CHAPTER 63: I Will Make A Use Of Him!

It took him a few minutes to process the scenario happening to him that triggered his inner turmoils. Clenching his arm tight, his fearful voice crooked a little as he mumbled, "Pardon me M-Master…but…H-His Grace has forbidden me to step out of the castle w-without his permission."

"I know." A cold, calm response came from Randall as he saw him crossing his broad arms and standing ahead of him like a giant mountain.

'He knows? Then why the fuck is he asking me to leave?' Confused at his answer, Noah stared blankly at him as he thought.

Holding an unfazed grimace, Randall carefully observed his bewildered reaction as he squinted his orbs, "How foolish of you to think that I won't know about such a thing before coming to you! Right now, His Grace is a bit exhausted and possibly won't leave his room before morning.

"Yet still, I will keep a close watch on the situation so make sure to get out of here quick."