Chapter 1 - Yoshi Blakely

In a cold, breezy ,and dark forest, there are three men walking cautiously. Looking out on their surroundings and making no noise as possible.

"Stand on your guard at all times." said by the leader with a raspy voice.

The other two men behind him nodded.


A very loud sound resounded in the forest and the ground shook a little bit. They all had guessed that it was a bomb and as a sign of precaution they immediately ducked.

After some time, aside from their own breaths no sound could be heard so they had assumed that it was already safe. Finally the leader broke the silence.

"Drunk Elder, Mad Dog are you both alright? questioned by the leader.

Mad Dog replied, "I am fine BigPapa."

"Good! How about you Drunk Elder?" he looked at the direction of Drunk Elder's body which was kneeling on one knee on the ground. He shook his body, "Say something to me!" But to his avail after letting go of his body he slowly fell down and lay down on the ground and a sign hovered above his body which says that the character is dead.

"How could this have happened?" the leader shrieked.


Another sound resounded in the forest again. But, it wasn't as loud as earlier.


A bullet passed through his face. When he looked back, he noticed that the bullet that had just passed through him had pierced Mad Dog's head.

Mad Dog's body fell right into the ground and a sign appeared.

BigPapa was furious. He lost all his senses about everything.

He stood up and he shouted as loud as he could.

"Face me fair you coward!" he yelled out into the air.

Seconds later he felt that something had just touched the back of his head. Cold sweat fell down from his head as he felt a powerful presence behind him.

"Bang" chuckled the man while saying it.

BigPapa was furious, "This f*cker."

Then the man pulled the trigger.


The next thing he knew, he was lying on the ground. And a notification popped up.

[You were killed by Yoshi]


In a room which is not being illuminated by any light, a young man can be seen sitting on the window who's even in the dark can't hide his stunning facial features. He had milky white skin and a black hair.

His name was Yoshi. Yoshi Blakely.

Yoshi kept on looking at the tinted glass window. To be specific, he was looking at the people passing through who were being casted by the sun's light. He was looking at them with jealousy, because Yoshi on the other hand has a disease called Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP).

People who have this disease are greatly sensitive to the sun. And they must take extreme measures to protect their skin from the ultraviolet light.

He finally stood up and laid down on his bed.

Sighed heavily, "Another year of just being locked in this house. Yahoo!" He said while having a straight face.

Yoshi had spent his entire life inside the house. And today officially counts as his 20th year living like a prisoner.

Someone knocked on his door.

"Come in!" Yoshi shouted.

*Yoshi's door creaked*

A man appeared as he opened the door. A man who is in his 40s, wearing glasses and has scruffy hair. He is Ren Blakely, father of Yoshi and a renowned scientist.

"Guess what Yoshi." His father smiled brightly.

"What is it dad?" Yoshi replied uninterested.

Ren was slightly saddened by Yoshi's attitude and slowly went to Yoshi's side.

"It's your 20th birthday, huh. You're really getting old."

Yoshi irritatedly replied, "I know dad. You don't have to remind me."

"And it has also been 20 years of not being able to face the sun." Ren held Yoshi's hands and continued speaking. "Your mother and I are very sorry that we had given birth to you like that Yoshi." His voice was shaking and a tear dropped in his eye.

As Yoshi saw his father crying his eyes had also begun to moist.

Ren wiped his tears, "But finally, today is the day that you are able to face the sun head on." he looked at the opened door and yelled loudly, "Bring it inside boys!"

As soon as he said those words. A couple of men carrying a heavy metallic thing that is shaped like a capsule entered the room. After placing it safely in the room they left quickly.

Ren stood up beside the thing that had just entered and he placed his hands on it, "Last month, I finally succeeded in creating the full-dive VR capsule and with the help of my other friends we had also made the perfect VRMMORPG Second Life Online." He said with a proud face.

"With this thing, you can now live without hiding in the shades. Although, it is still in the game." His voice trembled and softened in his last words. He paused for a second and then continued, "Do you like it?"

"Are you kidding me!? Of course, I like it. No, I love it dad!" Yoshi replied with a very big grin on his face. He then rushed to his dad and hugged him tightly. "Thanks dad."

Ren, surprised about Yoshi hugging him, hugged him back. It lasted for quite a while.

Ren had finally broken the silence, "I know it's an emotional day but if this would last for a lot longer, you would be late to the game." He broke out of the hug, "In a couple of minutes, the servers would be officially online. Now, go on and have a fun time gaming."

Ren plugged the wire and opened the VR capsule's door. Yoshi slowly sat down inside the capsule and he said his last words to his father before playing.

"Thanks again dad. I love you."

"I love you too Yoshi." Ren replied lovingly and slowly closed the VR capsule's door.

Yoshi then grabbed the helmet and wore it on his head.

[New player detected, scanning body mechanics…] An AI voice spoke out.

A light flickered up and down on my face to his toes for a minute and it faded.

[Scanning complete… Yoshi Blakely, no account detected. Would you like to create one?...]

"Yes please." Yoshi replied.

[Account creation complete… Games playable, Second Life Online. Do you want to play?]


[As the game loads I just have little words of precautions to player Yoshi Blakely. For starters, I request that you remain calm at all times and to always close your eyes as the light could potentially blind you. Thank you for listening… Loading complete, Second Life Online downloaded, ready to be played…]

As she said those last words, I tightly closed my eyes. Seconds later, I felt like my body was floating in the air. It was comfortable until I fell from the sky, it felt like my soul was separating from my body, then I finally touched the ground in a place that I don't know.

A voice suddenly rang in my head, [Welcome otherworlder to the land of the Gods.]