline in that condition Queen rushed to her and asked Simon about the what happened. but he had silence on his face.

Medusa was speechless, her hands trembling in pain, she couldn't even move from her place, if she were to move she would have fled from the Vampire land. seeing Medusa's reaction, Simon grabbed her throat to pin her to the wall, making her choke in the air.

"what were you upto, little sis?"

her struggling to free herself, the Queen rushed towards Simon asking him to let go of her, but he was not in the mood.

"We don't know if Medusa is the one who did this!"

queen's words made Simon to giggle, he grinned as he looked at her struggling face.

"Yes. if she was the one, her body would've seperated from her head by now!"

he threw her, while Medusa took a long breath, she took as much air she could.

after the maids changed her wet clothes, the physician told them she was fine.

"are you sure!"

his glare which made him gulped and his words made him to reconsider his currier as a royal physician.

"yes.... .yes lord!"

the physician leaped out of the room. Medusa was carried by the maids to her room.

"what happened to her?"

it was Crimson who spoke seeing Medusa in that shape. listening to him the maids bowed their head.

"You are late..Son!"

it was the queen who spoke, she asked him to go in as Simon was out of control, and she told that she would take care of Medusa for him.

crimson rushed to the room, seeing Roseline unconscious, he turned to face Simon.

"are you sure it was Medusa's doing?"

He demanded an answer, for which Simon grinned

as he pushed two of the Vampires who were hired by Medusa, they were beaten very brutally, they were pleading for mercy.

"i don't want to dirty my hands with their blood, you do the job, they were hired by your sweet sister!"

he walked towards the bed where Roseline lied unconscious.

"leave...! Simon's words which had a sad feeling,

Crimson was about to leave the room.

"Now you won't trust my actions!"

Simon's words which made him to bow his head, he left the room.

"who told you to do this?"

Crimson's words echoed the room, Medusa who was drinking water, jumped and flinched the water fell all over her, when she didn't spoke a word, in a blink of an eye she was standing in front of her, Crimson was looking at her memories.

she faded down, while he carried her to place her on the bed.

" wait for me!"

Crimson looked straight to face the moon through the balcony, he left the palace with some of his fellow men, but the place which had a huge mansion according to Medusa's memories, was just an old graveyard.

"witchery... huh..!"

he grinned as he looked at that place. he got down to lookup for clues, but in vain, there wasn't a single clue which would lead them to her.

"Simon you need some rest, I'll look after Roseline for you!"

Queen was so heartbroken to see her to sons, who were tensed and tired, also the girl she admired is also unconscious. which made her upset.

"Iam fine, you may go mother!"

leaving him alone was the best thing she could do at the present circumstances.

"it was witchery!"

Crimson looking at Simon who was looking at Roseline.

he told Simon about Medusa's memories, and his visit to the place, and also he told that the culprit is a woman and is probably a witch.

"I need you to take a look at something very interesting, believe me you'll be happy to see it!"

he patted Roseline's head as he stood up to walk

he took Crimson to the basement, he was shocked by the was a body which doesn't have a head.

"pretty isn't it?"

Simon looked up at Crimson's face, who had many questions in his mind, why would it make crimson happy, he went near the table where he covered something in white towel, he removed the towel out the thing, it was the head which belonged to the body which was lying on the floor.


Crimson looked confused, he was an first class Vampire, who was very rude, and also powerful one to be killed like this.

"is it you?"

Simon stood behind Crimson whispering in his ears.