Chapter 4 - Wild Rabbits

Lynch and I had decided to part ways for now to hunt ourselves some one-horned rabbits and just meet up at at this exact place when he have finished our quest.

After seeing him gone to the wild to look for rabbits, I also went out.

Suddenly, the bushes rusted. And a rabbit appeared.

[One-horned rabbit

Lvl 3

HP: 30/30]

I slowly approached it without being noticed. When I was close enough, I tightly gripped my short sword.

Before the rabbit had noticed me, I quickly swung my sword as I shouted the only active skill that I have.

"Heavy strike!"

My sword had struck its body.


The one-horned rabbit shrieked as its health was reduced.

[HP: 20/30]

It had finally noticed my presence. Its eyes which were color black earlier had changed into a dark red. It looked straight at me and he jumped backwards and quickly thrusted itself in my direction while pointing its sharp horn. But, I was barely able to dodge it as I side stepped.

When the one-horned rabbit's attack missed. I quickly attacked him again, but this time, I thrusted my sword to its head while holding it with both hands.

Critical hit


[HP: 0/30]

The sword pierced its head and the rabbit let out a screech with its last breath.

"Critical hit, was it because I striked it at its vital point?" I blurted out.

The one-horned rabbit turned into pixels and items were dropped. There laid three items.

One-horned rabbit mana stone

One-horned rabbit's hide

One-horned rabbit's meat

One-horned rabbit's horn

I picked them all up and placed them in my inventory. I closed the inventory window and opened the status window.


Level: 2

HP: 60/60

MP: 30/30

EXP: 10/20

SP: 20

STR: 0

INT: 0

AGI: 5

DEX: 0

MEN: 0


Passive skills

Lvl 1. Persistent Runner

Active skills

Lvl 1. Heavy strike


Head - None

Armor - Beginner shirt

Pants - Beginner long pant

Boots - Beginner sandal

Weapon - Short sword

"10 experience points for a kill of a one-horned rabbit. Another one, and I would level up again." I murmured to myself.

I closed the window and decided to look for another one-horned rabbit, "Great, 9 more to go!"

As I said this, another one-horned rabbit had appeared. 'Lucky' I thought.

Once again, I gripped my short sword and thrusted to the head of the rabbit. But, it noticed me and dodge my attack and at that moment, it positioned itself and thrusted itself to me. The sharp horn of the one-horned rabbit striked my body.

As I was hit by its horn, I felt a small pain where it hit me. And a small portion of my health was reduced.


[HP: 54/60]

I was in disbelief, 'Wow, I couldn't believe I was hit by a small monster. I really underestimated it."

I positioned myself and gripped the sword as tight as I could. I waited for the one-horned bunny to attack again and it did. I dodged to its blind spot and tried to thrust my sword again aiming at its head.

This time, it was a success. The sword had pierced on its head and it let out a loud screech.

Critical hit -30


Once again, the one-horned rabbit dropped items as it had pixelated. But this time, it had not dropped a mana stone but still I picked it up and placed it in my inventory.

Suddenly his body shined brightly and he felt that energy bursted in him.

A notification appeared

[Level up 2 - 3]

[SP + 10]

He then opened his status.


Level: 3

HP: 70/70

MP: 35/35

EXP: 0/30

SP: 30

STR: 0

INT: 0

AGI: 5

DEX: 0

MEN: 0


Passive skills

Lvl 1. Persistent Runner

Active skills

Lvl 1. Heavy strike


Head - None

Armor - Beginner shirt

Pants - Beginner long pant

Boots - Beginner sandal

Weapon - Short sword

As he read it, he also noticed that his health was full again. Earlier when he faced a one-horned rabbit his HP was reduced a little. He was planning on just resting to see if his HP would go up again but it was fully healed so he wanted to hunt again.

A rabbit had appeared and he rushed to it.


Finally, after 20 minutes of roaming around the place and defeating every one-horned rabbit that appears. He had defeated 10 of them and collected 8 of its mana stones. Yoshi decided to return to the place that Lynch and him promised to meet up after achieving our goals.

As Yoshi was walking to the place, he opened my inventory and checked his loot.


8 One-horned rabbit's mana stone

7 One-horned rabbit's hide

10 One-horned rabbit's horn

4 One-horned rabbit's meat]

As he was reading it he had thought about selling all the items at the village money. "What a fruitful harvest." he said with a big grin on his face. Then he finally closed the window and opened his status screen.


Level: 5

HP: 90/90

MP: 45/45

EXP: 10/50

SP: 50

STR: 0

INT: 0

AGI: 5

DEX: 0

MEN: 0


Passive skills

Lvl 1. Persistent Runner

Active skills

Lvl 1. Heavy strike


Head - None

Armor - Beginner shirt

Pants - Beginner long pant

Boots - Beginner sandals

Weapon - Short sword

As he was close to the place he decided to close the screen.

He had finally arrived at the promised place but to his dismay, Lynch was nowhere to be found. He waited for him for a couple of minutes but still no sign of him. In the end, he roamed around the field to look for him as he grew worried.

He had walked quite a long way and still no sign of Lynch found, he was planning on going back when suddenly a one-horned rabbit appeared.

He quickly grabbed the sword from his waist and unsheathed it. He rushly approached it.

But then when he was finally close to it, a herd of one-horned rabbits appeared out of the bush. 10 of them appeared out of the bush.

He abruptly stopped himself but it was too late, the one-horned rabbits had noticed him. All of them rushed quickly to him and Yoshi started running.

Yoshi quickly ran as fast as he could without looking back. 10 seconds later he was feeling tired and was running out of stamina and any second now, his legs would give out.

Suddenly a notification appeared.

[Lvl 1. Persistent Runner activated] The passive skill he had activated on its own.

'Just right in time.' Is what he had thought. His tired body was bursting with energy.

He looked back to check if the rabbits had finally left him. But, as he was running as fast as he could, the rabbits were also catching up to his speed.

He panicked as he thought of dying mercilessly with these cute looking monsters. He opened his inventory to check if there is anything that can help him, but anything stored in it was just unhelpful. He freaked out much more.

He closed the inventory screen and opened his status screen, as he was reading it an idea just came out on him.

He shouted, "15 points to STR!"

[15 Status points are allocated to STR]

As the system had said this, a surge of strength had flowed inside his body. He felt that he could actually defeat all ten of them.

He halted and then he faced the rabbits. The rabbits did the same thing and then one of them jumped to him and he had successfully dodged it.

As he tried piercing his sword to the rabbit he prayed that a critical would show up. And it was an insta-kill.

Critical hit -30

He was overjoyed that he had killed one. But it didn't last long, because another one had thrusted to him.


Yoshi's HP was reduced. A slight pain had erupt as he was attacked by the rabbit.

Another rabbit propelled itself to Yoshi, he was too late to try dodging so he only raised his sword.


His sword and the horn of the one-horned rabbit made a sound as they clashed.

Yoshi swung his sword to deflect and push the rabbit. The rabbit had been pushed to another rabbit and he quickly took advantage of it.

He gripped his sword tightly and he pierced the sword.

Critical hit -30

Critical hit -30

He had killed two of the rabbits at the same time.

He was growing tired. Yoshi is heavily panting from running around and fighting. But, he still stood stall.

Another rabbit thrusted to him. But, he was so tired that he wasn't able to dodge it or defend. The rabbit had pushed him to the ground. And another one approached him and pierced his body. And the remaining 5 of the rabbits rushed to him and started poking him with their horns.








[HP: 41/90]

His HP was slowly being reduced and half of it was already gone. He closed his eyes and just accepted his incoming death.

'What kind of embarrassment is this?' He thought to himself while chuckling.

But then at that moment he shouted loudly, "LIKE HELL I'M GOING TO DIE LIKE THIS!"

He started groping the ground, he was looking for his sword but to no avail he couldn't find it. He searched the ground and he felt something. He grabbed it by his hand and he firmly held it and then he hit one of the rabbits head with it while activating his skill.

"Heavy strike!"

The rabbit he received the hit with the stone died. While the other rabbits were only flown away.

At that moment, a notification popped up out of nowhere.

[Level up 5 - 6]

[SP + 10]

His body shined brightly and energy surged inside his body.

Yoshi stood up and grabbed the sword.

"10 status points to AGI and 5 to STR"

[10 status points allocated to AGI… 5 status points allocated to STR]

As the system finished allocating status points. He ran forward and swung his sword sideways.




Three out of the 6 one-horned rabbits were hit by the strike. He rushed to the other rabbit and kicked it. The rabbit squeaked.

Then he followed up with a thrust aiming at the rabbit's head.

Critical -30

The rabbit had died.

One of the rabbits jumped to strike him but then he dodged it and smacked the head with his sword.

Critical -30

The rabbit died. Only 4 rabbits left.

Yoshi staggered a little bit when he tried to position himself because of the accumulated tiredness. At that moment, all of the rabbits jumped and thrusted their horns at him.

He swung his sword sideways, "Just die all of you! Heavy strike!"

All of the rabbits were hit by the strike he just did. The three of the rabbits died. And only one was left squeaking in pain.

Yoshi approached the one-horned rabbit and stepped on its body with his foot. The rabbit squeaked loudly. Then he raised his sword up in the sky and pierced it in its head.

Critical hit

[HP: 0/30]

The one-horned rabbit pixelated. At that moment, Yoshi's tiredness took over his body and he just fell to the ground.

[Level up 6 - 7]


Suddenly a notification appeared.

[You have attained an Achievement]