Chapter 6: Don't Touch My Possession!


The loud hail from the castle guard resonated as a vibrant echo within those giant walls as Xanthus walked through the gatehouse, leading inside the royal castle.

Looking divinely gorgeous, decked in pure white well-embellished tunic and premium quality leather breeches, his boots tapped aloud with every single step he took ahead. His bright red silk cape embroidered with gold lace drifted with the mild spring breeze, making his entry significant in the royal castle.

All the servants, guards, and military officials surrounding him bowed their heads to offer their respect to their mighty Alpha. Though, Xanthus didn't bother to glance at any of them and retained a cold expression, devoid of any smile as he moved forward, followed by Randall from behind.

However, on his right arm, he was still clenching his hold on that plain, cotton red scarf from Noah, showing no intention to let it go.

But before he could enter the Great Hall, all of a sudden his footsteps halted as he noticed a tall, middle-aged sturdy man standing in front of him, blocking his way ahead. Decked up in royal attire, the man had long, slick black hairs flaunting down his broad shoulders. Despite his radiant handsome looks, an ice-cold glare was prominent in his brown eyes at them.

However, a small, cryptic smirk appeared on Xanthus's face as he uttered, "Were you looking for me, Minister Aldrin?"

Facing his vague reaction, the ice-cold glare grew prominent in his eyes as the man tried to force a smile, "Accept my greetings, Crown Prince. And yes, your assumption is correct too." His voice sounded a bit hoarse.

Xanthus offered another vague smirk at him as he retaliated, "Aren't you busy enough with your duties, rather than looking out for me?"

His sarcastic response further made an irked expression apparent on him as Aldrin grumbled back, "Your grace, I have been busy enough with my royal duties, yet, you still never skip a chance to make us worried for you. May I know where did you disappear in the early morning?"

Hearing his curt question, Xanthus squinted his golden eyes, as he looked a bit bothered by him. He cleared his throat and uttered aloud, "Am I obliged to tell you about my whereabouts? I took Randall with me."

"That's exactly my point, Your grace." Aldrin scoffed his cold response, scooting another glare at Randall who was standing behind him. "I bet you must have gone outside the castle, but at least you should have taken a few more guards with you! You are not only our alpha but the future of our kingdom! Have you not realized that there are countless evil eyes drawn towards you?"


"Minister Aldrin is right in this matter, brother Xanthus."

Suddenly, all of them flinched a little with the interruption of a deep-pitched, hefty masculine voice that made them turn their neck around to have a glance at the person.

Just a few feet apart from them, a tall, young, ethereal handsome man with pearl white skin, dark hazel brown eyes, and dazzling smooth silver hairs crowded over his forehead stood still, holding a majestic posture. He was equally dressed in silver white royal attire, similar to Xanthus, with a bluish long cape pinned over his pearl embellished tunic.

Immediately at the person's arrival, both Aldrin and Randall respectfully bowed their heads down to offer their respects to him. Whereas, Xanthus stayed still, with a cold expression on his face and his golden eyes glued on him.

"Accept our greetings, Prince Illay." Both of them chanted together.

However, holding a cold yet stiff look on his face, Illay quietly walked a few steps closer to reach Xanthus. Meeting his golden eyes, he asserted again, "Brother Xanthus, you should stop making others fret about you. Your sudden disappearance in the morning made everyone worried in the castle, do you realize that?"

A frigid, irked smile crafted on Xanthus's face as he retorted in a hefty voice, gazing deep into him, "I didn't want your interference in our conversation, Illay. Neither do I ever ask for your opinion?"

"But as the second prince of the main castle, I have my right to suggest my opinion, and I don't think it's wrong," Illay answered back in a low voice, without averting his deep gaze from him.

However, both Aldrin and Randall could sense a sudden intensifying tension budding in between those two princes as they exchanged glares at each other.

To stop the situation from getting further worse, Randall immediately stepped in as he tried to defend him, "Prince Illay, I was mindful to be together with Prince Xanthus all the time. He just went to the Lake Blues to have a bath, that's all. We didn't encounter any accidents or mishaps on our way back here."

"Huh?" A cryptic small smirk appeared on his red lips as Illay scoffed his response, "To take a bath out there? That's ridiculous. Did our castle run out of water? Or did our Crown Prince want to explore the adventure of bathing out in wild woods?"

His tone which sounded more like a taunt irked Xanthus's temper a bit as he retained a vexed glare at him. Walking a step closer, he grumbled, "Why do you sound as if you care about me, Illay?"

"Of course I do! We all do!" Illay bluntly objected, protruding an annoyed gaze at him. "Your sudden disappearance made everyone worried here. Both Father and Mother were concerned too. Yet, why do you not even realize it?"

Hearing his ardent words, suddenly, a sad smile curved on his face as Xanthus marched a few steps closer to him. Standing in front, he leaned his head a bit closer and whispered in his ears in a low, heavy voice, "Illay, you should stop putting up with this fake act of concern before others. I know it very well, deep inside, how much you have always despised me."

As soon as he spoke, Xanthus retreated a step away from him while the facial expression on Illay's face grew denser. Cold, vague darkness prevailed in his hazel eyes as he continued gawking at him without uttering any word back. However, a sudden sight diverted his attention for a second.

"What's this?" He groped that red scarf on his arm which had piqued his curiosity a little. "Why are you holding this lowly cotton scarf? Where did you find it--"


All of a sudden, Xanthus immediately shoved his hand away from the scarf, darting a furious glare in his golden eyes. His sudden loud rumble startled everyone present there as it was the very first time, they saw him reacting in such a manner towards any lowly stuff.

"Don't ever touch my possession without my permission! It's an Alpha's command!" Swirling his irked, rolled eyes, Xanthus declared his loud threat towards him.

Whereas baffled at his unusual reaction, Illay's face grew a bit dim as he rolled another glance at the scarf again. Watching him clench it tighter, he exhaled a sigh and murmured, "Okay, I won't touch it. But, why are you being possessive of just a scarf? that's unlike of you---"

"Umm, pardon my intrusion, but Prince Xanthus, Your Majesty wanted me to take you to him once you come back. So, can you please follow me?" Before Illay could complete his sentence, Aldrin intervened in an anxious tone, asking him to accompany him.

Without any further words spoken, Xanthus walked away from the spot, followed by Aldrin behind him. His vexed rage was evident from his body gestures even though he didn't speak any word further, which left both Illay and Randall curious.

As soon as they left, Illay tossed his glance towards Randall but before he could ask any word, he confessed, "Prince Illay, please don't ask me anything about that scarf. I don't know where did he found it...but he is being persistent about letting it go. It's the first time I am seeing Prince Xanthus so protective over something."

Illay frowned his brows, holding a curious yet obscure look rolled in his hazel eyes. Peering a blank gaze ahead, he wondered on his own, 'This is strange. He never bothered to touch any low-quality stuff, yet, he was clenching it so tight all along? Why does it seem he is hiding something from us about today?'