Crimson's other self Robin:-

The next morning Roseline found herself very comfortable, she felt very warm.

she rubbed her head on Simon's chest, thinking it as her pillow, but something felt strange, she turned her face to look at the pillow which she was enjoying so much, Simon was sleeping soundly, his one hands which held her waist, and his other arm, he placed under his head.

"! when did I slept here?"

her wild thoughts, making her nervous, she slowly released her waist from his clutches, trying not to wake him up, while Simon opened his one eye to peek at Roseline, who was trying to escape, he smiled as he pulled her close to fall on her hands, which he already prepared besides him.

"It's still too early to wake up, sleep a bit more!"

he spoke in sleepy voice, which was way to deep.

She tried moving back, just only to make him pull her even more close.

"Stay still...!"

she could hear him breath, her breathing which was uneven, which made him smile.

"why are you smiling?"

She was offended, when he smiled.

he opened his eyes partially, to look at her all red face, he touched her nose.

"why don't you relax a bit..huh?"

Roseline tried to calm a bit, but in vain, seeing a man sleeping next to him was more than enough, but this man wasn't any ordinary man, but is an Vampire.

"I need to pay a visit to the Queen!"

Her words which she let out after so much of thought she put onto them, when she got no answer, she thought he was asleep. this time she tried escaping very slowly, when she was finally out of the bed, she ran towards the bathroom, soaking herself in the hot bath, she thought of many things, as she was safe and sound, but she clearly remembered herself surrounded by the Vampires. her thoughts were interrupted by the knock on her bathroom door, her soul left her body, she hid herself inside the bathtub, making the water to spill out, while her breasts floating, she covered herself with her hands, as much as she could.

"Have a nice bath, moon!"

He was always successful in teasing her, Roseline's anger was nowhere to be hidden now, she stood up from the bathtub, to yell at him.

"Lustful Vampire!"

she didn't even completed her sentence, she sensed the door opening, she immersed herself inside the water, but the water inside wasn't enough to cover her entire self.

"Do you need something?"

He made her face glow red, She asked him to leave in a very shy and embarrassed voice.

"Could you please close your eyes?"

Her humble request was fulfilled by Simon, as soon as he closed his eyes, She wore her bathrobe and rushed to leave the bathroom, but the slippery floor was not on her side it seems, as soon as she placed her leg on the floor she slipped and as she was about to fall, Simon caught her. when she saw his eyes open she slapped his face, which made both of them fall inside the bathtub with a splash. his lips on hers, her eyes wide opened, she pushed him, and turned around, and ran from embarrassment.

Simon's hairs dripping from water, he touched his face, which was burning hot.

"you sure are powerful!"

he stood up and walked towards the cupboards of bathrobes, removed his soaked clothes, covering himself in bathrobe he walked out to face Roseline all dressed up her hairs still dripping from water.

she stood bowing her head.

"Iam sorry prince Simon!"

She was still apologising, he walked to her wardrobe, took a towel, and started wiping her hairs.

"Aren't you angry?"

her confused words making him grin.

"How can I be angry, when you are this cute?"

Simon was still busy wiping her hairs, the butler rushed in.

"Milord.... it's ... it's prince Crimson!"

Simon's eyes had a spark when he heard Crimson's

name from Butler. He asked Roseline to dry her hairs, as he rushed out the room with butler leading the way. leaving Roseline in confusion.

"took you so long brother !"

Crimson sat on the throne, sipping a glass of wine,

Simon walked to sit besides him.

he poured himself a glass of wine, he walked to face himself, while Crimson gave him a death stare.

"I got some leads for you investigations!"

He laughed as he walked two steps.

"ahh... i hate going back!"

Crimson looked back passing Simon a flying kiss, which made Simon gulp in disgust.

Crimson took a sip of wine as he collapsed, butler caught him and made him to sit on the bed.

"Search your memories. He had found something!"

Crimson Stood up he was still a bit dizzy.

"Did he do something weird with my body again?"

Crimson stood infront of Simon, he wanted to know everything when he was partially conscious.

"How are you feeling?"

Simon asked butler to bring in Crimson's medicine.

Crimson switched his place with his other half, who is very powerful and has very strong sixth sense.

but he is very seductive, and loves to showoff his powers. his personality is opposite to Crimson's, but both reside in one body, which is controlled by Crimson. They call him Robin, The other self of Crimson.

after having his medicine Crimson was made to sleep, as he was out all night, since Robin was in control of his body.

"Did it happen again?"

Queen was very anxious, but tried to stay calm, she asked Simon not to make Crimson switch his body, as it was dangerous for him, but it was what Crimson did with his own free will.

"Did he ever listens to me?"

Simon walked to give her mother her medicines, and then when she slept, he covered her with blanket, shutting the windows, he left the room.

He was on his way, he felt his head squeeze, he pressed his head. he reached his room, he rushed to the bathroom and soaked his head till the pain was completely gone.