Chapter 181: Read your eyes!

When he finished addressing his words, Noah seemed slightly nervous to lift up his arm. Moving a step closer, he gently placed his palm on Illay's head and tenderly caressed his shimmering soft silver-white hair, as a means of comforting him!

His action left everyone baffled including Xanthus who wadded his golden orbs bigger, making a jealous-stricken grumpy face at them. Not to mention, Randall also stared at them in awe, anxiously wondering what was Noah intending to do.

Even when Illay was taken aback by his gesture, he endured his confusion for a brief moment and then asked Noah, "W-What are you doing kitty?"

"Well fought today, Your Grace." Patting his head softly a few times more, Noah lifted his hand down and offered a warm smile as he gazed at him, "I just wanted to comfort you, even if it's a little on my behalf, Your Royal Grace."