"Good evening Mum"
(Busy ironing)"Oh Michelle it's you. Didn't I call you a while ago, why did you waist time to answer?"
"Am sorry I was with Naomi "
"Don't do that again, if you are being called you should answer right away. Do I make myself clear "
"Yes mum"
"I am sure you know why I called you "
(pretending)"No mom, you want me to help you with something "
"I didn't call you to help me neither to joke with you. Why did you do it?"
"Mum am sorry it was a mistake, I was just playing with my friends. I didn't see the prince coming "
"That's not what am asking you of my dear and about that, I know you didn't do it"
"No I was the one that did it "
"Michelle am your mother, I know you very well. If you are lying I will know "
"Mum I didn't want to lie I promise but Naomi was really afraid, I just wanted to help her"
(smiles)"it's good to help others but it doesn't mean you should harm yourself while you help people. What if the king had punished you, what would have happened and the only thing Naomi will say is sorry "
(Michelle puts her face down)
"I'm not trying to say that Naomi is a bad friend, noo she is a good friend of yours and you both care for each other. still you need to be careful with the way you try to help others so that it doesn't cost you something that is bad'
"Yes ma, thank you so much for not being angry. I thought you were going to be mad at me for lying "
"Well you only lied to save your friend from trouble, but it doesn't mean am encouraging you to lie, okay?"
Yes mum(Hugs her mum)
"But am a little mad at you "
"Is it about what happened in the Court room "
"Yes why did you speak rudely to the queen"
"I wasn't rude, I don't know if I was rude but I felt bad about what she said that's why I replied that way "
(while folding the clothes)"What did she say that made you feel bad"
"I know we are servants here but I don't like it when she always put it as if we are worthless people "
(laughs)"She is the queen my dear, we can't go against her or challenge her"
"Mum I wasn't challenging her at all. I only told the king that my father would have been alive if he didn't push him to commit a crime "
(Drops the clothes)"What are you trying to say?"
"I'm trying to say that, that
(holds Michelle by the arm)That what!
"That the king had a hand in my father's death"
(slaps her)"Don't you ever say that again, it shouldn't come out of your mouth"
(crying)"Why,why did you slap me. it's not like am lying and you know its the truth "
"Hush! Keep quiet, your becoming rude nowadays "
(sobbing)"Am not rude"
"Who told you this "
" Nobody told me "
"Tell me who told you this!"
"Michael, he told me "
"Micheal! "
"Yes mum"
"Come to the room right now "
"Yes mum you are calling me "
"Close the door "
(He closes the door)
"Michelle said you told her that your dad died because of the King. Is that true?"
(Looks at Michelle)" Yes ma"
"See, let me warn both of you, never mention it again, whether in the palace or outside the palace. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes ma"
"Michelle (wiping her tears away)am sorry for hitting you. I just don't want anything to happen to you, you know I love so much. The King and Queen did us good by allowing us to live in the palace, because of that you are alive and healthy. You can eat properly and go to school, you shouldn't take it for granted. You know if they want they can take everything from us and we won't do anything about it, Do you understand my love "
"Yes mum "
"Alright come lets hug(They hug) am sorry for hitting you (kisses her forehead).
Have you studied today?
"No I haven't"
"Alright go to the garden and study"
"Yes mum"(she takes her book and leaves the room)
"Michael what you did was wrong"
"I'm sorry, I should not have told her, but you didn't have to slap her"
"If I don't stop her from having that thought on her mind she might still continue questioning the king about it, you know how she can be. She is very adamant "
"Yes that is true "
"Your father is dead, so lets the past be dead and forgotten for our own good. We just have to move on already, it's been ten years since the incident occured "
"Okay mum I understand your point, can I leave now I was busy with something before you called "
Yes, yes you can go now"
"Okay I will see you tonight"
"Alright, come on time"
"Yes mum"(He walks out)
(Breaths) "Thank God the king didn't take what Michelle said to heart "(Buries her face with her hands)